
时间:2025-02-16 15:48:04编辑:流行君

小猪佩奇英文版第一季 英文原版台词

小猪佩奇英文版第一季 英文原版台词如下:Muddy Puddles.I'm Peppa Pig.This is my Iittle brother,George.This is Mummy Pig.And this is Daddy Pig.Peppa pig.It is raining today.So,Peppa and GeorgeCannot play outside.Daddy, it's stopped raining.Can we go out to play?Alright,run along you two.Peppa loves jumping in muddy puddles.I love muddy puddles.Peppa. If you jump in muddy puddles,you must wear your boots.Sorry,Mummy.George likes to jumpin muddy puddles,too.George. If you jump in muddy puddles,you must wear your boots.Peppa likes to look afterher little brother,George.George,let's find some more puddles.


《小猪佩奇》英文版台词如下:1、I'm Peppa Pig.我是佩奇。2、This is Mummy Pig.这是我的妈妈。3、And this is Daddy Pig.这是我的爸爸。《小猪佩奇英文版》百度网盘高清免费资源在线观看 链接:https://pan.baidu.com/s/1_VstvH3HIZWjA0CjRBhmIQ?pwd=4kew 提取码:4kew   佩奇(海莉·博德 Harley Bird 配音)是一只可爱的粉红色小猪,她有一个名叫乔治(Oliver May 配音)的弟弟,乔治不喜欢吃蔬菜,最喜欢的东西是巧克力蛋糕和恐龙。猪爸爸(理查德莱丁斯 Richard Ridings 配音)有着一个胖胖的大肚子,在一家绘图公司上班,他的上司兔先生(布耐恩·布莱塞得 Brian Blessed 饰)的女儿和佩奇同在一间幼儿园上学。


小猪佩奇的英文为Peppa Pig。《小猪佩奇》是由英国人阿斯特利(Astley)、贝克(Baker)、戴维斯(Davis)创作、导演和制作的一部英国学前电视动画片,故事围绕小猪佩奇与家人的愉快经历,幽默而有趣,藉此宣扬传统家庭观念与友情,鼓励小朋友们体验生活。相关人物英文:佩奇:Peppa乔治:George猪妈妈:Mummy Pig猪爸爸:Daddy Pig猪姥爷:Grandpa Pig猪姥姥:Granny Pig《小猪佩奇》每集长度约5分钟,故事围绕一只名叫佩奇的拟人化猪女孩以及她的家庭和朋友。她的朋友都是不同种类的哺乳类动物,如猫、狗、兔等,而且都跟她同龄。而她弟弟乔治也有另一群与他同龄的朋友。故事内容多数环绕日常生活,比如小孩们参加学前游戏班、游泳、探访祖父母和表亲、在游乐场玩耍、踏单车等等。《小猪佩奇》于2004年5月31日发行首播后,其动画片已于全球180个地区播放,极简的动画风格,幽默的对话语调,深具教育意义的故事情节,不仅能让学龄前儿童学习知识,更能让小朋友们从小养成良好的生活习惯体验生活,深受全球各地小朋友们以及其家长们的喜爱。


小猪佩奇英语是Peppa Pig。例句:1、eOne将和广州动画玩具公司Alpha Group Co联手,进一步打开中国市场,提高《小猪佩奇》在国内的知名度。The company will cooperate with a Guangzhou-based animation and toy company Alpha Group Co to further expand its Chinese market and improve the popularity of the brand in the country. 2、2015年,《小猪佩奇》登上CCTV,很快成为中国儿童喜爱的动画节目。Debuted on China Central Television in 2015, the country's national broadcaster, the animated show soon became popular among Chinese children. 3、《小猪佩奇》动画制作方英国公司Entertainment One(简称eOne)宣布将在2019年在中国建造《小猪佩奇》主题公园,同时开启为期三年的主题巡演。Entertainment One ( eOne), the copyright holder of the popular UK animated television show Peppa Pig, announced that it planned to open a new theme park in China by 2019 alongside launching a three-year Peppa Pig touring performance. 4、《小猪佩奇过新年》计划2019年2月5日在中国的春节档上映。Peppa Celebrates Chinese New Year, is scheduled for release in China on February 5, 2019. 5、eOne和阿里影业将联手制作一部《小猪佩奇》电影,这部电影将在中国获得首映式的特许经营权。eOne and Alibaba are teaming up to coproduce a Peppa Pig movie, which will get a franchise-first theatrical release in China.

上一篇:皮克斯动画短片合集1 电影
