
时间:2024-08-30 06:08:33编辑:流行君


至于 [zhì yú]
(表示达到某种程度) go so far as to:
She wouldn't go so far as to refuse to attend school.


He wouldn't go so far as to refuse to come to the meeting, would he?


as for主题:初中高中课本上的单词汇总-初中高中单词表 ...for.对于;关于;在……方面;就……而言prep as for至于;关于 about.约摸;几乎adv ...


in the case of查看完整版本:大学词组 ...in no case 决不,无论如何不 in the case of 就…来说;至于 in this case 既然是这样 ...

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in so far as查看完整版本:大学词组 ...far from 远离,决不,完全不 in so far as (程度等)就…;至于 so far 迄今为止 ...

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as考博英语词组(1) ... as well 也...;和 as/so far as 就...而言;至于; 到...程度;在...范围内 ask after/for 问候,询问,探问/请求;找某人;要求 ...

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“就......方面来说,至于”的英文是:as far as,as for,as to。一、as far as例句:It only lasted a couple of years, as far as I know. 翻译:据我所知,它仅仅维持了两三年。二、as for例句:As for Laura and me, the colour of our skin has never mattered. 翻译:至于我和劳拉,肤色根本不是问题。三、as to例句:This gave me a clue as to the source of the problem. 翻译:这件事给我提供了找出问题根源的线索。扩展资料:重点词汇as的用法prep.(介词)1、as作“以…...的身份,以…...资格,作为,以…...角色”解时常与动词act,employ,function,serve,speak,work或形容词eminent,distinguished,famous,known,recognized,renowned等连用。2、as比较常用于as...as和the same...as两个句型。


  努力是很重要的,至于结果怎么样,就尽人事听天命把。下面就由我为大家带来关于至于的英语短语集锦,希望大家能有所收获。   关于至于的相关短语   至于 go so far as to;   至于 as for;   至于 as to;   至于 apropos of;   至于 as far as   至于 in regard to ; with regard to ;   至于甜食 for dessert   至于地点 As for the location ;   至于电视 As for TV ;   至于电脑 As regards computer ;   至于篮球 As for basketball ;   至于别人 As someone else   关于至于的相关短句或解释   She wouldn't go so far as to refuse to attend school.   她不至于不来上学。   He wouldn't go so far as to refuse to come to the meeting, would he?   他不至于不来开会吧?   关于至于的相关例句   1. Her hatred of them would never lead her to murder.   她虽说仇恨他们,但绝不至于去杀人。   2. As regards the war, Haig believed in victory at any price.   至于这场战争,黑格认为要不惜任何代价取得胜利。   3. In my case I chose that course which I considered right.   至于我呢,就选择了我认为正确的那条路线。   4. As for his job — well, he was very mysterious about it.   至于他的工作,他总是显得非常神秘,从不多说。   5. As for your father, he won't be mentioned in my will.   至于你父亲,我的遗嘱里不会提到他的名字。   6. As regards John, I will write to him at once.   至于约翰, 我会立即给他去信.   7. As regards Luther, I will write to him at once.   至于卢瑟, 我会立即给他去信.   8. Regarding John, I will write to him at once.   至于约翰, 我将立即给他写信.   9. To think that things should have come to such a pass!   事态之严重一至于此!   10. Trust to luck for the rest.   至于其他,就凭运气.   11. For my part, I don't care who wins.   至于我,谁赢我都不在乎.   12. I don't know what happened later on.   至于以后怎样,我就不知道了.   13. He is quite above telling a falsehood.   他绝不至于撒谎.   14. I always try to do my best.   至于工作,我总是竭尽全力地干.   15. As for Laura and me, the colour of our skin has never mattered.   至于我和劳拉,肤色根本不是问题。   关于至于的双语例句   威尔非常专心读书,以至于没有吃晚餐。   Will was so absorbed in reading that he went without his dinner.   至于那男孩的才智,多得他都用不完。   As to intelligence, the boy has more than he can possibly make use of.   至于你,我不想跟你打任何交道。   As for you, I refuse to have any dealings with you.   至于左派与右派,在宗教信仰上是否也壁垒分明?   Are the left and right so religiously cleaved?   至于要信任谁,你该更审慎些。   You ought to be more particular as to whom you trust.   至于他们的资信情况,是没有什么疑问的。   There is not any doubt as to their credit standing.   至于这项协议对于整个国家是否有利,就是另一回事了。   Whether it is a good deal for the country is another question.   至于虐待儿童的流行程度,目前尚无任何可靠的全球估计数。   There are no reliable global estimates for the prevalence of child maltreatment.   至于他的踪迹,我全然不知。   I was at a loss respecting his whereabouts.   以上是我整理所得,欢迎大家阅读和收藏。

