
时间:2024-08-08 06:05:43编辑:流行君


"brush"是一个名词和动词,意思是刷子或刷。作为名词,它可以指代各种类型的刷子,例如:toothbrush(牙刷)hairbrush(发刷)paintbrush(画笔)cleaning brush(清洁刷)作为动词,它可以表示用刷子刷或擦,例如:She brushed her hair before going to bed.(她睡前梳理了头发。)He brushed the dirt off his shoes.(他刷掉了鞋子上的灰尘。)The painter brushed the canvas with bold strokes.(画家用大胆的笔触在画布上刷画。)"brush"还可以用来表示轻碰或擦过,例如:The cat brushed against my leg.(猫擦过我的腿。)The car brushed the side of the building.(汽车擦到了建筑物的侧面。)此外,"brush"还可以用作一些习语,例如:brush up on something(复习或加强某个技能)give someone the brush-off(拒绝或不理睬某人)


brushed英 [brʌʃt] 美 [brʌʃt] adj.拉毛的;起绒的v.(用刷子)刷净,刷亮,刷平顺;(用刷子)抹,涂;(用刷子或手)拂,掸,擦掉brush的过去分词和过去式柯林斯词典brushed1ADJ 拉毛的;起绒的Brushed cotton, nylon, or other fabric feels soft and furry.英英释义adj1(of fabrics) having soft nap produced by brushinga dress of brushed cottona fleecy liningnapped fabricsSynonym:fleecynapped2(of hair or clothing) groomed with a brushwith shining hair neatly brushedthe freshly brushed clothes hung in the closet3touched lightly in passingof all the people brushed against in a normal day on a city street I remember not a one


brush的过去分词是brushed。brush:一、读音:英 [brʌʃ],美 [brʌʃ]   二、意思: n. 刷子;画笔;刷n. 灌木丛n. 小冲突;争吵vt. 刷;掠过;轻触;擦;掸vi. 轻擦;拂拭三、例句:The painter swept a brush over his canvas.画家的画笔在画布上飞掠。四、词汇搭配:1、apply a brush to 用刷子刷…2、attach brush 附加刷子3、clean a brush 把刷子弄干净4、make brushes 制作刷子5、boot brush 鞋刷6、at a brush 一举7、at the first brush 最初的一击8、from the same brush 出自同一手笔词义辨析:brush,glance,graze,shave,skim:这组词都有“擦”“拂”的意思。其区别是:brush的动作像刷子一样在某物表面上刷;有时指抚摸或轻擦,以弄散某种东西。graze指子弹或其他快速运动的物体迅速擦过;glance表示“擦过”,多指未成功的“刺,击,砍”所造成的从身边擦过;shave表示“擦过,掠过”,指像刀片刮脸那样紧贴着轻轻地擦过,往往含有“险些弄伤”的意思;skim表示“掠过”,不含危险或伤害的意思。


brushed的意思是用刷子处理过的; 拉过绒的; 打磨过的,例句如下:1、The fact you can often see individual brush strokes, the fact that he had such a thick impasto, meant that for a lot of shots the painters had to stopmotion animate each individual brush stroke.他的很多作品里笔触清晰,他所使用的的厚涂画法,意味着画师们必须对每一道笔触都使用定格动画技术。2、After killing the ball with his chest and his thigh, he brushed past Reeves.用胸部和大腿停球之后,他闪过了里夫斯。3、The president brushed off a reporter's question about terrorism.总统对一名记者关于恐怖主义的提问置之不理。

