
时间:2024-07-02 00:25:32编辑:流行君


jackson读法是美['d??ks?n]、英['d??ks?n]。jackson造句:1、There is a video by of Michael Jackson I love his songs very much.正在播放迈克尔·杰克逊的光盘,我非常喜欢他的歌。2、Jackson died last year after being given a powerful anesthetic and two other sedatives.杰克逊去年死于服用了一种药力很强的麻醉剂和另外两种镇静剂。3、With the Lakers set to scrimmage later Saturday night,Jackson wanted his players ready to play.由于湖人队将在周六晚进行对抗赛,所以禅师希望队员可以准备充分。4、Riley said he flew from the United States especially to meet Jackson face-to-face.他说,他专程从美国赶到东京来参加与偶像杰克逊的见面会。5、Ed Sullivan posed with a young Jackson on the Ed Sullivan Show in this undated photograph.在这张未注明日期的照片里,埃德·沙利文在《埃德·沙利文秀》上与小杰克逊合影。6、Today we travel to the mountains of Wyoming for a trip to Jackson Hole.今天,我们到怀俄明州山区去参观杰克逊山洞。


jackson的意思是杰克逊。jackson的词性为名词,读音为?d??ks?n,意思是杰克逊(男子名),杰克逊(美国密西西比州的城市)。例句1、Michael Jackson is the headliner at the event.迈克尔杰克逊是活动的演出嘉宾。2、The lineup includes artists like Miley Cyrus,Janet Jackson and hundreds of others.包括Miley Cyrus、Janet Jackson在内的数百位音乐人出席此次音乐节。3、Jackson nodded a salutation.杰克逊点头打了个招呼。4、Jackson gave a low whistle.杰克逊低声地吹了一下口哨。5、Jackson is a common English name.杰克逊是常见的英语人名。6、Jackson exclaimed delightedly.杰克逊高兴地大喊起来。7、Jackson was the winner for a second successive year.杰克逊是连续第二年的获胜者。


jackson的意思是杰克逊。jackson的词性为名词,读音为?d??ks?n,意思是杰克逊(男子名),杰克逊(美国密西西比州的城市)。例句1、Michael Jackson is the headliner at the event.迈克尔杰克逊是活动的演出嘉宾。2、The lineup includes artists like Miley Cyrus,Janet Jackson and hundreds of others.包括Miley Cyrus、Janet Jackson在内的数百位音乐人出席此次音乐节。3、Jackson nodded a salutation.杰克逊点头打了个招呼。4、Jackson gave a low whistle.杰克逊低声地吹了一下口哨。5、Jackson is a common English name.杰克逊是常见的英语人名。6、Jackson exclaimed delightedly.杰克逊高兴地大喊起来。7、Jackson was the winner for a second successive year.杰克逊是连续第二年的获胜者。


JackSon意思:杰克逊Jackson 英 ['d??ks?n] 美 ['d??ks?n] 解释:一个像神一样的人物,他是流行音乐之王、音乐史上所有各项销售记录的创造者、音乐史的变革先锋、世界上伟大的艺术家——迈克尔·杰克逊。 例句:1、Jackson worked so hard in his life that he turned out bald as a coot before the age of45.杰克逊一生一直勤奋工作,45岁前他的头发就已经掉光了。2、I'll swap (you) my Michael Jackson tape for your Bruce Springsteen album.我想用迈克尔·杰克逊的录音带交换你的布鲁斯·斯普林斯廷唱片集。3、In the absence of Mr. Jackson, we held a meeting.在杰克逊先生不在的情况下,我们开了会。4、Over300 freedom riders arrest in Jackson, Mississippi, in may and June1961 were sentenced.一九六一年的五、六月在密西西比州杰克森市被捕的三百多个参加自由行示威的人都被判刑了。5、I believe and trust in michael jackson.我坚定相信迈克尔杰克逊。


