
时间:2024-07-05 08:11:22编辑:流行君


  1.don't get it

  2.have no notion of dim about

  don't get it造句
  1. But I don't get it, because acid trips last for hours.

  但我没弄懂, 因为磕药之后总是有错觉的.

  2. This hit? How we did it, just because they don't get it.

  抨击?呵~他们抨击只是因为他们 什么 都不了解.

  3. While wolves in captivity just don't get it.


  4. I've cited for you a lot of examples, but you still don't get it.

  我已经为你列举了很多例子, 但是你仍然不明白这一点.

  5. Your stomach ulcer will surely drag you down if you don't get it cured soon enough.


  6. What is personality type of people who overuse personality types: JDGI, Just Don't Get It.

  那些过度使用人性型别的人们的人性型别是怎样的: JDGI, 千万别染指.

  7. Nothing unacceptable, I just don't get it which part that doesn't look like me, how e.

  没什么不能接受的, 我只是不知道哪里不像我, 为什么会这么说.

  8. I have consulted with the electrician about using ampere meter, but I still don't get it.

  关于安培表的用法,我请教了电工师傅, 可还是不懂.

  9. We're seeing the hollowing out of American manufacturing because the politicians don't get it.


  10. Don't think it hasn't torn me apart to be away from you.

  have no notion of 例句
  1. I have no notion of resigning.


  2. I have no notion of what you're talking about.


  3. I have no notion of the specifications of these new machines.


  4. I have no notion of what it means.


  5. I have no intention of letting you balls it up.


  6. We have no intention of being drawn into a political quagmire.


  7. You have no proof of my involvement in anything.


  8. We have no intention of buying American jets.


  9. I have no intention of going to the wedding.


  10. I have no recollection of meeting her before.


conduction current什么意思及同义词

中文释义: 传导电流

The earth provides a low resistance conducting path for direct cur-rent.
As is well known, to conduct an electric current means to transmit electrons.
Alteration in excitability and conductivity of a nerve or muscle during the passage of an electric current through it.

conduction current 传导电流
decaying conduction current 衰减传导电流


  你知道不明白的英文单词是什么吗?下面一起来看看吧。   不明白   不明白的英文单词释义:   be dim about   vague   have no notion of   不明白的英文单词例句:   我不明白她最后那句话的意思。   I don't see the point of her last remark.   她不明白作记录的重要性。   She is rather dim about the importance of keeping records.   我一点也不明白你在说些什么。   I haven't the slightest idea what you are talking about.   她说话含含糊糊,我怎么也听不明白她想说些什么。   She is so vague that I can never understand what she is trying to say.   我不明白我为什么应该------。   I do not see why I should. . . .   你不明白这些事情,”她母亲说。   Thou understandest not these things, " said her mother.   我不明白怎么会认为定个上限就会有这种作用。 不明白的英文单词   I do not know why the ceiling should be expected to have that effect.   又对他们说,你们不明白这比喻吗。这样怎能明白一切的比喻呢。   And he said unto them, Know ye not this parable? and how then will ye know allparables?   我不明白你们为什么对这件事感到如此好笑。   I fail to see why you find it so amusing.   然而搬运工却不明白我的话。   The porter, however, could not understand me.   老师什麽都解释了,尽管如此,她还是不明白。   The teacher explained everything, but even then she do not understand.   听众也许能明白你讲的东西,但是他们搞不明白你为什么要跟大家说这些。   The audience may understand what you've said, but they may not understandwhy you said it.   即使是现在,我也不明白。   I do not see, even now.   让我不明白的是一些人怎么就那么依赖上乘船作为他们唯一的出游方式呢。   What I don’t understand is how some people rely on this as their only source oftraveling.   这让我母亲非常感动,但在那时候我却不明白为什么。   This touched my mother, but at the time I couldn’t see why.   他们不明白盈利能力为什么很重要。   They do not see why profitability matters.   我不明白为什么他们支持他——没人知道为什么。   I do not know why they supported him and why—nobody knows why.   耶稣对他们说,你们也是这样不明白吗。   And he saith unto them, Are ye so without understanding also?   思嘉弄不明白,既然他的心对她的心是那样陌生,那么为什么他竟会迷住她呢?   Why he should have captivated Scarlett when his mind was a stranger to hers shedid not know.   他们不明白,为什么腐败官员能从国外的人权标准中获得好处。   They do not see why corrupt officials should benefit from foreign standards onhuman rights.   “我一点也不明白这种东西,”她说。   I don’t understand this at all, " she said.   是否发展中国家的决策者们已经意识到这一问题但还不明白该怎样去做,或者他们还没能完全认识到这一问题的严重性?   Is it that policymakers in developing countries are aware of the problem but don'tknow what to do, or are they not as aware as they should be?   小孩子和青少年有时会做一些危险而愚蠢的事情,那是因为他们不明白或没有考虑到事情的后果。   Children and teenagers sometimes do dangerous and foolish things, and that is because they do not understand or THINK about the consequences.   _们不明白的是,上帝离开他们的距离,比起他们离开上帝的距离更大。   Christians have not yet understood that God is farther removed from them thanthey are from Him.


