The Mynabirds, "Body Of Work"
Using an iPad, Meredith tells
Cristina about her nickname. Owen is nearby. Meredith and Jackson sit and watch
the interns...
Miss Li , "My Heart Goes Boom Boom"
Cristina watches Dr. Thomas' surery and talks on her iPad. Ben and Bailey
make out. Dr. Barnett introduces himself to Alex.
Prettyman, "My Oh My"
Alex catches up with Callie. Meredith watches
as Jo operates. Cristina and Dr. Thomas get gowned and gloved. Callie talks to
Mikky Ekko, "Feels Like The End"
A patient
is removed from life support.
Rilo Kiley, "Portions For
New interns catch up. They run into Bailey and Meredith.
One Two , "Without You "
Meredith spots Alex at the
gate. Owen runs through the airport. Ben joins Bailey, Richard and Jackson.
Derek and Callie sit by a patient's bed.
Michaelson, "Into You"
April guides a pig into a pen. Callie moves
from the couch to the bedroom. We see Arizona in bed. We see a video flashback
of Arizona…
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《实习医生格蕾第八季》是由美国广播电视台出品,托尼·戈德温执导,艾伦·旁派、帕特里克·德姆西、吴珊卓等主演的医疗电视剧。 这一季主要讲述了理查德·韦伯因为梅利迪斯的行为而辞职,亚历克斯也变成了医院里最不受欢迎的人,那么他们的命运又如何呢。该剧于2011年9月22日在美国播出。剧情简介梅利迪斯的不当行为将严重影响她的职业和她与德里克的关系。剧照剧照外科主任理查德·韦伯医生决定承担梅利迪斯的过错并引咎辞职,欧文·亨特医生成为新的外科主任。欧文的升职将为他和克里斯蒂娜的关系带来更多复杂性,而克里斯蒂娜在是否堕胎这个问题上犹豫不决。亚历克斯对梅利迪斯的所作所为令他变成医院里最不受欢迎的人。马克和莱克西的关系远没有结束,马克、莱克西和杰克森将继续保持事实上的笑气三角关系。杰克森试图追求整形外科职业,而那恰恰是马克的专长。一名新来的实习医生和美丽的女上司眉来眼去的……。