
时间:2025-01-21 01:00:52编辑:流行君


Chapter 01 Part 1-The boy who lived 大难不死的男孩

Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone. by J K Rowling

哈利波特与魔法石J K- Rowling著



Mr. and Mrs. Dursley, of number four, Privet Drive, were proud to say that they were perfectly normal, thank you very much.


They were the last people you'd expect to be involved in anything strange or mysterious, because they just didn't hold with such nonsense.


Mr. Dursley was the director of a firm called Grunnings, which made drills.


He was a big, beefy man with hardly any neck, although he did have a very large moustache.


Mrs. Dursley was thin and blonde and had nearly twice the usual amount of neck, which came in very useful as she spent so much of her time craning over garden fences, spying on the neighbours.

德思礼太太是一个瘦削的金发女人。她的脖子几乎比正常人长一倍。这样每当她花许多时间隔着花园围栏引 颈而望、窥探左邻右舍时,她的长脖子可就派上了大用场。

The Dursleys had a small son called Dudley and in their opinion there was no finer boy anywhere.


The Dursleys had everything they wanted, but they also had a secret, and their greatest fear was that somebody would discover it.

德思礼一家几乎有他们想要的一切东西。但是他们也有一个秘密,而且他们最大的担心就是有一天别人会发 现这个秘密。

They didnft think they could bear it if anyone found out about the Potters. 他们想,一旦有人发现波特一家的事,他们会承受不住的。

Mrs. Potter was Mrs. Dursley's sister, but they hadn't met for several years. 波特太太是德思礼太太的妹妹,不过她们已经有好几年不见面了。

In fact, Mrs. Dursley pretended she didn't have a sister, because her sister and her good-for-nothing husband were as unDursleyish as it was possible to be.

实际上,德思礼太太佯装自己根本没有这么个妹妹,因为她妹妹和她那一无是处的妹夫与德思礼家族的为人 处世完全不一样。

The Dursleys shuddered to think what the neighbours would say if the Potters arrived in the street.


The Dursleys knew that the Potters had a small son, too, but they had never seen him. 德思礼一家知道波特家也有一个儿子,只是未曾谋面。

This boy was another good reason for keeping the Potters away; they didn't want Dudley mixing with a child like that.


When Mr. and Mrs. Dursley woke up on the dull, grey Tuesday, our story starts, there was nothing about the cloudy sky outside to suggest that strange and mysterious things would soon be happening all over the country.

当德思礼先生和夫人在灰暗阴沉的星期二早晨醒来时,我们的故事便开始了。外面浓云低垂的天空并没有丝 毫迹象预示这地方即将发生神秘古怪的事情。

Mr Dursley hummed as he picked out his most boring tie for work and Mrs Dursley gossiped away happily as she wrestled a screaming Dudley into his highchair. 德思礼先生一边哼着小曲一边挑了一条他最难看的领带准备去上班,德思礼夫人则一边口中念叨着一边把叫 喊的达力塞进高椅子。

None of them noticed a large tawny owl flutter past the window.


At half-past eight, Mr Dursley picked up his briefcase, pecked Mrs Dursley on the cheek and tried to kiss Dudley goodbye but missed, because Dudley was now having a tantrum and throwing his cereal at the walls.

八点半,德思礼先生拿起公文包,在德思礼太太面颊上亲了一下,正要亲达力,跟这个小家伙道别,可是没 有亲成,小家伙正在发脾气,把麦片往墙上摔。

"Little tyke," chortled Mr. Dursley as he left the house.


He got into his car and backed out of number four's drive.


It was on the corner of the street that he noticed the first sign of something peculiar —a cat reading a map.


For a second, Mr. Dursley didn't realise what he had seen - then he jerked his head around to look again.


There was a tabby cat standing on the corner of Privet Drive, but there wasn't a map in sight.


What could you have been thinking of?


It must have been a trick of the light.


Mr. Dursley blinked and stared at the cat.


It stared back.


As Mr. Dursley drove around the corner and up the road, he watched the cat in his mirror.


It was now reading the sign that said Privet Drive -- no, looking at the sign; cats couldn't read maps or signs.


Mr. Dursley gave himself a little shake and put the cat out of his mind.


As he drove towards town he thought of nothing except a large order of drills he was hoping to get that day.


But on the edge of town, drills were driven out of his mind by something else. 就快要到镇上的时候,另一件事又把钻机的事从他脑海里赶走了。

As he sat in the usual morning traffic jam, he couldn't help noticing that there seemed to be a lot of strangely dressed people about. People in cloaks.


Mr. Dursley couldn't bear people who dressed in funny clothes — the get-ups you saw on young people!


