
时间:2024-08-25 22:00:22编辑:流行君

just like like as的区别

While crossing the road, Tom was hit by a car.
=While Tom was crossing the road, he was hit by a car.
Come to school early【 if possible=if it is possible】
Whenever the professor explained something,she kept smiling and nodding her head from time to time (as if/as though she was)understanding every word of his lecture。

至于like,作“像......一样”,经常搭配:be/look/seem like;feel like【介词】。
The weather looks like【介词】 clearing up.天气好像会放晴。
Tom is like【介词】 his father in looks.汤姆的相貌像他父亲。

Like 【连词,informal】I said(=as I said),you're always welcome to stay.
She acts like【连词】she owns the place 。她的举动就像那地方是她的一样。
It was just like you said.

Just like you是什么意思

由于LIKE有多种翻译,所以可以翻译成:就像你一样或者就是喜欢你like vt. 喜欢; (与 would 或 should 连用表示客气) 想; 想要; 喜欢做; prep. (表示属性) 像; (表示方式) 如同; (询问意见) …怎么样adj. 相似的; 相同的;例句:1、I want to be just like you', she bursts out. “我想就像你一样。”她大声喊道。2、You should have told us. But it's just like you not to share.你应该早告诉我们的。不过你就是这么个人,把事情都藏在心里。3、Two years ago, I, just like you guys, left my families and friends, came into this beautiful, peaceful but unfamiliar campus. I thought I had achieved my Beida dream that was always in my heart. 两年前,我和你们一样,告别了家人和朋友,带着憧憬,来到了这片蔓延着绿色的陌生的土地上,以为已经达成了心中的“北大梦”。4、I just like you, you bring me home, give me a warm home, let me may not stay outside stray,hungry belly, no place to sleep, or don't know where intermittently tortured. 我只喜好您,是您把我带回家,给我一个暖和的家,让我能够没必要呆正在里面漂泊,饥肚子,出处所睡觉,大概没有晓得正在那里受尽熬煎。

just like的具体意思是什么呢?

有两种意思,主要取决于单词“like”的词性,需要结合不同语境去理解。就像你。“like”为介词。只喜欢你。“like”为动词。第一种意思里:“just”是副词,意译为”就“;“like”意为“如同,像”。like相关例句:He’s very like his brother. 他很像他的哥哥。Her hair is dark brown like mine. 她的头发是深褐色的,像我的一样。第二种意思里:“just”也是副词,表示“仅仅,只是”;“like”意思是“喜欢”。like相关例句:I like my coffee quite weak. 我喜欢喝很淡的咖啡。

