
时间:2024-08-14 13:21:25编辑:流行君


【 #英语资源# 导语】新时代,中国体育人肩上也承担了更新的使命和更重的责任,在“两个一百年”奋斗目标的历史交汇期,体育将扮演更为多样的角色。面对东京奥运,我们要争金夺银,但需要做的,又远不止争金夺银。以下是 为大家精心整理的内容,欢迎大家阅读。 1.东京奥运会英语作文范文   In other years, the Olympic Games are accompanied - a strong youth makes the world strong, winning gold and silver to create brilliance.   A nation that despises sports is a backward nation, a beaten nation and a declining nation. The Olympic Games is a world-class comprehensive sports competition. The achievements of the Olympic Games determine the position of a country or region in the world sports world to a certain extent.   The Olympic Games are wonderful because of different. The Olympic Games is a kind of unity and hard work of the spiritual world. It is not only the sweat of the Olympic athletes on the playground, but also the dedication and pursuit of the people all over the world. An inexplicable rope closely implicates the athletes on the field and ordinary people off the field. Everyone is the protagonist on the Olympic stage. Different personalities and different spirits gather here, No chaos, more colorful.   The Olympic spirit is the spirit of perseverance and never giving up. It is the hard training of athletes day and night on weekdays, the cornerstone of athletes' heroic posture on the competition field, and the currency for winning Olympic medals. Hou Zhihui of the current Tokyo Olympic Games, after seven years of tenacious pursuit of her dream, won the first prize in the women's weightlifting 49kg final and won the second gold medal for China. Her hands raised not only the barbell, but also the sweat of her seven-year struggle and the indomitable spirit of never giving up in the Olympic Games. Malone wrote his life with the wonderful on the court and "wrote" his name into the composition of the college entrance examination. This is also an incentive for our fans. Because behind this glory, there are too many invisible details and efforts. For example, when Mingming's leg injury has not fully recovered, Malone never reveals his physical pain in his expression. He doesn't want to show his pain to his opponents. But with tenacious willpower, we fight every game to the end. Over the years, generations of athletes in our country have become an example for everyone to learn from, and also brought countless touches to everyone. And use their own actions to bring positive energy to teenagers all over the country.   Victory is not only a golden medal, but also a supreme personality. The Olympic Games not only inspired the sports spirit of unity and never say die, but also reminded us of the moral character of fair competition and honest handling. From the preparation of the Tokyo Olympic Games to the competition, there have been "surprises" one after another. In the men's all-round Horse Vaulting Competition, the unfairness of the referee changed the master of the gold medal. No matter where it is, it has aroused the condemnation of netizens. But we can't just immerse ourselves in anger. We should learn truth and ensure that we don't do such shameful behavior. The people's glasses are bright, so we can understand: no matter where or when, we can't lose credibility. Understand that this is a game. Only a fair and fair game is meaningful.   A spirit will not collapse, a dream will not burst in an instant. The flames of justice have been thriving. They will shine in every corner of the world. They look forward to an opportunity to twist into a fire to save the soul of the whole society, the disharmonious voice behind them and the disharmonious pace. Just because "one world, one dream". 2.东京奥运会英语作文范文   The opening ceremony of the Olympic Games is one of the opening links of the Olympic Games. It has always been the highlight of the Olympic Games and the focus of attention. At the opening ceremony, we should not only reflect the Olympic spirit aiming at peace, unity and friendship, but also show the national culture, local customs and organizational work level of the host country, but also express our warm welcome to guests from all over the world. At the opening ceremony, in addition to a series of basic ceremonies, there are generally wonderful group gymnastics and literary or military sports performances with national characteristics.   