He supposed this was some stupid new fashion.


He drummed his fingers on the steering wheel and his eyes fell on a huddle of these weirdos standing quite close by.


They were whispering excitedly together.


Mr. Dursley was enraged to see that a couple of them weren't young at all; why, that man had to be older than he was, and wearing an emerald-green cloak!

德思礼先生很生气,因为他发现他们中间有一対根本不年轻了,那个男的显得比他年龄还大,竟然还披着一 件翡翠绿的斗篷!

The nerve of him!


But then it struck Mr. Dursley that this was probably some silly stunt -- these people were obviously collecting for something... yes, that would be it.


The traffic moved on and a few minutes later, Mr. Dursley arrived in the Grunnings car park, his mind back on drills.


Mr. Dursley always sat with his back to the window in his office on the ninth floor. 德思礼先生在他+楼的办公室里,总是习惯背窗而坐。

If he hadn't, he might have found it harder to concentrate on drills that morning. 如果不是这样,他可能会发现这一天早上他更难把思想集中到钻机的事情上了。

He didn't see the owls swooping past in broad daylight, though people down in the street did; they pointed and gazed open- mouthed as owl after owl sped overhead. 他没有看见成群的猫头鹰在光天化日之下从天上飞过,可街上的人群都看到了;他们目瞪口呆,指指点点, 盯着猫头鹰一只接一只从头顶上掠过。

Most of them had never seen an owl even at nighttime.


Mr. Dursley, however, had a perfectly normal, owl-free morning.


He yelled at five different people.


He made several important telephone calls and shouted a bit more.


He was in a very good mood until lunch-time, when he thought he'd stretch his legs and walk across the road to buy himself a bun from the baker's opposite.

直到午饭时他的心情都很好,那时他想到自己应该活动活动筋骨了,于是走到到马路对角的面包房去买一只 小甜圆面包。

He'd forgotten all about the people in cloaks until he passed a group of them next to the baker's.


He eyed them angrily as he passed.


He didn't know why, but they made him uneasy.


This lot were whispering excitedly, too, and he couldnl see a single collecting tin. 这些人正喊喊喳喳,讲得起劲,但他连一只募捐箱也没有看见。

It was on his way back past them, clutching a large doughnut in a bag, that he caught a few words of what they were saying.


"The Potters, that's right, that's what I heard yes, their son, Harry."


Mr. Dursley stopped dead.


Fear flooded him.


He looked back at the whisperers as if he wanted to say something to them, but thought better of it.


He dashed back across the road, hurried up to his office, snapped at his secretary not to disturb him, seized his telephone, and had almost finished dialing his home number when he changed his mind.

他冲到马路对面,小跑回到办公室,厉声吩咐秘书不要打扰他,然后抓起话筒,刚要拨通家里的电话,临时 又变了主意。

He put the receiver back down and stroked his moustache, thinking... no, he was being stupid.

他放下话筒,摸着胡须,琢磨起来 .....不,他太愚蠢了。

Potter wasn't such an unusual name.


He was sure there were lots of people called Potter who had a son called Harry. 肯定有许多人姓波特,而且有儿子叫哈利。

Come to think of it, he wasn't even sure his nephew was called Harry.


He'd never even seen the boy.


It might have been Harvey. Or Harold.


There was no point in worrying Mrs. Dursley; she always got so upset at any mention of her sister.


He didn't blame her — if he'd had a sister like that... but all the same, those people in cloaks...

他并不责怪她--要是他自己有一个那样的妹妹呢……可不管怎么说,这群披斗篷的人 .....

He found it a lot harder to concentrate on drills that afternoon and when he left the building at five o'clock, he was still so worried that he walked straight into someone just outside the door.

那天下午,他发现自己很难专心考虑钻机的事。五点钟他走出办公室大楼,依旧心事重重,与站在门口的一 个人撞了个满怀。

' Sorry;' he grunted, as the tiny old man stumbled and almost fell.


It was a few seconds before Mr. Dursley realized that the man was wearing a violet cloak.


He didn't seem at all upset at being almost knocked to the ground.


On the contrary, his face split into a wide smile and he said in a squeaky voice that made passersby stare, "Don't be sorry, my dear sir, for nothing could upset me today! 相反,他咧开嘴笑,并且用一种让旁人侧目的尖嗓子说话,“您不用道歉,尊贵的先生,因为今天没有事会惹 我生气!

Rejoice, for You-Know-Who has gone at last!


Even Muggles like yourself should be celebrating, this happy, happy day!"


And the old man hugged Mr Dursley around the middle and walked off. 老头说完,搂了搂德思礼先生的腰,就走开了。

Mr. Dursley stood rooted to the spot.


