
时间:2024-08-16 06:51:01编辑:流行君


  什么时候是建军节你们知道吗?它的英文表达你们还记得吗?下面是我给大家整理的建军节英文怎么写,供大家参阅!   建军节英文怎么写   Army Day   (中国)建军节(8月1日);   建军节的英语例句   1. August the first is the Army Day of the Chinese People's Liberation Army.   八月一日是中国人民解放军的建军节.   2. August 1 of each year is the Army Day.   每年8月1日是建军节.   3. August the first is Chinese Army Day.   八月一日是中国建军节.   4. Army Day of the Chinese People Army.   中国人民解放军建军节.   5. Burmese general Than Shwe went on national television, to mark Armed Forces Day holiday.   缅甸军政府领导人丹瑞大将为纪念缅甸建军节在全国电视台上露面.   6. Our Denfence Ministry is giving a reception this evening to celebrate our Army Day.   今晚我们国防部长将举行纪念建军节的招待会.   有关八一建军节的英语作文   Officers and men of the Chinese People's Liberation Army (PLA) and the people across the country have held various activities these days to celebrate China's Army Day, which falls on August 1.   The Headquarters of the General Staff and other departments of the army held tea parties and performances to express regards to veterans. The navy, air force, military universities and institutions, and various military area commands held rap sessions, seminars, contest and entertainment activities to express greetings to officers and men and their families.   Across the country, army soldiers had parties with the local people to mark the day. Governments at various levels and people of all walks of life held activities to show respect and regards to the army.   The Ministry of Agriculture presented the army 2,500 books and 1,200 VCDs on agricultural technologies. The State General Administration of Sport bought sports facilities and sent them to grassroots army units. Leaders from the All-China Women's Federation held parties with female army pilots.   有关八一建军节的英语作文带翻译   Since the childhood, the loud bugle, red ensign, servicemen's words and deeds, the style of the army, I saw the charge and sacrifice. How many times of great catastrophe, I listened to the news of the soldiers fighting, and her eyes filled with tears; How many times in formation wave monstrous, I tremble for military thoughts and pray that body and mind; How much time looking at the green youth dedication in XianGuan battlefield without regrets, I lacrimosa blessing a military triumph. Hero after flowering, the fruits of the big and strong, is precious kapok available. Hero flower bud to in full bloom, from flowers to fruits, all show largesse. And our troops and military never live up to the hopes of people, always put the best record in the report back to the motherland and the people, the most magnificent life to the motherland and contribute to the people, countless heroes, blood, tianya bloom the flowers of life. Action hero, comes from the love of the people; Hero's spirit, from the heroes of faith! The army and the people of the same flesh and blood sisters, new era, let our troops to assume greater sacrifice and dedication. From the nanchang uprising to the five-star red flag rose on tiananmen square, eighty-one years of history, witnessing the people's army of eternal life! Great army great soldier, you are the hero tall trees, the wind and rain war stage manners standing; You are the hero blooming flowers, spring graced the clouds to meet the baptism. You a piece of hearts, never doubt the red flag is our heart. You like xiangyun phenomenon, hongxia these bring the motherland people's peace. The army is my home, the reason is my blood, is the soul of my life, soldiers is the hero in my heart! In bayi army day, wanted to dedicate to military hero flower, is my heart, the fiery red hero flower!   从小到大,军号的嘹亮,军旗的红艳,军人的言行,军队的作风,都是我亲眼所见的冲锋和牺牲.多少次大灾大难,我热泪盈眶地听着军人战斗的消息;多少次地动山摇巨浪滔天,我颤抖身心在为军人思念和祈盼;多少次看着那绿色的青春无悔地奉献在险关战场,我以泪洗面祝福着军人的凯旋.   英雄花开后,那大又坚的果实,是宝贵的可用木棉.英雄花从含苞到怒放,从花开到成果,无不呈现慷慨付出.而我们的军队和军人从没有辜负全国人民的厚望,总是把最优秀的战绩向祖国和人民汇报,把最壮丽的生命向祖国和人民奉献,英雄无数,鲜血生命之花天涯开遍.   英雄的行动,出自对人民的热爱;英雄的气概,出自英雄的信念!军队与人民骨肉情深,新时代新重任,让我们的军人承担更大的牺牲和奉献.从南昌起义到五星红旗升上了天安门,八十一年的历史,见证着人民军队的永生! 伟大的军队伟大的军人,你就是高大的英雄树,经风雨战台风屹立不倒;你就是盛开的英雄花,笑傲风云迎接洗礼带来春天.你红心一片,是我们心中永远不倒的红红的旗帜.你如祥云红遍,给祖国人民带来安宁的红霞满天. 军队是我的家,军缘是我的血脉,军魂是我的一生,军人是我心中的英雄! 在八一建军节之际,最想献给军人英雄的花,是我心中,那火红火红的英雄花!   


建军节的英语:Army Day,读音:[ˈɑ:mi][deɪ]。重点词汇:1、army英 ['ɑːmɪ] 美 ['ɑrmi] n. 陆军,军队短语Volunteer Army 志愿军 ; 义军 ; 义勇军army duck 军用帆布 ; 水陆两用军车 ; 军鸭Man Army 八道楼子army building 军队建设 ; 部队建设 ; 军事建设2、day英 [deɪ] 美 [de] n. 一天;时期;白昼adv. 每天;经常在白天地adj. 日间的;逐日的短语Rizal Day 黎刹日 ; 黎刹节 ; 厘沙路节solar day [天] 太阳日decoration day 校庆日 ; 扫墓日 ; 庆祝日army的同近义词1、battalion英 [bə'tælɪən] 美 [bə'tæljən] n. 营,军营;军队,部队短语Infantry battalion 步兵营 ; 协同作战的部队 ; 营Battalion Nemesis 惩罚军营 ; 复仇者战役 ; 坦克军团 ; 复仇阵地战Blood Battalion 热血军团2、heer[hi:ə] n. 陆军,德国国防军陆军短语Christoph Heer 姓名das Heer 陆军HEER GOOS 赫斐托斯Führungsstab Heer 陆军指挥参谋部