The 2021 Tokyo Olympic Games will simplify some links of the opening ceremony. On December 23, the Tokyo Organizing Committee for the Olympic Games announced the dissolution of the director team of the opening and closing ceremony, with Wanzhai Nomura as the general director. On July 3, 2021, the Tokyo Organizing Committee of the Olympic Games said that it decided to extend the end time of the opening ceremony of the Tokyo Olympic Games by 30 minutes.   At the opening ceremonies of previous Olympic Games, the lighting of the main torch is always the most anticipated moment, and it is always kept secret until the last minute.   At the 1992 Barcelona Olympic Games, rapolo, the archery medal winner of the two Paralympic Games, lit the arrow with fire and accurately shot at the flame platform 70 meters away and 21 meters high_ At the Sydney Olympic Games, female sprinter Cathy Freeman lit the main torch in the water, and then the main torch tower rose from the water, like a sun rising on the sea.   2008_ In the Olympic Games, Chinese gymnast XX, holding a torch, stepped over a long roll slowly unfolding above the stadium like a flying man in the air, and finally lit the main torch of the bird's Nest stadium.   In the 20XX London Olympic Games, the main torch tower was composed of 204 copper petals. Seven young athletes lit the petals together. Finally, these copper petals converged to the center to form the main torch. 3.东京奥运会英语作文范文   The Olympic Games, also known as the Olympic Games. Since its establishment in 1894, it has become a world-renowned event. It is not only a competitive sports event, but also a symbol of human spirit. However, over the past hundred years, the Olympic spirit has become more and more abundant.   The Olympic spirit is the spirit of unity and friendship, regardless of nationality.   The five-year Olympic Games have finally arrived. The rise of the five-star red flag at the Olympic Games makes people excited from time to time. This year's Tokyo Olympic Games changed the Olympic motto "more unity" to "higher, faster, stronger - more unity". This is not only to deal with COVID-19, but also to deal with the great challenges we face. The Olympic spirit is not only a list of unity, but also a kind of friendship. It is also that Li Zongwei of Malaysia had leg cramps when he fought with China's lindane badminton, and lindane didn't ask about his nationality, left everything over the net and showed great concern. It is also when Chen Long competed with Danish player anselon, although he lost, he still resolutely faced the exchange of shirts after the game. The Olympic spirit is friendship first and competition second.   The Olympic spirit is the spirit of self-confidence and self-improvement.   Except for the triple snow on your body, who in the world should wear white clothes“ Confidence is really important. Don't think about your past successes or failures every time you play. Because every time, it's a new beginning. " This is what Yang Qian said. Yang Qian is the first "double gold king" after 00 in China's Olympic calendar. For a shooter, his early 20s are the age when "Xiao He shows his sharp corners". Because shooting events have high requirements for athletes' psychological quality, many shooting athletes enter the golden period of their competitive career after the age of 30. Yang Qian's future can be said to be unlimited.   The Olympic spirit is the indomitable spirit of fearing difficulties and facing difficulties.   "There is no eternal champion, because the champion will always be beaten by the next champion. But there can be eternal heroes. I want to be an eternal hero in my heart. " This is a true portrayal of fan Zhendong. As the champion of the world championships, although he still failed to climb the mountain of Malong today, please look back. Along the way, there are scenery. Coincidentally, Su Bingtian's ten-year running training has become a Chinese flying man and the first yellow man in track and field. He has broken through the physical limit given by fate. He is also Xiao ruotang. He will also play with painkillers to win glory for the country. Although only won the silver medal, the Olympic spirit is shining.


