
时间:2024-07-18 23:08:05编辑:流行君


你被解雇了英文:You're firedYou are fired你被解雇了。(也可以这样说: You got the boot.You got the axe.You were removed from the post.You are off the payroll.You have been canned. )We have to let you go now.我们现在不得不让你离开。Company has to lay off some staff公司必须裁减一些员工。You mean I'm among the people who have to go?你是说我也是其中一员?I feel sorry, but that's the decision of the boss.我真的很抱歉,但这是老板的决定。They kicked me off.他们把我开除了。I just got my pink slip.我刚收到解聘通知书。

解雇 英语翻译

解雇英语翻译:fire一、读音:英 ['fa??(r)]美 ['fa??r]    二、意思是:n. 火;失火;炉火;开火;热情v. 开火;解雇;点燃;急速地连续说三、例句:She fired her gun at them.她用枪向他们射击。四、词汇用法:1、fire用作名词的意思是“火”,转化为动词意思是“烧”“点燃”“开火”“射击”。引申可表示“激动”“发火”“发动”。2、fire可用作及物动词,也可用作不及物动词。用作及物动词时接名词或代词作宾语。五、词汇搭配:cause a fire 引起火灾cease fire 停火escape a fire 幸免于火灾,未被大火烧死扩展资料词汇辨析:set on fire, catch fire这两个短语都可表示“燃烧”。其区别是:前者表示使动,意思是“使燃烧”,可以是故意的或意外的;后者表示自动,意思是“燃烧”,一般是意外的。例如:The house caught fire.这房子失火了。The despot set his house on fire before he took to flight.恶霸逃跑前,放火烧了自己的房子。


“教育”的英文是education。education [?ed?u?ke??n] n.教育;培养;教育学;训练eg.They're cutting funds for education 他们正在削减教育经费。Education is central to a country's economic development 教育对一个国家的经济发展至关重要。Education and training is the key that will unlock our nation's potential.教育和培训是发掘我们国家潜力的关键。


“教育”的英文为education。1、读音:英 [?ed?u?ke??n]、美 [?ed?u?ke??n]2、详细意思:教育;培养;教育学3、相关短语:cooperative education 建教合作 ; 合作教育 ; 合作办学 ; 带薪实习项目undergraduate education 本科教育 ; 本科 ; 本科教学 ; 大学本科教育professional education 专业教育 ; 职业教育 ; 任职教育 ; 测绘专业教育4、例句:Education would be the best and final prevention against social evils. 教育是防止社会罪恶的最好和最终的方法。扩展资料:“education”的近义词:cultivation1、读音:英 [?k?lt??ve??n]、美 [?k?lt??ve??n] 2、表达意思:培养;耕作;耕种;教化;文雅3、相关短语:intensive cultivation 集约耕作 ; 精耕细作 ; 密集耕作 ; 集约种植character cultivation 性格培养 ; 陶冶情操 ; 个性培养 ; 品格教育submerged cultivation [微] 深层培养 ; 液面下培养 ; 摇床培养 ; 液体培养4、例句:Community is an investment in the cultivation and fusion of affinity, interaction, advocacy andloyalty. 社区是对于培育和融入亲和力,相互影响,支持和忠诚的投资。


commission意思是委员会。双语例句:1、The family has instructed solicitors to sue Thomson for compensation.那家人已经指示律师起诉汤姆森,要求赔偿。2、Thomson gave a queer, sympathetic look, then ran out of the room. 汤姆森流露出不解的,同情的神色,跑出房间。3、He was not only learning from but also collaborating with Joseph Thomson. 他不仅是在跟约瑟福?汤姆逊学习,而且也是在和他合作。4、Analysis of New Drug Research& Development Database Thomson Pharma.新药研发数据库Thomson Pharma分析。5、Computer Control the Scheduling for Thomson Laser Scattering System.汤姆逊散射时序的计算机控制。


commissioner是一个英语名词,它的意思是委员,专员,特派员;警察局长,警长,首长,长官。复数:commissioners    扩展资料   commissioner例句分享   The Commissioner has absolutely unrestricted access to all the files.   特派员可以随意查阅所有文件。   This is from the commissioner.   这是委员发来的。


