
时间:2024-08-12 23:38:22编辑:流行君

reward是什么意思 reward英语是什么意思


2、Is that how you reward me with my help?那就是你为了我的帮忙而给予我的报酬吗?

3、By the end of this quarter, we should have the funds to reward you.到这个季末吧!那时候,我想我们会有资金来奖赏你的。

4、But I for my ignorance, is modesty , and of which I have the honor and reward.但是我对于我的无知是谦虚的,这其中就有了我的荣誉和报酬。


reward的形容词:rewarding、rewardful 。reward的意思是:奖励;回报;报酬;赏格;悬赏金。双语例句:1、It's a pleasure to reward them for work which might otherwise go unmarked。很高兴在此奖励他们所做的,而在其他情况下可能未被注意的工作。2、A slap on the face was his reward for his cheek。一记耳光算是他没礼貌的报应。


reward的意思是奖励,奖赏,报酬,酬劳,酬金,(尤指)赏金,收益,赢利,报应,报答,回报,激励。一、reward的英文释义1、an act performed to strengthen approved behavior.为加强被认可的行为而进行的行为。2、benefit resulting from some event or action.从某事件或行动中获益。二、reward的双语例句1、No action was taken, and his reward for dissent was a caution.对于他不服从裁判没有进行任何惩罚,只是给予警告。2、The link between performance and reward continues to increase.业绩和酬劳之间的联系越来越紧密。3、Current employment laws will be changed to reward effort and punish laziness.现行劳动法要变革,奖勤罚懒。4、no thought of reward.没想着要回报。5、His goal was just reward for his endeavours.他的目标是获得与付出相称的回报。

