
时间:2024-07-20 03:26:34编辑:流行君


  Ⅰ.听句子,选择与之相匹配的图片。(句子读一遍)(5分)   1.We have got two carrots on the table.   2.My favourite food is chicken.   3.Have you got any French fries?   4.Ice cream is not healthy food.   5.Can you bring me a hamburger,Jim?   1.______ 2.______ 3.______ 4.______ 5.______   Ⅱ.听句子,选择正确的答语。(句子读一遍)(5分)   Have you got ice cream?   6.A.Yes,I have. B.No,I am not. C.No,I have ice cream.   What's your favourite vegetables?   7.A.H amburgers. B.Carrots. C.Eggs.   Where are these foods?   8.A.On the table. B.Yes,there are. C.Eggs and hamburgers.   Have we got any beef,mum?   9.A.Yes,you have. B.Yes,we have. C.Yes,she has.   Is there any chicken on the plate?   10.A.Yes,there are. B.Yes,there is. C.Yes,we have.   Ⅲ.听短文,判断正(T)误(F)(短文读两遍)。(10分)   Eric is my brother.He likes eating very much.For breakfast,he has eggs,milk and carrots.For lunch,he has chicken and hamburgers.And for dinner,he has tomatoes,salad and hamburgers.He doesn't like eating fruit.And he often eats ice cream after dinner.He doesn't like to play sports.   11.Eric likes to play sports.   12.Eric often eats ice cream after dinner.   13.Eric likes eating fruit very much.   14.Eric has chicken and hamburgers for lunch.   15.Eric doesn't have eggs for breakfast.   笔试部分(80分)   Ⅳ.单项选择。(10分)   16.Cola isn't ______healthy drink.   A.any       B.some  D.a   17.Don't eat candy ______ice cream.   A.and  C.or  D.but   18.There are ______ in the fridge.   A.two bag of milk B.two bags of milk   C.two bags of milks D.two bag of milks   19.Tony's father's favourite drink is ______.   A.hamburger B.candy C.banana D.tea   20.There ______ some juice in the glass. B.are D.has   21.My grandpa is very old,but he is______ good health. C.of D.on   22.Sorry,there isn't any ______.   A.eggs C.melons D.carrots   23.—How do you like songs by Jay Chou?   —They are wonderful,______ I can't hear his words clearly sometimes.   A.but C.because D.if   24.Jim is a ______ boy.He does exercise every day. B.healthy C.healthily D.unhealthy   25.—I'm thirsty.Could I have ______ hot water?   —OK.Here you are.   A.any B.some C.little   Ⅴ.完形填空。(10分)   Mrs Jones:Which meal do we need most,breakfast,lunch or __26__?   Tony:Dinner.   Mrs Jones:Dinner is the biggest meal of the day.But I don't __27__ we need it most.   Tony:Is lunch the meal we need most?   Mrs Jones:No,__28__ is the meal we need most.But why?   Kate:It is a long time from night to morning.We have no __29__.   Mrs Jones:Right!If we don't have breakfast,we don't feel __30__.But what makes a good breakfast?   James:I think we can __31__ milk,bread,noodles or porridge.__32__ are good for breakfast.   Mrs Jones:That's right.We can eat some vegetables and fruit __33__ the morning,too.They make us healthy.   David:I __34__ cola a lot.Can I have it in the morning?   Mrs Jones:You'd better not.Water is good for you.   Danny:Mum says we can not eat too much things after __35__.   Mrs Jones:Great,Danny.It may make you sick.After sports you need water and a rest first,not lots of food.   26.A.fruits     C.dinner B.know C.think   28.A.breakfast B.lunch C.dinner   29.A.water C.vegetables   30.A.good B.great C.well   31.A.take B.make C.have   32.A.You B.They C.We   33.A.for C.on B.bring B.lunch C.sports   Ⅵ.阅读理解。(20分)   A[   Man:Good morning,sir!Can I help you?   Mr Read:Yes,please.What would you like,Ann?   Ann:A hamburger and some potato chips.   Mr Read:Anything to drink?   Ann:A glass of coffee.   Man:With ice?   Ann:Yes,thank you.   Mr Read:Tom,what would you like?   Tom:I'm not hungry.Just a big glass of cola with ice,please.   Mr Read:No food?   Tom:No.What would you like,dad?   Mr Read:I'd like some rice and fish,and a glass of cola with ice.   36.How many people are there in the dialogue?   A.Three. B.Four. C.Five.   37.Where do you think this dialogue may happen(发生)?[   A.At school. B.At home. C.In a restaurant(餐馆).   38.What does Ann want to drink?   A.Cola. B.Tea. C.Coffee.   39.Does Tom want to eat something?   A.Yes. B.No. C.I don't know.   40.Mr Read wants to eat ______.   A.some potato chips B.a hamburger C.some rice and fish   B   Hello,my name is Jeff M iller.I'm eleven years old.I'm in Class Three.(A) 我有一个小的家庭.My father is Frank Miller.He is a great runner.He eats healthy food every day.