
时间:2024-08-21 02:00:07编辑:流行君


拖延的英文如下:表示“拖延或延缓”最常见的表达方式是用单词 delay,postone,stall 和 defer,其中 delay 即可以作动词,也可以作名词。拖延的英文句子:They decided to put back the release date of their war film as a sign of respect to the victims of the attack. 他们决定推迟战争影片的上映日期,以表示对袭击受害者的敬意。News conferences due to be held by both men have been put back. 原定两个人共同举行的新闻发布会被推迟。They decided to push back the release date of their war film as a sign of respect to the victims of the attack. 他们决定推迟战争影片的上映日期,以示对袭击受害者的尊重。The start of the game was pushed back from 2 p.m. to 4 p.m. 比赛从午后两点延迟到4点才开始。Please stop dragging your feet, you're going to wear out the soles of your shoes. 别再拖拖拉拉了,你的鞋底会磨坏的。He knows he should see a doctor, but he' dragging his feet. 他知道他应该去看医生,但他在拖拖拉拉。


问题一:拖延用英语keep怎么说 keep putting off

问题二:推迟,拖延 用英语怎么说 是D打头的单词 你好!
delay 英[d??le?] 美[d??le]
n. 耽搁; 延迟,拖延; 被耽搁或推迟的时间;
vt. 耽搁; 延期,推迟;
vi. 延缓,延期;
[例句]For sentimental reasons I wanted to delay my departure until June

问题三:不能拖延时间用英语翻译 can't putoff

问题四:英语口语:拖延症英语怎么说 procrastination 拖延症
put it off 推迟,拖延

问题五:推迟英语翻译 put off
They decided to put the meeting off until after Christmas.
Owing to the state of the ground, the match has been put off.
由于场地状况不佳, 比赛推迟了。
The appointment was put off because of his illness.
If you think you are sick you should not put off going to the doctor.
如果你觉得有病就不应该拖, 要快去看医生。
I wanted to say something, but her face quite put me off.
我本来要说几句, 但看到她的脸色, 又没有勇气开口了。
We are going there tomorrow ― not even bad weather could put us off.
我们明天要去那儿, 即使天气不好也要去。
They had intended going into the country for the day, but were put off by reports of traffic jams.
他们本来打算那天到乡下去, 但听说交通拥挤就作罢了。
Ask the conductor to put you off at the Odeon.
Where do you want to be put off?
I don't like music playing when I'm working. It puts me off.
我不喜欢工作时放音乐, 那会使我分心。
If I am once put off I find it very difficult to recapture the same train of thought.
我一旦受到打扰, 发觉自己很难回到原来的思路上来。
Please put off all the lights as you leave the building.
离开这所房子时, 请你把所有的灯都关上。
Under the official regulations the central heating was put off on March 15th each year.
据正式规定, 每年3月15日停止供应暖气。
6.敷衍, 推诿
When he asked her to name a day for their wedding, she put him off.
当他要她订个结婚的日子时, 她却支支吾吾不说。
I'm not going to be put off with that excuse.
I won't be put off with such vague promises.
Please put off your shoes before entering this holy building.
在进入这所神圣的殿堂之前, 请把鞋脱掉。
8.丢弃, 摆脱

问题六:英语词汇:拖延症英文怎么说 procrastination拖延症

问题七:omg美语 推迟 拖到最后一分钟 拖延英文怎么说 omg美语 推迟 拖到最后一分钟 拖延
OMG English postponed to the last minute