迈克尔·杰克逊(1958年8月29日—2009年6月25日),出生于美国印第安纳州,美国流行乐男歌手、词曲创作人、音乐家、舞蹈家、慈善家、人道主义者、和平主义者、慈善机构创办人。杰克逊是家族的第七个孩子,他在1964年作为杰克逊五人组的成员和他的兄弟一起在职业音乐舞台上初次登台,1968年,乐队与当地的一家唱片公司合作出版了第一张唱片《Big Boy》。1971年12月,杰克逊发行了个人首支单曲《Got to be there》,标志着其个人独唱生涯的开始。1982年12月,杰克逊音乐生涯最畅销的专辑《Thriller》发行。1987年9月,展开个人首次全球巡演。通过舞台和视频的表演,杰克逊普及了机械舞、太空步等舞蹈技术。杰克逊一生中获得了13座格莱美奖和26座全美音乐奖。在他的个人独唱生涯中,拥有13支美国冠军单曲。演艺事业外,杰克逊关心公益慈善,多次举办慈善活动、探访贫困地区、看望难民、捐款捐物。1985年,为赈济非洲饥民,创作并演唱了歌曲《天下一家》,其收益全部用于援助非洲饥民。1992年2月3日,成立“拯救世界”基金会,以救助患有艾滋病和青少年糖尿症的病人。2000年吉尼斯世界纪录大全里认证他资助过39个慈善机构,以个人名义向慈善机构的捐款超过3亿美元。他是吉尼斯世界纪录以个人名义捐款最多的艺人。美国当地时间2009年6月25日下午2点26分(北京时间6月26日凌晨5点26分),杰克逊与世长辞,终年50岁。2010年1月,杰克逊被授予格莱美终身成就奖。他与四位兄弟杰基、蒂托、杰梅因及马龙一同组建杰克逊五人组,并于1964年初次登上职业音乐舞台,后在1971年开始单飞。20世纪80年代初期,杰克逊成为流行音乐的主导人物。他歌曲的音乐视频,包括《避开》、《比利·珍》以及《颤栗》,将媒体转化为一种艺术形式和宣传工具,也对打破种族障碍有着巨大的贡献。这些音乐视频的流行促使当时创立不久的电视频道“全球音乐电视台”名扬天下。20世纪90年代,杰克逊录制包括《黑或白》和《嘶喊》在内的多部音乐视频,这些作品标志着他持续不断的创新能力,这一阶段的大量巡演让他在国外同样名利双收。由于杰克逊的成名及其舞台和视频的表演,一些由他所命名的如“机械步”和“月球漫步”之类的舞蹈技术得到普及。他独特的声音和风格影响很多嘻哈音乐、后期迪斯科、现代节奏布鲁斯、流行音乐及摇滚音乐的艺术家。扩展资料:传承与影响媒体常尊称杰克逊为“流行音乐之王”。每日电讯报的作者汤姆·厄特利于2003年称杰克逊是一位“天才”并且“极度重要”。他的音乐和人道主义贡献对全世界的年轻一代有着“无与伦比”的影响。杰克逊的音乐和视频,例如《颤栗》,促进了种族的多元化,帮助当时创立不久的电视频道“全球音乐电视台”的出名,将频道的重点由摇滚乐转向节奏布鲁斯和流行乐,并将其塑造成一种持久的艺术表现形式。杰克逊的作品持续影响着许多嘻哈音乐、摇滚乐、流行乐以及节奏布鲁斯的音乐家。黑人娱乐电视台称杰克逊是“有史以来最伟大的艺术家”,他“创造了革命性的音乐,将月球漫步这样的舞蹈动作传向世界。杰克逊的声音、风格、舞动和传奇将继续激励所有流派的艺术家”。参考资料:百度百科-迈克尔·杰克逊



Michael Jackson

迈克尔 杰克逊

歌手全名: 迈克尔.约瑟夫.杰克逊 Michael Joseph Jackson

人物介绍:迈克尔·约瑟夫·杰克逊(1958年8月29日—美国时间2009年6月25日,北京时间6 月26日逝世)


被誉为流行乐之王(King of Pop),是流行乐和流行文化的代表性人物。









猫's 回答~


Michael Jackson is one of the America's most successful singers.he is also famous his dancing .
Michael Jackson born on august 29th ,1958.He has four brothers.The five of their first record called The Jackson Five.They started singing in public in 1965.In1970 the hand made their first record .It was called I Want You Back ,Which was very successful .In America it was Number 1 and in Britain it was Number 2
He was one of the most popular singers around the world!


