
时间:2024-08-29 16:05:21编辑:流行君


pair of后所接名词主要有以下特点:1. 由两部分构成的单件事物,如trousers(裤子),scissors(剪刀),glasses(眼镜)spectacles(一副眼镜),jeans(牛仔裤)等。如:I cut the paper with a pair of scissors. 我用剪刀剪纸。Two pairs of your trousers are still at the cleaner’s. 你的两条裤子还在洗衣店里。对于这类由两部分构成的单件事物,我们不能用one或ones来替代它,而用pair或pairs。如:这些裤子我穿太紧了,你有宽一点的吗?误:These trousers are too tight for me. Do you have a larger one?正:These trousers are too tight for me. Do you have a larger pair?2. 包括两件东西并且习惯上一起使用的名词,如shoes(鞋子),boots(靴子)sgloves(手套),socks(袜子),earrings(耳环),chopsticks(筷子)等。如:A pair of gloves is a nice present. 一付手套是一件很好的礼物。Go and buy yourself a new pair of shoes. 去给自己买双新鞋吧。I want to buy a hat and a pair of boots, among other things. 除别的东西之外,我还想买顶帽子和一双皮靴。3. 表示身体中两个相同的部位。如:She has a huge pair of eyes. 她长有一双大眼睛。Look at her beautiful pair of legs. 你瞧她那又美丽的大腿。4. 表示一般意义的“两个”“一对”等。如:On the wall were a pair of hearts interlocked. 墙上有一个同心结。A pair of thieves were conspiring to rob us. 有两个贼预谋盗窃我们的东西。


分类: 外语/出国

alone 和loney两个单词的区别,请详细地说明,最好有例子。谢谢


〔误〕The old man lived lone but he didn't feel lonely.

〔正〕The old man lived alone, but he didn't feel lonely.

第一句话为什么错了呢?因为lone(孤单的,寂寞的)只能做定语,比如:In that cloudy sky only one lone star could be seen.(在那多云的天上,只能看到孤零零的一颗星星。)lone做star的定语。alone则只能作表语,比如:She watches TV when she is alone.(独自一人时,她便看电视。)

这位独居的老人,却并不感到lonely,可见,这个词多指感情上与感觉上的孤独,举个例子:When his wife died, he was very lonely.(太太死后他非常孤独。)


Crusoe was alone on the lonely island, but he didn't feel lonely.