(B)He_likes_eggs_best_in_the_morning.My mother is Linda Miller.She is a maths tea cher.She likes bananas and carrots______ (C) she doesn't like chicken.(D) She_has_carrots_every_evening. Oh,I don't like carrots.I like French fries and hamburgers.   41.请根据短文内容,完成下面的表格( 表示喜欢 表示不喜欢)   Food Jeff Frank Linda   42.将(A)句译成英语。   ________________________________________________________________________   43.写出(B)句的同义句。   Eggs are ________________ in the morning.   44.在(C)处填入连词。   ________________________________________________________________________   45.将(D)句译成汉语。   ________________________________________________________________________   Ⅶ.情景交际。(10分)   根据图片提示完成对话,每空词数不限。   A:Is there any chicken in the picture?   B:____________46..   A:____________47.?   B:No,there isn't a hamburger.   A:What else (还) are there in the picture?   B:There are two bowls of ________48. and ________ 49. milk in the picture.   A:But fish and juice are my favourite.   B:Oh,we ______50. a bottle of juice and some fish for y ou.   A:Thank you.   Ⅷ.根据句意及首字母提示补全单词(5分)   51.My uncle likes films.His f______ film is Let the Bullets Fly.   52.Hamburgers are u______ food.   53.People in China like to eat n______ on their birthday.   54.Would you like to d______ some milk?   55.Mike's grandma grows(种植) s ome p______ and tomatoes on her farm.   Ⅸ.句型转换。(10分)   56.Oranges are healthy food.Candy isn't healthy food.(用but连接句子)   ________________________________________________________________________   57.We have got some apples.(改为否定句)   We ______ ______ ______ apples.   58.There is some water in the bottle.(改为一般疑问句)   ______ ______ ______ water in the bottle?   59.There are five cups of milk on the table.(对画线部分提问)   ______ ______ ______of milk are there on the table?   60.There are some beef and fish on the table.(改为否定句)   There are ______ ______ beef or fish on the table.   Ⅹ.书面表达。(15分)   通过本模块的学习,孙林知道了很多健康饮食的知识。他想把自己的饮食习惯写出来和大家交流一下,请你帮他写一下吧!   提示词:favourite,healthy,unhealthy,food,drink,vegetable,meat,some,any,but   要求:1.必须用到所给的提示词;   2.语句通顺,语法正确;   3.不少于60词。   ________________________________________________________________________   ________________________________________________________________________   ________________________________________________________________________       参考答案   Ⅰ. 1.B 2.E 3.C 4.D 5.A   Ⅱ. 6-10 ABABB   Ⅲ. 11. -15. FTFTF   Ⅳ.   16. 解析:drink是可数名词。   答案:D   17. 解析:否定句中用or。   答案:C   18. 解析:bag是可数名词,milk是不可数名词。   答案:B   19. 解析:由上文的drink可知,选项中只有tea符合。   答案:D   20. 解析:此句为there be句型,应填入适当的be动词,由于juice作果汁讲时为不可数名词,因此用is。   答案:A   21. 解析:in good health意为“保持身体健康”。   答案:B   22. 解析:there isn't any后面跟不可数名词。   答案:B   23. 解析:句意:——“你认为周杰伦的歌怎么样?”——“歌都不错,但有时我听不清他唱的是什么”。通过第二个人的回答可以看出,该题需要选择一个表示转折的连词。   答案:A   24. 解析:句意:“吉姆是个健康的男孩。他每天都锻炼身体。”本题需要一个形容词来修饰boy。   答案:B   25. 解析:句意:——我现在口渴了。能给我些热水吗?——好的,给你。some用于肯定句或者表示希望得到肯定回答的一般疑问句中,本题中“请求给一些水”符合后一种情况,应该用some。   答案:B   Ⅴ. 26. 解析:由下文的dinner结合句意,可知此处应选dinner。   答案:C   27. 解析:think意为“认为”,I don't think意为“我不认为”。   答案:C   28. 解析:由下文中的from night to morning可知此处指的是早餐。   答案:A   29. 解析:由句意“从晚上到早上,我们不再吃饭”可知此处应填入food。   答案:B   30. 解析:well在此处意为“健康的,舒服的”。   答案:C   31. 解析:have sth.意为“吃某物”。   答案:C   32. 解析:上文列举了多种食品,应该用they代指。   答案:B   33. 解析:morning,afternoon和evening前要用介词in修饰。   答案:B   34. 解析:由句意“我非常喜欢可口可乐”可知应选like。   答案:C   35. 解析:由下文的“after sports”可知此处应选sports。   答案:C   Ⅵ.   36. 解析:纵观全文可知共有四个人。   答案:B   37. 解析:由下文中提及的点食品可知此段对话发生在餐馆里。   答案:C   38. 解析:由安的答语“A glass of coffee”可知正确答案。   答案:C   39. 解析:由汤姆的答语“I'm not hungry.Just a glass of Cola with ice.”可知汤姆不想吃东西。   答案:B   40. 解析:由最后一句可知正确答案为选项C。   答案:C   41.   Food Jeff Frank Linda   42. I have got a small family.   43. his favourite food   44. but   45. 她每天晚上吃胡萝卜。   Ⅶ.   46.Yes,there is 47.Is there a hamburger 48.rice 49.two bags of   50.have got   Ⅷ. 51. favourite 52. unhealthy 53. noodles 54. drink 55. potatoes   Ⅸ. 56 Oranges are healthy food but candy isn't healthy food.   57 haven't got any   58 Is there any   59 How many cups   60 no t any   Ⅹ.   参考范文:   Hello,everyone!I'm Sun Lin.Rice and noodles are my favourite food.I like eating them very much.They are healthy food.My favourite drinks are juice and milk.I like hamburgers and cola.But I don't often eat or drink them.They are unhealthy food and drink.I also eat some meat and vegetables every day.They are good for my health.I don't eat any candy.It's unhealthy food.    我精心推荐