The Bio History of Michael Joseph Jackson began when he was born on the 29th of August 1958 in Gary, Indiana. He was the 7th of nine children. (brothers: Sigmund "Jackie", Toriano "Tito", Jermaine, Marlon, Steven "Randy", and sisters Rebbie, Janet and La-Toya Jackson

Michael began his musical career at the age of 5 as the lead singer of the Jackson 5 who formed in 1964. In these early years the Jackson 5, Jackie, Jermaine,Tito,Marlon and lead singer Michael played local clubs and bars in Gary Indiana and moving further afield as there talents grew and they could compete in bigger competitions. From these early days Michael would be at the same clubs as big talented stars of there days, such as Jackie Wilson and would be learning from them even back then. In 1968 the Bobby Taylor and The Vancouvers discovered the Jackson five and from there they got an audition for Berry Gordy of Motown Records. The Jackson 5 signed for Motown and moved to California. Their first 4 singles, "I Want You Back", "ABC", "The Love You Save", and "I'll Be There" all made US No1 hits. The Jackson 5 recorded 14 albums and Michael recorded 4 solo albums with Motown.

The Jackson 5 stayed with Motown until 1976, wanting more artistic freedom they felt they had to move on and signed up with Epic. The group name Jackson 5 had to be changed as it was owned by Motown, so they reverted to The Jacksons as they had be known in the early days. Brother Jermaine married Berry Gordy's daughter and stayed with Motown. Youngest brother Randy joined in his place. The Jacksons had a number of hit recordsand in total made 6 albums between the years of 1976 and 1984.

In 1977 Michael made his first film debut when he starred in the musical 'The Wiz' playing Scarecrow with Diana Ross in the lead role of Dorothy. It was at this time Michael met Quincy Jones who was doing the score for the film.

Michael teamed up with Quincey Jones as his producer for his first solo album with Epic Records. The album titled "Off The Wall" was a big success around the world and the first ever album to release a record breaking 4 No1 singles in the US.

In 1982 Michael Jackson released the world's largest selling album of all time, 'Thriller'. This album produced 7 hit singles, breaking yet again more records, and went on to sell over 50 million copies worldwide. Michael was keen to use music video or short films as he called them to promote his singles from the album. He worked with the best directors and producers, using the latest technology and special effects.for the hit song 'Billie Jean' The short film 'Thriller' used the latest make-up artists technolgy combined with fantastic dancing and cherography, to produce a 14 minute video, with a start, a middle and an ending. So successful was this video that 'The Making Of Michael Jackson's Thriller' became the world's largest selling home video combined with soaring album sales. In 1983 Michael performed the now legendary moonwalk for the first time on the 'Motown 25 years' anniversary show. This performance alone set Michael undoubtable into the realm of a superstar.

In 1984 Michael won a record breaking 8 Grammy awards in one night. The awards were for his work on the 'Thriller' album and his work on the narrative for the 'ET Storybook'.

On December 9th 1984 at the last concert of the Jackson's Victory Tour, Michael announced he was splitting from the group and going solo.

In 1987 Michael released his much awaited third solo album, titled 'Bad', and lauched his record breaking first solo world tour. 1988, Michael wrote his first autobiography talking for the first time on his childhood and his career. At the end of the 1980s Michael was named 'Artist Of The Decade' for his success off of his 'Thriller' and 'Bad' albums.

In 1991 Michael signed with Sony Music the largest ever recording contract and released his fourth solo album, 'Dangerous'. He toured world again in 1992, taking his concerts to countries that had never before been visited by a pop/rock artist. Also Michael founded the 'Heal the World Foundation' to help improve the lives of children across the world.

In 1994 Michael married Lisa Marie Presley, daughter of rock legend Elvis Presley. The marriage only lasted for 19 months, as they divorced in 1996.

