honey snow

时间:2024-07-17 07:41:46编辑:流行君



1. Introduction

As one of the most popular chains of dessert shops in China,MIXUEBINGCHENG, also known as Honey Snow Ice City, has been attracting customers with a variety of snow ice desserts since its establishment in 2001. The inspiring mix of snow ice and a wide range of toppings and flavours offers an unforgettable taste experience for many food lovers both in China and abroad.

2. Signature Dishes

MIXUEBINGCHENG\'s signature dishes are snow ice desserts topped with a mix of fruit, candy, syrup, and nuts. The most popular flavour is the mango snow ice, with mango chunks, syrup, and condensed milk layered on top of snow ice. Another popular flavour is the strawberry snow ice, which is made using strawberries, condensed milk, and strawberry syrup. Other popular flavours include chocolate, Oreo, and matcha, and there are also seasonal flavours like watermelon and peach based on the availability of seasonal fruits.

3. Store décor and Atmosphere

Most MIXUEBINGCHENG locations have a clean and modern look with a white-and-pink colour scheme. There are usually a few intimate seating areas with comfortable, plush chairs. The atmosphere is a mix of trendy and cozy, with soft music playing in the background. There is usually a queue at peak hours, so customers are advised to be patient while waiting.

4. Competitors and Future Plans

MIXUEBINGCHENG\'s biggest competitors in the Chinese dessert market are Heytea and Nayuki. As a response to the competition, MIXUEBINGCHENG has been expanding aggressively in recent years, opening new outlets all over China and overseas. The company has also been investing in new technology, such as self-service ordering kiosks, to improve the customer experience.

5. Conclusion

MIXUEBINGCHENG is a dessert chain that has been successful in offering high-quality snow ice desserts with a wide variety of flavour choices and an enjoyable atmosphere for customers. With ambitious expansion plans and investment in technology, MIXUEBINGCHENG is poised to continue its growth and expand its reach both in China and globally.



snowflake 英[?sn??fle?k] 美[?sno?fle?k]
n. 雪花,雪片;
[例句]I love you. I make a snowflake.

He gave me a small white box that had snowflake wrapping on it.

We look at the structure of things, the geometry of branch and snowflake, familyand deed.

Are you insane? There is no way that camp stole snowflake.

Gravity is pulling every raindrop and snowflake and hailstone.


Honey Snow Ice CityHoney英 ['h?ni]     美 ['h?ni]    n. 蜂蜜;甜蜜;宝贝;v. 说甜言蜜语;(加蜜)使甜;adj. 甜蜜的;亲爱的。We can use honey as a substitute of sugar.我们可以蜂蜜作为糖的代替品。近义词:dear英 [d??(r)]     美 [d?r]    adj. 亲爱的;宝贵的;昂贵的;n. 可爱的人;亲爱的人;adv. 高价地。用法:1、dear主要表示“物以稀”而导致的“贵”,虽然也可指价格“贵”,但更多的是指人们视其“珍贵”。2、dear也可表示“亲爱的”,在信函中,常用于称呼前,表示亲昵、客套等,在英式英语中, dear前加my显得更亲切,而在美式英语中,用my比不用my更正式。首字母一般大写。


chicken、orange、fish、time、exercise一、chicken1、读音:英 [?t??k?n] 美 [?t??k?n] 2、释义:鸡,鸡肉。3、语法:chicken当“鸡肉”讲时是不可数,当“小鸡”讲时可数。二、orange1、读音:英 [??r?nd?] 美 [???r?nd?] 2、释义:橙子。3、语法:orange作可数名词的时候,意思为橘子,作不可数名词的时候,意思为橘子汁。三、fish1、读音:英 [f??] 美 [f??] 2、释义:鱼,鱼肉。3、语法: fish当食物用“鱼、鱼肉”讲是不可数,当“鱼的种类”讲时可数。四、time1、读音:英 [ta?m] 美 [ta?m] 2、释义:(以分钟、小时、天等计量的)时间。3、语法:time当“时间”讲时不可数,当“时代、倍数、次数”讲时可数。五、exercise1、读音:英 [?eks?sa?z] 美 [?eks?rsa?z] 2、释义:(身体或脑力的)活动,锻炼,运动。3、语法:exercise泛指“锻炼”时不可数,当“练习、做操”讲时可数。