过去式:sold;过去分词:soldsell基本意思是“卖,售”,指出让某物之所有权去换回金钱,可以表示“卖”,也可以表示“卖出”。可译为“经销,推销”“使人买,将…卖出”“被出售,有销路,有人买”“使某人相信某事物好或是真的”等。sell可用作及物动词,也可用作不及物动词。用作及物动词时表示“卖”的具体动作,其主语是人或由人组成的机构,接名词或代词作宾语。也可接双宾语,其间接宾语可转化为介词to的宾语,还可接以形容词充当宾语补足语的复合宾语。反义词buy英 [ba?]     美 [ba?]    vt. 购买;买;获得;收买;相信;vi. 买;n. 购买;便宜货buy的基本意思是用金钱换取等价物,即“购买”,是普通用词,可接具体物品如书籍、衣物等作宾语。buy也可表示“付出…以换取…”,这时可接健康、幸福、名声、忠诚等抽象名词作宾语。buy引申还可指“收买,贿赂”“相信(即买…的账)”。buy在句中主要用作及物动词,偶尔用作不及物动词。用作及物动词时,后接名词或代词作宾语,有时还可接双宾语,其间接宾语可转化为介词for的宾语。可用于被动结构。


  p21   A:dictionary 1、boring 2、cousin 3、excuse 4、hotel   5、lunch 6、many 7、Sunday 8、uncle   1、sale 2、school 3、science 4、see 5、short 6、spell 7、star   8、swim C:2、things around you 3、colors 4、making new friends   5、things in the classroom 6、the family 7、things around the house   8、spending time with friends 9、food 10、shopping 11、dates 12、movies   13、joining a club 14、daily routines 15、school subjects   P22   B:what am I ? tree sing kite sun snowman bird   P23   C: what,where,who,why,how much,when,do,are,is,how   1、who 2、what 3、how 4、 how 5、where 6、how much 7、what 8、what 9、why 10、whe am,is,are,has,having   1、am 2、is 3、are 4、are 5、ride 6、Do like 7、has 8、to read 9、doesn't like likes 10、does,do D:is,the,are,on,is,box,on,quilt,the,floor A: A:6 B:3 C:1 D:2 E:4 F:7 G:5   B:happy new year   P25   任务2: 不影响整体理解的生词:few,loudly   可以猜出大概意思的'生词:sitting,seat,lose   影响理解必须擦词典的生词:catch,laughs   P26:   2、sex 3、age 4、place of study 5、favorite 6、mobile telephone 7、email address   P49   CBDCD   P50   ABDBA   P51   C,B,B,A,D,C,C,B,A,B   P54-55   七 B,C,C,B,D,C,C,D,C,D,C,D,A,A   P61   C,D,B,B,B,C,D,C,B,A   P62   A,C,A,C,C,A,B,D,C,B   P65-66   七 B,D,C,D,D   P66-67   一 C,A,B,D,B,B,C,B,C,A,B,C   P68   C,B,A,D,A,C,C,B,C,B,D,C,C,B,A   P68-69   三 A,B,D   P69   A,D,B,C

on sale和for sale的区别是什么?