1995 saw Michael release a fifth solo album, 'HIStory', which was a double album, first half new material and second half half greatest hits. Michael toured again over a legs covering a 2 year period. In between legs of the tour on November 14th 1996, Michael married for his second time to Debbie Rowe who was a nurse that Michael had met in the treatment of his skin pigment disorder. Together they had their first child Prince Michael Joseph Jackson jr born on February 13 1997 and a daughter Paris Michael Katherine Jackson born on April 3rd 1998. In 1997 Michael released the remix album 'Blood On The Dance Floor' which also contained 5 new song linked with a 38min film "Ghosts". This film Michael played 5 roles using the latest special effects and make-up artistry, combined with his dance and music.

In September, 2001 Michael celebrated his 30th anniversary as a solo artist with two concerts to be held in New York, USA. Many artists such as Whitney Houston, Usher, Destinys Child, Shaggy and many more performed there own and Michael Jacksons past songs. Michael then reunited with all of his brothers performed there biggest hits. Michael then went onto perform solo some of his biggest hits. In October 2001 Michael released the album 'Invincible' so far releasing only 2 singles including the big hit "You Rock My World". Since the release of this first single the album has been surrounded by rumours of a rift with Sony Music and a clear lack of promotion of the album.


杰克逊2009年去世。迈克尔·杰克逊是美国流行乐男歌手、词曲创作人、音乐家、舞蹈家、慈善家、和平主义者、慈善机构创办人。美国当地时间2009年6月25日下午2点26分(北京时间6月26日凌晨5点26分),杰克逊与世长辞,终年50岁。2010年1月,杰克逊被授予格莱美终身成就奖。扩展资料 :法庭和洛杉矶县验尸官办公室宣布杰克逊的死因是注射致命剂量的麻醉剂丙泊酚和其他镇静剂,将案件定性为他杀。莫里承认曾为杰克逊实施注射,目的是为帮助饱受失眠症折磨的杰克逊入睡。莫里否认自己有任何过失,并坚持说自己在发现杰克逊停止呼吸后采取了正确的急救措施。他的律师也强调莫里非常配合警方的调查。莫里于2011年11月7日被洛杉矶高等法院判过失杀人罪,入狱四年。尽管此案的宣判结果是一场医疗事故,但依然有很多人对此莫衷一是。


全名:托马斯·乔纳森·杰克逊职业:邦联将军 国籍:美国人 为什么出名:美国内战期间的邦联将军,也是继罗伯特·李将军之后最著名的邦联指挥官之一。军事历史学家认为他是美国历史上最有天赋的战术指挥官之一。 出生:1824年1月21日出生地:美国弗吉尼亚州克拉克斯堡星号:水瓶座 死亡:5月10日,1863(39岁)死亡原因:肺炎“KDSPE”已婚生活1853-0804邦联上将Thomas Jackson(29)在林肯县莱克星顿Elinor Junkin 185-07-16邦联将军Thomas Jackson(33)在Mary Anna Morrison事件中的Mary Anna Morrison生活在Stonewall Jackson 1860-04-27 Thomas Jackson被指派给哈勃船长渡轮。1862-01-03罗姆尼战役:石墙杰克逊从温彻斯特向北移动1862-01-04罗姆尼战役:石墙杰克逊占领巴斯1862-01-07罗姆尼战役:石墙杰克逊向罗姆尼进军,WV 1862-03-11 12]石墙杰克逊将军撤离了温彻斯特弗吉尼亚波托马克军队。亨利·哈勒克将军被任命为总司令1862-05-23山谷战役:石墙杰克逊攻占维吉尼亚州皇家堡1862-09-06石墙杰克逊占领马里兰州弗雷德里克1863-05-02石墙杰克逊袭击钱瑟洛斯维尔是1972-03-03杰斐逊·戴维斯的雕塑人物打伤的,罗伯特·E·李和斯通沃尔·杰克逊在佐治亚州石山完成了在Twitter上的Facebook分享,著名的邦联将军J.E.B.斯图尔特詹姆斯·朗斯特雷特内森·贝德福德·福雷斯特著名将军道格拉斯·黑格哈里·克里拉曼努埃尔·诺列加

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