【 #英语资源# 导语】奥运会开幕式是奥运会开场的环节之一,历来都是奥运会的重头戏,是万众瞩目的焦点。以下是 为大家精心整理的内容,欢迎大家阅读。 1.观看东京奥运会的开幕式英语作文   The opening ceremony of the Olympic Games should not only reflect the Olympic spirit aimed at peace, unity and friendship, but also show the national culture, local customs and organizational work level of the host country, but also express a warm welcome to guests from all over the world.   At the opening ceremony, in addition to a series of basic ceremonies, there are generally wonderful group gymnastics and literary or military sports performances with national characteristics.   The 2021 Tokyo Olympic Games will simplify some links of the opening ceremony. On December 23, the Tokyo Organizing Committee for the Olympic Games announced the dissolution of the director team of the opening and closing ceremony, with Wanzhai Nomura as the general director. On July 3, 2021, the Tokyo Organizing Committee of the Olympic Games said that it decided to extend the end time of the opening ceremony of the Tokyo Olympic Games by 30 minutes.   At the opening ceremonies of previous Olympic Games, the lighting of the main torch is always the most anticipated moment, and it is always kept secret until the last minute.   At the 1992 Barcelona Olympic Games, rapolo, the archery medal winner of the two Paralympic Games, lit the arrow with fire and accurately shot at the flame platform 70 meters away and 21 meters high.   At the 2000 Sydney Olympic Games, female sprinter Cathy Freeman lit the main torch in the water, and then the main torch tower rose from the water, like a sun rising on the sea.   In the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games, Chinese gymnast Li Ning, holding a torch, stepped over a long roll slowly unfolding above the stadium like a flying man in the air, and finally lit the main torch of the bird's Nest stadium.   In the 2012 London Olympic Games, the main torch tower is composed of 204 copper petals. Seven young athletes ignite the petals together. Finally, these copper petals converge to the center to form the main torch.   Different from previous Olympic Games, the main torch of this Olympic Games is far away from the stadium and located in the waterfront of Tokyo. 2.观看东京奥运会的开幕式英语作文   This morning, I watched the opening ceremony of the Tokyo Olympic Games with my family! Asked my father I know this is the 32nd Summer Olympic Games, also known as the 2020 Tokyo Olympic Games, and Tokyo is the first South American city to host the Olympic Games! 207 countries and regions participating in the Olympic Games have the slogan "a new world", which means that Tokyo Olympic Games will create a better world to influence and change the next generation!   Geometry and music are the most important forms of expression during the opening ceremony. Let me know the importance of music in Tokyo. And I also know through the commentator that it has a great relationship with the history of their country! At the Olympic Games, there are 777 athletes in our delegation. Zhu Ting, the Chinese women's volleyball player and zhaoshuai, the taekwondo athlete, serve as the flag bearer of the Chinese sports delegation at the opening ceremony of the Tokyo Olympic Games! I feel very happy and proud to see the Chinese delegation enter the site! And delegations from all over the world are excited and happy to watch when they enter the site! Even our audience is infected! Although the opening ceremony was long, I kept watching it until the flame was lit! 3.观看东京奥运会的开幕式英语作文   The steps of the Tokyo Olympic Games have gradually approached. For Chinese sports people, each Olympic Games is a big test. In 2021, what answer papers can be handed over is a test of Chinese sports.   In the new era, Chinese sports people also shoulder the renewed mission and more responsibility. In the historical intersection of the "two hundred years" goal, sports will play a more diverse role. Facing the Tokyo Olympics, we should strive for gold and silver, but what we need to do is far more than win gold and silver.   The report of the 19th National Congress of the Communist Party of China has drawn us a grand blueprint for building a strong sports country. The new form of sports in the new era and the new demands of people for sports in the new era all require Chinese sports people to embark on a new journey with new ideas, new ideas and new goals. We should make the national fitness develop vigorously, the competitive sports are colorful, the sports industry is advancing rapidly, the sports culture is changing day by day, and the "four carriages" advance together, and give multidimensional Chinese interpretation for the "Olympic".   The Olympic Games are no longer simply a simple collection of athletes' competition results, but a platform for comprehensive spiritual encouragement, cultural heritage, national display, cooperation and exchange. In this context, the test of the Tokyo Olympic Games to the Chinese delegation will not only be in the field, but also outside the field.   Athletes need to strive for outstanding achievements, practice faster, higher and stronger, strive for glory for the country and provide strong positive energy for social development. But the "gold content" of these achievements needs to be higher, which requires athletes to strictly abide by the sports rules and sports ethics, constantly break through the limit of self transcendence, show the national spirit and become a model for the young generation.   The criteria for evaluating the performance of the delegation will not be limited to the number of gold medals and medals, but also whether we fully demonstrate China's great power feelings in terms of friendly competition, foreign exchanges, communication and cooperation, and build a bridge of mutual benefit and mutual trust between countries and regions with sports as the link.   The Olympic Games are arena and stage. Today, with the development of Internet technology and the smooth communication among all nations in the world, the cultural and industrial value of the Olympic Games have been developed more and more deeply. This value is not only the host, but also belongs to each delegation. In 2021, how to discover and embrace these values is also a big task for the Chinese delegation.