"on sale" 表示商品正在促销或特价销售,而 "for sale" 表示物品是可购买的,没有特别指代价格上的折扣或促销。大家可以先看下面的表格了解一下 on sale和for sale 吧:"On sale" 和 "For sale" 的区别:区别1:释义和用途不同"On sale":指正在进行特别优惠、折扣或促销活动,意味着该商品或服务的价格较低,通常是为了吸引更多的购买者。例子1:The latest smartphones are on sale for 20% off this week.(这周最新款的智能手机正在打八折销售。)"For sale":指某物品或物件正在出售或可供购买,没有特别的降价或优惠情况。例子2:The house next door is for sale, in case you're interested.(隔壁的房子正在出售,如果你感兴趣的话。)区别2:词性不同"On sale" 可以作为形容词或介词短语使用,用于描述商品或服务的销售状态。例子1:The shoes are on sale at the mall.(这些鞋子在商场打折销售。)"For sale" 是形容词短语,用于描述物品的状态,表示它可供购买。例子2:There is a car for sale in the classifieds section.(分类广告栏中有一辆车待售。)区别3:语义不同"On sale" 强调价格优惠,暗示着消费者可以享受特别的折扣或优惠。例子1:All winter clothing is on sale now, with huge discounts.(所有冬季服装现在都在打折,优惠非常大。)"For sale" 简单地表明物品正在出售,没有涉及价格折扣或特别优惠。例子2:The old furniture is for sale, but the prices are not negotiable.(旧家具正在出售,但价格不可谈判。)区别4:使用场景不同"On sale" 主要用于商家宣传特别优惠,吸引消费者前来购买。例子1:Hurry, the limited edition watches are on sale for this weekend only.(赶快,限量版手表仅在本周末打折销售。)"For sale" 主要用于标记物品的销售状态,供潜在买家了解该物品可购买。例子2:The sign outside the property says "For sale" with the realtor's contact information.(房产外面的牌子写着“出售”,附有房地产经纪人的联系信息。)


不一样。没有saler。sales 读法 英 [?se?lz] 美 [?se?lz] adj.销售的,售货的;有关销售的n.销售(sale的复数);销售额词汇搭配:1、sales volume销售量2、sales department业务部,营业部示例:Until 1983 he worked in sales and marketing.到1983年为止他一直供职于市场营销部。词语用法:1、sale的基本意思是“卖,出售,销售”,可指抽象的出售的行为,也可指具体的出售的动作,还可指某产品的销售总量,即“销售额,销售量”。也可指某商品以低于其原有价格水平的价格出售,即“廉售,贱卖”,还可指某商品的“销路,市场需求”。2、sale可用作可数名词,也可用作不可数名词,作“销售额,销售量”解时通常用复数形式。3、sale常用于for sale和on sale短语中,前者意为“待售”,后者意为“上市”“减价销售”。4、sale可用在其他名词前作定语,作“销售的”解时一般用复数形式,作“廉价的”解时一般用单数形式。


因为Sales一般指销售员。sale,英文单词,名词,作名词时意为“销售;出售;拍卖;销售额;廉价出售,人名;(意、塞、瑞典)萨莱;(英、萨摩)塞尔;(法)萨尔”。可以被sell代替。sale基本用法:1、sale的基本意思是“卖,出售,销售”,可指抽象的出售的行为,也可指具体的出售的动作,还可指某产品的销售总量,即“销售额,销售量”。也可指某商品以低于其原有价格水平的价格出售,即“廉售,贱卖”,还可指某商品的“销路,市场需求”。2、sale既可用作可数名词,也可用作不可数名词,作“销售额,销售量”解时通常用复数形式。3、sale常用于for sale和on sale短语中,前者意为“待售”,后者意为“上市”“减价销售”。4、sale可用在其他名词前作定语,作“销售的”解时一般用复数形式,作“廉价的”解时一般用单数形式。


sale的意思是销售。读音:英 [se?l],美 [se?l]释义:n. 出售;促销复数:sales例句:This is a showpiece, not for sale.这是个样品,不出售。短语:on sale 出售winter sale 冬季大减价wide sale 广阔的销路run a sale 进行拍卖词义辨析for sale,on sale这两个短语的共同意思是“出售”。其区别是:for sale往往用来指出售自己的物品或代销别人的物品;而on sale没有这种限制,只表示“有售”,使用广泛,相当于on the market。试比较:This is my bicycle for sale.这就是我准备出售的自行车。Pear has been on sale.梨已经上市了。