He had been hugged by a complete stranger.


He also thought he had been called a Muggle, whatever that was.


He was rattled.


He hurried to his car and set off home, hoping he was imagining things, which he had never hoped before, because he didn't approve of imagination.

连忙朝自己的汽车跑过去,开车回家。他希望这一切只是幻象,他从来没有幻想过什么,因为他根本不赞同 幻想。

As he pulled into the driveway of number four, the first thing he saw - and it didn't improve his mood — was the tabby cat he'd spotted that morning.


It was now sitting on his garden wall.


He was sure it was the same one; it had the same markings around its eyes. 他可以肯定是同一只猫,因为它们的眼睛周围有着一样的花纹。

"Shoo!" said Mr. Dursley loudly.


The cat didn't move.


It just gave him a stern look.


Was this normal cat behaviour, Mr Dursley wondered.


Trying to pull himself together, he let himself into the house.


He was still determined not to mention anything to his wife.


Mrs. Dursley had had a nice, normal day.


She told him over dinner all about Mrs. Next Door's problems with her daughter and how Dudley had learnt a new word ('Shan't!')


Mr. Dursley tried to act normally.


When Dudley had been put to bed, he went into the living-room in time to catch the last report on the evening news:


"And finally, bird-watchers everywhere have reported that the nation's owls have been behaving very unusually today.


Although owls normally hunt at night and are hardly ever seen in daylight, there have been hundreds of sightings of these birds flying in every direction since sunrise.


Experts are unable to explain why the owls have suddenly changed their sleeping pattern."


The news reader allowed himself a grin. 新闻播音员说到这里,咧嘴一笑。

“Most mysterious. And now, over to Jim McGuffin with the weather. “真是太诡异了。现在我把话筒交给吉姆•麦古,问问他天气情况如何。

Going to be any more showers of owls tonight, Jim?




来自 gaohuo123


《哈利波特》百度网盘高清资源在线观看:链接: https://pan.baidu.com/s/1At2BtKT7rZmN-GyqLeYPhg?pwd=1234 提取码: 1234 《哈利·波特》(Harry Potter)是英国作家J.K.罗琳(J. K. Rowling)于1997~2007年所著的魔幻文学系列小说,共7部。其中前六部以霍格沃茨魔法学校(Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry)为主要舞台,描写的是主人公——年轻的巫师学生哈利·波特在霍格沃茨前后六年的学习生活和冒险故事;第七本描写的是哈利·波特在第二次魔法界大战中在外寻找魂器并消灭伏地魔的故事。截至2013年5月,“哈利·波特”系列丛书已经被翻译成73种语言,共卖出了超过5亿本。 [1] 英国版由布鲁姆斯伯里出版社(Bloomsbury)出版发行,美国引进后做过部分修正由美国学乐出版社(Scholastic)发行,简体中文版由中国人民文学出版社发行,繁体中文版由皇冠出版社出版。 [2] 美国华纳兄弟娱乐公司把这7集小说改拍成8部电影,前6集各一部,而第七集分成上下两部。哈利·波特电影系列是全球史上最卖座的电影系列,总票房收入达78亿美元。 [2]