秋千的英文:swing。swing:英 [sw??] ;美 [sw??] 。n.秋千;摇摆,摆动;摆程,振幅;音律。vt.使旋转;使做曲线运动;挥舞;悬吊。vi.悬摆;迅速打击;侧转,转弯;轻快摇摆地走。1、There's a swing in the playground. 操场上有一个秋千。2、You can improve your swing, your putting, and your shot. 你可以改善你秋千,把你和你的镜头。相关词:1、playplay的基本意思指“玩,玩耍”,也可指与某人进行一场比赛,即“参加比赛”。play还可指“演奏乐器”。引申可指“开某人的玩笑”、“扮演”、“播放”、“(泉水等)喷出”等意思。play可用作及物动词,也可用作不及物动词。用作及物动词时接表示球或乐器等名词、代词或that从句作宾语。有时还可接双宾语,其间接宾语可转化成介词to或for的宾语,还可接由“(as+) n./adj. ”充当补足语的复合宾语。可用于被动结构。play还可用作系动词,后接形容词或名词作表语。当play后接名词用于演出中作“扮演”解时,一般析为及物动词;作“假装…玩”解时,常析为系动词。play作“玩,玩耍”解时一般用于儿童,而很少用于成年人。当play作“演奏”解时,不用于打击乐器(如锣、鼓等)。play后接表示球类或牌等名词时,其前不加冠词th;而接乐器时则必须加冠词the,在美式英语中the有时也可以省略。当play用于一般现在时时,宾语前不加冠词,表示经常或定期进行某项娱乐或活动。2、swingswing作名词时意思是“秋千”,转化为动词时,其基本意思是“摇摆”,指像秋千一样有规律地前后或来回地摆动或以一点为中心地转动。swing引申还可表示“剧变,改变态度”、“突变”、“下跌”。swing可用作及物动词,也可用作不及物动词。用作及物动词时,接名词或代词作宾语,也可接以形容词充当宾语补足语的复合宾语。swing过去时和过去分词都是不规则的形式swung。


秋千的英文:swing。swing:英 [sw??] ;美 [sw??] 。n.秋千;摇摆,摆动;摆程,振幅;音律。vt.使旋转;使做曲线运动;挥舞;悬吊。vi.悬摆;迅速打击;侧转,转弯;轻快摇摆地走。1、There's a swing in the playground. 操场上有一个秋千。2、You can improve your swing, your putting, and your shot. 你可以改善你秋千,把你和你的镜头。相关词:1、playplay的基本意思指“玩,玩耍”,也可指与某人进行一场比赛,即“参加比赛”。play还可指“演奏乐器”。引申可指“开某人的玩笑”、“扮演”、“播放”、“(泉水等)喷出”等意思。play可用作及物动词,也可用作不及物动词。用作及物动词时接表示球或乐器等名词、代词或that从句作宾语。有时还可接双宾语,其间接宾语可转化成介词to或for的宾语,还可接由“(as+) n./adj. ”充当补足语的复合宾语。可用于被动结构。play还可用作系动词,后接形容词或名词作表语。当play后接名词用于演出中作“扮演”解时,一般析为及物动词;作“假装…玩”解时,常析为系动词。play作“玩,玩耍”解时一般用于儿童,而很少用于成年人。当play作“演奏”解时,不用于打击乐器(如锣、鼓等)。play后接表示球类或牌等名词时,其前不加冠词th;而接乐器时则必须加冠词the,在美式英语中the有时也可以省略。当play用于一般现在时时,宾语前不加冠词,表示经常或定期进行某项娱乐或活动。2、swingswing作名词时意思是“秋千”,转化为动词时,其基本意思是“摇摆”,指像秋千一样有规律地前后或来回地摆动或以一点为中心地转动。swing引申还可表示“剧变,改变态度”、“突变”、“下跌”。swing可用作及物动词,也可用作不及物动词。用作及物动词时,接名词或代词作宾语,也可接以形容词充当宾语补足语的复合宾语。swing过去时和过去分词都是不规则的形式swung。


问题一:荡秋千英文怎么说? 荡秋千:play on a swing

问题二:荡秋千的英文怎么说 play on the swing

问题三:荡秋千的英文 swing
1. 孩子们在公园里荡秋千。
The children ar激 playing on the swings in the park.

2. 孩子们把(一根)绳子系在树上当作秋千玩.
The kids tied a (piece of) rope to the tree and used it as a swing.

3. 用垂下来的藤曼做了一个秋千
Contrived a swing from hanging vines.

问题四:荡秋千的英语是什么 play on a swing

问题五:荡秋千英语怎么写? swing

问题六:荡秋千的英文怎么写 swing; be on the swing; play on the swing; take a swing

问题七:荡秋千的英语怎么写? swing
英 [sw??] 美 [sw??]
vt.& vi.
词汇难度:高考 / CET4 / 考研 / IELTS / TEM4 / GRE
第三人称单数: swings 复数: swings 现在分词: swinging 过去式: swung 过去分词: swung


我不知道是不是有新旧款之分会有不同,我的是新款小号,欧洲品牌店买的,跟你的图片比有不同。我的"celine paris made in italy“的字样不是这个位置。包里面的口袋也不是皮+拉链,也是直接的扁扁的开口的皮的口袋。另外整个包随意摆放也是视觉上很有型的,两边的耳朵不颓败很挺括,中间的皮也是有质感的,不会随意扁塌。还有就是我的金属扣不是这种闪闪亮的金色,是偏银色的,拉链也是。我放点照片上来,给你和需要的人参考。


双手赞成 体育项目 谜底:举重
说话口气 体育项目 谜底:柔道
跃进跃进再跃进 体育项目 谜底:三级跳远
农林牧副渔兴旺 体育项目 谜底:五项全能
二 体育用品 谜底:高低杠

叫马,不会跑, 体育用品 谜底:木马
叫球,不能打, 体育用品 谜底:铅球
叫铃,摇不响, 体育用品 谜底:哑铃
叫饼,吃不下。 体育用品 谜底:铁饼