SALE衣服品牌的中文名叫“沙乐华”,是英文SALEWA的缩写,这个品牌在1935年起源于德国,是欧洲著名的户外运动休闲品牌。在1956年,SALEWA在经过长期的市场调查,充分的把握住了冬季的户外运动用品市场的发展机会。1998年,意大利OBERALP集团为SALEWA的德国血统注入了意大利的元素,“一半的重量双倍的强度”使其成为登山探险装备的创新者。扩展资料品牌历史1935年:SALEWA创始于1935年7月8日,创始人为德国马具协会主席Josef Liebhart先生。在德文中,SA意为马具,LE意为皮具,WA则意为用品;1940年:1948年6月21日的金融改革,给德国西部以及SALEWA品牌带来新开始。当时的主推产品有相机包、背包、皮质足球、摩托车油槽包、由榛树木材制成的滑雪杆等等。参考资料来源:百度百科——SALEWA


sell的名词形式是seller,意思是卖方,售货员,sell的音标是英 [sel]或美 [s?l] 。一、词汇分析sellvt. 销售;推销;出卖;欺骗vi. 卖;出售;受欢迎;有销路n. 销售;失望;推销术二、短语1、Sell short 卖空 ; 抛空 ; 沽空 ; 卖空投机2、sell order 沽盘 ; 卖盘 ; 销售订单 ; 卖出委托3、Sell Put 卖出卖权 ; 认沽期权 ; 看跌期权 ; 卖出看跌期权4、Sell Credits 卖点数 ; 出售点数三、例句1、Catlin sold the paintings to Philadelphia industrialist Joseph Harrison.卡特林把这些画卖给了费城实业家约瑟夫·哈里森。2、The directors sold the business for $14.8 million.董事们把这个公司以1480万美元卖掉了。扩展资料近义词有promote , find a market,bring to market , go to sb for,marketing , disappointment。一、promote英 [pr?'m??t] 美 [pr?'mot] vt. 促进;提升;推销;发扬vi. 成为王后或其他大于卒的子1、I was promoted to editor and then editorial director.我晋升为编辑,之后又晋升为编辑部主任。2、You don't have to sacrifice environmental protection to promote economic growth.你们没有必要牺牲环保来促进经济增长。二、marketing英 ['mɑ?k?t??] 美 ['mɑrk?t??] n. 行销,销售v. 出售;在市场上进行交易;使…上市(market的ing形式)1、We price-shopped in other city marketing areas around the country. 我们在全国其他城市商场做了销售价格调查。2、Most IT departments do not have effective communication and marketing programs.大多数 IT 部门并不具有有效的交流和行销计划。


sell的名词形式及不是sale,也不seller,而是其本身就能作为名词。sale可以说是sell的名词同义词,意思是是“卖,出售,销售”,可指抽象的出售的行为,也可指具体的出售的动作,还可指某产品的销售总量seller意思是“卖家,售货员”,指得是卖东西的一方。词汇解析:sell英 [sel] 美 [s?l] v. 卖;销售;推销;出卖;欺骗n. 销售;推销术;欺骗I think we should sell it. 我想我们应该把它卖了。二、sale英 [se?l] 美 [sel] n. 销售;出售;拍卖;销售额The mansion has been put up for sale.该豪宅已待售。三、seller英 ['sel?] 美 ['s?l?] n. 卖方,售货员I recommend this seller to all. 我建议这个卖方所有。扩展资料词语用法:1、sell是buy的反义词,基本意思是“卖,售”,指出让某物之所有权去换回金钱,可以表示“卖”,也可以表示“卖出”。可译为“经销,推销”“使人买,将…卖出”“被出售,有销路,有人买”“使某人相信某事物好或是真的”等。引申可作“出卖”“欺骗”解。2、sell可用作及物动词,也可用作不及物动词。用作及物动词时表示“卖”的具体动作,其主语是人或由人组成的机构,接名词或代词作宾语。3、也可接双宾语,其间接宾语可转化为介词to的宾语,还可接以形容词充当宾语补足语的复合宾语。4、sell用作名词意思是“卖,销售”,指抽象的销售行为。sell也可作“欺骗,失望”解,通常用单数形式。