  《哈姆雷特》讲述中世纪的丹麦宫廷中,丹麦王子哈姆雷特为父报仇的故事。下面是我给大家整理的哈利波特电影简介,供大家参阅!   哈利波特电影简介   《哈姆雷特》是由肯尼思·布拉纳执导,肯尼思·布拉纳、凯特·温斯莱特主演的剧情片。该片于1996年12月25日在美国上映。   该片由莎士比亚的同名悲剧改编,讲述中世纪的丹麦宫廷中,丹麦王子哈姆雷特为父报仇的故事。   哈利波特电影剧情简介   故事发生在19世纪的欧洲。丹麦王国城堡的露台上,几名值夜的士兵突遇老国王哈姆雷特的鬼魂,惊恐万分,他们把这个发现秘密地告诉了王子,哈姆雷特(肯尼思·布拉纳饰)决定去看个究竟。见到了父亲的鬼魂,知道皇叔克劳狄斯(德里克·雅各比饰)篡位娶嫂而毒害亲兄的真相后,哈姆雷特近乎疯狂,他一心想着复仇的计划。天生阴郁、犹豫不决的性格使哈姆雷特失去了报仇的良机,但随时要爆发的满腔仇恨,使他误杀了躲在帏幕后偷听他和王后谈话的大臣波罗纽斯。而深爱着王子的波罗纽斯的女儿奥菲莉亚(凯特·温斯莱特饰),在精神恍惚中不幸溺水身亡。克劳狄斯挑拨奥菲莉亚的哥哥莱尔提斯同哈姆雷特决斗,并欲用毒酒和毒剑杀死王子。哈姆雷特第一会合获胜,王后非常高兴,端起国王为哈姆雷特布下的毒酒喝了下去。决斗中,哈姆雷特中了对手的毒剑,但他夺过剑后又反戈一击。王后中毒死去,莱尔提斯也在生命的最后一刻揭露了克劳狄斯的阴谋,哈姆雷特挣扎着扑向克劳狄斯,杀死了他,自己也毒发身亡。   哈利波特电影幕后花絮   为了扮演格特鲁德,已经退休的朱莉·克里斯蒂决定复出。   凯特·温丝莱特没参加试镜就得到了奥菲莉娅的角色,因为她曾经出演肯尼思·布拉纳于1994年执导的电影《玛丽·雪莱的弗兰肯斯坦》,她的表演给布拉纳留下了深刻印象 。   为了感谢杰拉尔·德帕迪约对发行《战神亨利五世》的帮助,肯尼思·布拉纳请他在片中扮演了一个小角色 。   肯尼思·布拉纳15岁时第一次看到《哈姆雷特》,后来布拉纳逐渐出落成演员、制片人、编剧和导演,就希望将自己眼中的《哈姆雷特》搬上银幕 。   穿帮镜头   奥菲莉娅在被埋葬时仍在眨眼 。   哈利波特电影幕后制作   《哈姆雷特》的拍摄于1994年9月开始筹备,肯尼思·布拉纳和制片搭档大卫·拜伦及制作设计师蒂姆·哈维得到了城堡石娱乐公司的投资,该片耗资1800万美金 。   该片于1996年1月在伦敦开拍,前皇家戏剧艺术学院院长休·克鲁特维尔担当顾问,莎士比亚学院的副院长杰克逊协助布拉纳。   该片是英国25年来第一部用70mm宽银幕胶片拍摄的电影,在谢伯顿制片厂的五个摄影棚中拍摄完成,外景则完全取自牛津郡的布伦海姆庄园。   建造埃尔西诺城堡的主要内景共耗时3个月,占用了谢伯顿制片厂的两个摄影棚,全长超过了250英尺。由于两个摄影棚被连在了一起,所以布拉纳可以跟随人物的走动自由而连贯的拍摄,摄影棚的地板非常平整,这样摄影机就可以流畅的移动而不受颠簸的干扰。   华丽的大厅是影片中最大的室内布景,在单独的摄影棚中搭建完成,其中铺在地面的黑白相间的瓷砖全由手工制成,墙体上共镶嵌了30面镜子,为了便于拍摄,这些镜子都被装在可以随时调节的铰链上,以防在拍摄过程中映出摄影机和剧组人员。   剧组在布伦海姆庄园拍摄时,共动用了200吨人造雪,45位工人铺设的人造雪总面积180英亩。这些人造雪有12种。当拍摄完成之后,仅清除这些人造雪就用了3周时间,其中第一周就运走了100多吨。   哈利波特电影影片评价   正面评价   该片中演员的服饰是现代华丽的,同时基本没有改动场景和台词,成功地再现了莎士比亚的原著。该片内外景设计都保持19世纪斯堪的纳维亚的新古典主义风格,背景色彩是肃杀的冬季和皑皑白雪,似乎在洁净的外表下隐藏着罪恶与阴谋,也为悲剧的发展铺垫了阴冷的视觉色彩。导演布拉纳在片中大量使用了蒙太奇手法,在叙述过程中加入闪回的影像。这样就把莎士比亚戏剧的语言美和电影的视觉美完美地结合起来 。(徐州师范大学外国语学院院长邹惠玲评)   该片更符合当代观众的欣赏口味。由于选用流行明星、华丽场景等筹码使影片不再像旧版那样不注重节奏感,气氛也变得活跃了。在表现哈姆雷特癫狂的场面时,导演巧妙地运用了镜子的折射性。当画面中出现无数的镜子反射着哈姆雷特痛苦的身影时,给观众的视觉冲击力远远比前版本庸俗的床戏来得震撼。藉由该片,观众得以看透这个充满报复、背叛、欲望、野心的故事,而其中错综复杂的政治局面与哈姆雷特的疯狂心态,更值得细细玩味 。(《湖北日报》评)   负面评价   该片无论是在电影语言、还是在剧情诠释上都令人难以恭维。尽管观影时观众仍然会被莎士比亚的妙语妙句所吸引或再度震撼,但该片在电影叙事层面有大幅倒退 。(北京大学电影与文化研究中心主任戴锦华评)