miss结尾的单词较少,只有remiss和dismiss。1.remiss英[r??m?s] 美[r??m?s]adj.玩忽职守的,马虎;adv.玩忽职守地;n.玩忽职守,马虎;I would be remiss if I did not do something about it.如果我对此不做点儿什么,就是不负责任。2.dismiss英[d?s?m?s]美[d?s?m?s]vt.解雇,把…免职; 遣散,解散(队伍等); 驳回,拒绝受理; 搁置;vi.解散;Mr Wakeham dismissed the reports as speculation.韦克厄姆先生把这些报道当作臆测而不予考虑。扩展资料:dismiss的用法:dismiss的基本意思是“不再保有或同意离开”,指自动或被迫脱离所负的责任或所任的职务。引申可作“置之不理”“不加考虑”解。dismiss作“解雇”解时,并不追究事情的前因后果,故双方均可接受,语气较为平和。dismiss用作及物动词,可接名词或代词作宾语,还可接以as短语充当补足语的复合宾语。dismiss在其宾语后面接介词as时,动词宾语和介词宾语都指事,表示“当作…时而不予考虑”。宾语后接介词for,介词宾语指事(可以是名词或动名词),表示解雇的原因。宾语后接介词from,介词宾语指地位和职务时,表示“解雇,免职”; 介词宾语指思想时,表示“打消念头”。dismiss用于法律上时,还有“驳回”的意思,常用于被动式。


1、omit英 [?'m?t]     美 [?'m?t]    vt. 省略;遗漏;忘记;删去。In writing telegrams omit superfluous words.写电报稿要省去不必要的文字。2、premiss英 ['prem?s]     美 ['prem?s]    n. 前提=premise。Of course, outer freedom is the premiss and basis for inner freedom.当然,外在自由是内在自由的前提和基础。3、remiss 英[r??m?s] 美[r??m?s]adj. 玩忽职守的,马虎;adv. 玩忽职守地;n. 玩忽职守,马虎。I would be remiss if I did not do something about it.如果我对此不做点儿什么,就是不负责任。4、dismiss 英[d?s?m?s]美[d?s?m?s]vt. 解雇,把…免职; 遣散,解散(队伍等); 驳回,拒绝受理; 搁置;vi. 解散。Mr Wakeham dismissed the reports as speculation.韦克厄姆先生把这些报道当作臆测而不予考虑。


解雇英文通常使用的表达是"terminate"或"dismiss",具体使用哪个词取决于具体情况和语境。下面将详细介绍解雇的相关词汇和表达方式。Terminate: 这个词可以用作动词,表示终止、解除或结束雇佣关系。例如:We have decided to terminate your employment contract.(我们决定终止你的雇佣合同。)The company terminated him due to his poor performance.(公司因他业绩不佳而解雇了他。)Dismiss: 这个词也可以用作动词,表示解雇、开除或驱逐。例如:The manager dismissed the employee for stealing.(经理因为偷窃而开除了员工。)He was dismissed from his position after the company's restructuring.(在公司重组后,他被解除了职务。)


释义:n. 退职,离职
Dimission Chatroom 离职管理聊天室
Dimission Rate 离职率 ; 离任率
Dimission Interview 离职面谈 ; 离任面谈
Staff Dimission 员工离职
One dimission 一个毕业 ; 一毕业
Dimission Research 离职研究
1、In terms of the higher rate of the dimission in companies, this paper analyzes the composition of dimission costs.
2、Meanwhile, it discusses the system from the staff member's incumbency period and his dimission period respectively.
3、In this lecture, labor dispute cases settled by our attorneys, dimission procedure and formalities and payment of severance pay were introduced.
4、This paper analyzes the concrete reasons of science staff dimission, and put forward some countermeasure .
5、Science staff dimission has influenced the entire scientific research standard of units in competing power.


1 accretion n. 自然的增加,增加物2 occasion n.场合,时刻;时机3 containerization n.集装箱化4 inflection n. 屈曲,变调,音调变化5 emulation n. 竞争,仿效6 formation n.形成;构成;形成物7 situation n.位置;处境;形势 扩展资料 8 affliction n. 痛苦,折磨9 demoralization n. 道德颓废,堕落,士气沮10 explosion n.爆炸,爆发,炸裂11 expostulation n. 劝告,谏言12 ministration n. 职务,服侍,援助13 devastation n. 毁坏14 onion n.洋葱,洋葱头15 industrialization n. 工业化16 plantation n.种植园;栽植17 exoneration n. 免罪,免除18 adulation n. 谄媚,奉承,阿谀19 aviation n.航空,航空学20 correlation n.相互关系;对射


ion后缀表示某一动作过程、结果与状态,以及与该行为有关的事物。ion后缀来源于拉丁语,只能加缀在拉丁动词词干或拉丁介词上,构成相应的名词,其意思相当于the result of -ing、the condition of being -ed、a thing that -s等。1.attraction [attract v.吸引;-ion]n.吸引;吸引力The attraction of the bright headlight made the deer stop in the road. 明亮的汽车前灯光吸引得那只鹿停在公路中间。Sports have great attraction for most boys. 运动对多数男孩子有很大的吸引力。2.calculation [calcul 计算;-ation ]n.计算;计算结果Our first calculation was wrong,but the second was correct. 我们第一次得数是错误的,第二次是对的。

