Ennio Morricone
Ennio Morricone大师1928年生于罗马,毕业于著名的圣切契里亚音乐学院,迄今为止已经参与制作了各国电影配乐作品400多部,是意大利最多产,最有建树的作曲家,虽然他一生仅仅获得过奥斯卡奖的区区几次提名,但是其他任何一位摘得金像的作曲家,在见到Ennio大师的时候都会毕恭毕敬的主动伸双手相握!
从1964年到1984年的这20年间,Ennio Morricone与意大利导演Sergio Leone共同在世界电影史上,写下了熠熠发光的一页.在他们2人合作的"赏金三部曲":(A Fistful of Dollars);(For A Few Dollars More);(The Good,The Bad and The Ugly)中,世界电影音乐史上首次出现了粗砺,潇洒的小号主题;空寂,辽远,漫不经心的口哨独奏;甩鞭声,由男声合唱出的戏谑音效;和加弱音器的小号怪诞,调侃的音色.令人耳目一新,给世界各地的观众留下了深刻的印象.
Ennio Morricone和Sergio Leone合作完成的"往事三部曲"更是人类电影史上不可超越的三座丰碑.无论是1972年的(Once Upon A Time: The Revolution);1984年的(Once Upon A Time In America);还是1968年的(Once Upon a Time in the West),全都饱含着Ennio大师无与伦比的美妙音乐,观众们很难忘记那动人心魄的排萧独奏;那凄厉哽咽,刺人心肺的口琴声;更难忘记那牵动着人类共有怀旧情结,仿佛飘过了无限时空的女高音无言哼唱...这些迷人的音色,流畅的旋律以及隽永的风格,对世界各国无数的影片产生了巨大影响.
Ennio Morricone也许是二十世纪最伟大、最多产的电影配乐大师。我们已经无法计算他创作了多少部电影的配乐,大概有差不多500部,几乎任何风格的电影都有他的创作足迹。所以当我们被他神奇的电影音乐所感染的时刻,让我们记住这个伟大的音乐家的名字–Ennio Morricone。
他创作的音乐风格极其多样化,种类可谓繁多至极,从古典、爵士到电子、摇滚都在他的音乐作品中有所体现,他曾因《天堂之日》(Days of Heaven)、《教会》(The Mission)、《铁面无私》 (The Untouchable)、《豪情四海》(Bugsy)、《真爱伴我行》(Malena)五次荣获奥斯卡原着音乐提名奖。
1.Playing Love
2.The Legend Of The Pianist On The Ocean
3.The Crisis
4.Peacherine Rag
5.A Goodbye To Friends
6.Study For Three Hands
7.Tarantella In 3rd Class
8.Enduring Movement
11.Thanks Danny
12.A Mozart Reincarnated
14.Magic Waltz
15.The Goodbye Between Nineteen Hundred And Max
16.Goodbye Duet
17.Nineteen Hundred's Madness No. 1
18.Danny’s Blues
19.Second Crisis
20.The Crave
21.Nocturne With No Moon
22.Before The End
23.Playing Love
24.Ships And Snow
25.Nineteen Hundred's Madness No. 2
26.I Can And Then
27.Silent Goodbye
28.5 Portraits
29.Lost Boys Calling
发行版音轨曲目 Re-release track listing
1.1900's Theme
2.The Legend Of The Pianis
3.The Crisis
4.The Crave
5.A Goodbye To Friends
6.Study For Three Hands
7.Playing Love 8.A Mozart Reincarnated 9.Child 10.1900's Madness 11.Danny's Blues 12.Second Crisis 13.Peacherine Rag 14.Nocturne With No Moon 15.Before The End 16.Playing Love 17.I Can And Then 18.1900's Madness 19.Silent Goodbye 20.Ships And Snow 21:Lost Boys Calling 片尾曲Lost Boys Calling? Roger Waters - Lost Boys Calling Music by Ennio Morricone Lyrics by Roger Waters Vocals by Roger Waters Guitar slols by Edward Van Halen Come hold me now I am not gone I would not leave you here alone In this dead calm beneath the waves
I can still hear those lost boys calling You could not speak You were afraid To take the risk of being left again And so you tipped your hat and waved and then You turned back up the gangway of that steel tomb again And in Mott street in July When I hear those seabirds cry I hold the child The child in the man The clild that we leave behind (Guitar slols by Edward Van Halen)
And in Mott street in July When I hear those seabirds cry I hold the child The child in the man The clild that we leave behind The spotlight fades The boys disband The final notes lie mute upon the sand And in the silence of the grave I can still hear those lost boys calling We left them there When they were young The men were gone until the west was won And now there's nothing left but time to kill You never took us fishing danny and now you never will And in Mott street in July When I hear the seabirds cry I hold the child The child in the man The child that we leave behind