梨子的单词是:pear,读音为:英 [pe?(r)]     美 [per]  1、释义:梨子;梨树。2、语法:当pear指具体的一个个的“梨”时,是可数名词; 表示一种物质即“梨肉”时,是不可数名词。3、例句:There are many pear trees covered in blossom。那里有许多开满花的梨树。扩展资料同根词组:pearlpearl1、读音:英 [p??l]     美 [p??rl]    2、释义:珍珠; (用珍珠)装饰;呈珍珠状;珍珠般的。3、语法:一种古老的有机宝石,主要产在珍珠贝类和珠母贝类软体动物体内;而由于内分泌作用而生成的 含碳酸钙的矿物(文石)珠粒,是由大量微小的文石晶体集合而成的;种类丰富,形状各异,色彩斑斓。4、例句:The pearl sparkled in the moonlight。那颗珍珠在月光下闪闪发光。


梨的读音:[pe?]一、词汇解析pear英[pe?];美[p?r]n. 梨树;梨子例:The teacher gave them a pear each. 老师给了他们每个人一个梨。二、关于pear的短语1、balsam pear 苦瓜2、pear tree 梨树3、pear juice 梨汁扩展资料近义词1、tangerine英 [t?n(d)??'ri?n];美 ['t?nd??'rin] n. 橘子例:One day I saw a child playing with a ruby the size of a tangerine. 有一天,我看见一个小孩在玩一块橘子那么大的红宝石。2、watermelon英 ['w??t?mel?n];美 ['w?t?m?l?n] n. 西瓜例:He weighed the watermelon by hand . 他用手估量西瓜的重量。


梨的英语是:pear;发音是英 [pe?] 美 [p?r] 。梨的英文单词:pear。读音:英[pe?(r)]美[per]。n梨树;梨(树)。复数: pears。当pear指具体的一个个的“梨”时,是可数名词;表示一种物质即“梨肉”时,是不可数名词。用法示例如下:1、When you get hungry, just pluck a pear off the tree and eat it. 肚子饿了你就从树上采摘一个梨吃吧。2、This salad is made of apple, pear, potato and celery.这份色拉是由苹果、梨、土豆和芹菜做成的。三、词源解说:直接源自古英语的pere;最初源自古典拉丁语的pira。四、经典引文:Some beautiful Pearls..among them a Pair of Pears.出自: A. Hamilton。五、近义词:1、Pyrus communis 西洋梨。2、pear tree 梨树。扩展资料:一、词语用法:n. (名词)当pear指具体的一个个的“梨”时,是可数名词; 表示一种物质即“梨肉”时,是不可数名词。pear还可表示“梨树”。二、词汇搭配:动词:1、cultivate a pear 种梨树。2、eat a pear 吃梨。3、peel a pear 削梨。4、pick pears 摘梨。形容词:1、choke pear 苦涩的梨。2、rotten pear 烂梨。3、sleepy pear 过熟并开始腐烂的梨。4、sweet pear 甜甜的梨。名词:1、birchleaf pear 棠梨。2、stone-free pear 无籽梨。3、snow pear 雪梨。


darling.dear.beloved..affectionate.sweetheart.honey.亲爱的..Habibi 亲爱的..Habibi 亲爱的 Habibi 」《大地的不幸者》-法蓝兹.法农(Frantz Fanon),後殖民理论家与精神分析学家 〈我亲爱的(Habibi)〉,17公尺,2004 树脂、光纤、聚苯乙烯、飞机喷射扇 东京宫〈我们的故事(Notre histoire..
ecran-voile.blogspot- 基于3个网页 亲爱的妈咪 试听..My lovely mamma 亲爱的妈咪 试听..My lovely mamma 亲爱的妈咪 试听 My lovely mamma [转] 好听的胎教音乐 有下载地址哦 ...
Baby *** ells the sea/大海的摇篮曲 试听
My lovely mamma/亲爱的妈咪 试听








这个阶段主要区分 letter name(字母名) 和 letter sound(字母音),比如看到字母C, 他们要练习如何读出字母名/si/,和字母音/k/。此阶段适合配合自然拼读歌曲来进行教学,愉悦好听的韵律会让孩子在不知不觉中掌握字母音和相关单词。


这阶段学习拆分单词,知道每个单词是由几个音素/音节组成的。比如sheep,由sh,ee,p 三个音素组成。


这个阶段学习各种元音、辅音、押韵词、字母组合规律、视觉词(sight words,即那些数量不多又高频的不符合自然拼读规律,需要单独记忆的词)重点需要知道的有:

(1)CVC Words (Consonant-Vowel-Consonant):

这些CVC单词(有的地方称为”三字词“,如Cat, Big, Bed等等)中的元音发短元音。

(2)Long Vowel Word(长元音单词):


(3)Word Family(单词家族):


(4)Sight Words(视觉词):

Sight Words是那些不符合发音规律的单词,这些单词需要单独记忆。



