埃因霍芬理工大学是荷兰一所著名的大学,规模在荷兰同类学校中排名第二,仅次于代尔夫特理工大学。以下是为大家整理并翻译的埃因霍芬理工大学交换项目介绍,希望对想去荷兰留学的学生有帮助。 一、Exchange programs 交换项目 Eindhoven University of Technology offers students from selected institutions the opportunity to study at one of the TU/e departments as an exchange student. The status of exchange student is a special category granted to students who participate in: 1.European Educational programs such as Erasmus and Science without Borders; 2.Exchange programs agreed by a TU/e Department with selected institutions; 3.Specific exchange programs agreed between the student's home country and the Netherlands. 埃因霍芬理工大学为选定的教育机构的学生提供在埃因霍芬理工大学学习的机会。交换生是一个特殊的学生类别,适用于参加以下项目的学生: 1.欧洲教育计划,如伊拉斯谟计划、科学无国界计划; 2.由埃因霍芬理工大学和选定机构达成的交换项目; 3.学生自己国家和荷兰达成的特定交换项目。 An exchange student remains enrolled at their home institution and spends between one semester and one academic year pursuing their studies at TU/e. The exchange period at TU/e may be free of charge, depending on agreements made in the specific exchange program. Students may choose to follow courses, write their thesis or conduct a research project or internship. This depends on agreements made with the TU/e department. 交换生可以在埃因霍芬理工大学学习一个学期或一年,其间学生的注册学校为自己国家的学校。交换生可以免除学费,这要视具体交换项目而定。学生可以在交换期间选修课程,写作论文,从事研究项目或实习。这取决于学生和埃因霍芬理工大学部门达成的协议。 Exchange students can transfer the credits they obtain at TU/e to their own degree through the European Credit Transfer System on the basis of a prior agreement (to be signed by the student, TU/e and the home institution) on the content of the TU/e study program. 根据达成的课程学习协议(由学生、埃因霍芬理工大学和学生原来所在的学校签订),交换生可以通过欧洲学分转换系统,将在埃因霍芬理工大学拿到的学分转入自己的学位。 二、Liberation Scholarship Program 解放奖学金计划 The Liberation Scholarship Program is offered by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Ministry of Education, Culture and Science of the Netherlands, EP-Nuffic, 23 Dutch higher education institutions and a select group of Dutch and Dutch-Canadian companies. It offers 70 scholarships to highly motivated students from Canada who would like to study in the Netherlands for three to twelve months and become part of the long-standing historic ties between the two countries, of which 5 scholarships are allocated to the Eindhoven University of Technology. 解放奖学金计划由荷兰的外交部、教育文化科学部、EP-Nuffic、荷兰23所高等教育机构、荷兰和荷兰-加拿大企业集团共同提供。解放奖学金计划有70项奖学金,适用于高度自我激励且有意在荷兰学习3到12个月、为两国建立长久历史纽带的加拿大学生。其中有五项奖学金被分配到埃因霍芬理工大学。 Application criteria 申请标准 1.You have Canadian citizenship. 2.You apply for a study period of between three and twelve months at one of the participating Dutch higher education institutions. 3.Your study period in the Netherlands needs to take place between 1 July and 31 December. 4.You can apply for a study period of max. 3 months only. 5.You meet the specific requirements of the institution of your choice. 有加拿大国籍 申请在参与的荷兰高等教育机构入学,学习期为3到12个月 学习期为7月1日至12月31日 最多可以申请三个月的学习期 满足申请机构的特定要求 Scholarship 奖学金 You will receive a one-off scholarship to cover international travel and initial costs for your stay in the Netherlands, which you will receive one month after the start of your study period in the Netherlands. 在荷兰学习一个月之后,学生会收到一次性的奖学金,涵盖旅费和在荷兰学习的先期费用。 三、How to apply 怎么申请 You can apply directly at one of the participating Dutch higher education institutions before 1 April. 可以在四月四日之前直接到参与的荷兰高等教育机构申请。 Students who want to apply for an exchange program at TU/e need to apply directly to the Erasmus and ECTS coordinator of the department where they want to study. This also applies to free movers. A list of the Erasmus and ECTS coordinators can be found here. 有意申请埃因霍芬理工大学交换项目的学生需要直接到部门的伊拉斯谟和ECTS协调人处申请。 The following items are needed for the application: 1.The TU/e application form, including Annex I to apply for housing, and Annex II NB Annex II can only be used by EER students. Non EER students have to submit an original IELTS test (minimum score of 6.5 on average and at least a 6.0 per section) or TOEFL test (minimum score 90 internet based with at least 21 per section) with the application documents; 2.Transcript of records from their home university detailing all the study components undertaken to date at the home university; 3.A copy of your passport; 4.A completed learning agreement. 申请需要以下材料: 1.埃因霍芬理工大学申请表,包括用于申请住宿的附件1和附件2.附件二只适用于 EER 学生。非EER 学生需要和申请文件一起,提交雅思成绩或托福成绩。雅思成绩最低6.5以上,单项分不能低于6.0;网络版托福成绩90分以上,单项分不能低于21。 2.截止申请时的大学成绩单 3.护照复印件 4.完整的学习协议 The application form needs to be signed by you and the ECTS coordinator of your home institution. Exchange programs normally take place within the framework of a bilateral agreement. Students, who apply as free movers and are accepted by the department, need to pay tuition fee to TU/e for the period they are studying at TU/e. 申请表需要学生和学生所在学校的 ECTS 协调人签字。交换项目通常在双边协议之下展开。申请自由移动者身份并被录取的学生,需要支付埃因霍芬理工大学学费。 Unless specified otherwise by the department, the application deadline for applications for the first semester (starting September) is 1 May, the application deadline for applications for the second semester (starting January/February) is 1 October. The department concerned will inform you of their admission decision. 除了院系有特别规定,第一学期(九月开学)的申请截止日期是五月一日,第二学期(一月或二月开学)的申请截止日期是十月一日。院系会通知你录取决定。 After completion of your period of study abroad at TU/e, your TU/e department will provide you with a transcript of records containing the study program components you followed at the TU/e, the number of credits and the grades. 完成埃因霍芬理工大学的交换学习之后,院系会给你提供成绩单,包括你在埃因霍芬理工大学学习的课程、学分和成绩。
荷兰是世界闻名的风车之国,人文气息浓厚,每年都吸引着来自世界各地的留学生。的我在这里为大家整理了荷兰埃因霍芬理工大学详细介绍,希望对大家有所帮助。 一、地理位置 埃因霍芬理工大学建立于1956年,是一所年轻而有活力的大学。该校坐落于荷兰南部的艾因霍芬市,该市是著名的电子工业巨人飞利浦公司的总部所在地。在过去的时间里,埃因霍芬市及地区发展成为了荷兰的高科技的中心。无数的中小型的电子、材料工程和通讯技术公司建立在这里。 二、学校历史 埃因霍芬理工大学(TU/e)创建于1956年,当时是一所理工专科学校,如今已经发展成为一所拥有8个院系的中等规模理工大学。设有11个本科专业、22个硕士专业以及11个2年制的硕士后专业。除此之外,该校的斯坦埃克曼学院还设有10个研究生技术设计专业,该校研究生院设有各种研究生课程。 三、校园环境 校园设施齐全、绿植丰富,有良好的书香氛围和年轻态气氛。各种校园活动与科研活动的展开可观校园发展的多元化气息。图书馆、餐厅、体育场馆等设施更是为学生的学业与生活创造了便利条件。