"How to Train Your Dragon," the movie is mainly about a little boy named princess, he lives in a scarf tribe, his father led the entire tribe. Because on this island there are many Long Island hurt people, princess father counterattack led the people of the island. he was very weak princess, who look down on him, but he wanted to kill a dragon, let someone enlighten me on his ability, but he has no one could. One day, the princess in the forest found a long rope was tied, and he used to carry a knife to cut the rope. princess found that only half of the tail of the dragon, so in the princess's meticulous care, the dragon has become martial arts super power Titanic. princess has become the best dragon, closest friends. during a swirling dragon dragon in battle, princess sacrificed his one leg into the hooks the leg, then became the island princess most courageous children. since the dragon princess killed after bird, unlike the original, as other ferocious dragon, and became docile. Moreover, the people who are still on the island to establish a dragon's paradise.
After seeing this movie, I know the animal is flesh and blood, have feelings. As long as each of us to learn to care for animals, protect animals, animals will not hurt you.
Let each of us to act to protect animals, protect the natural harmony of it!
How to Train Your Dragon
《How to Train Your Dragon》由梦工厂于2010年上映。彼时,曾经拍出《怪物史莱克》、《功夫熊猫》、《马达加斯加》的梦工厂实力强盛,正与皮克斯一争高下。在2009年《怪兽大战外星人》被皮克斯《飞屋环游记》击败之后,2010年《How to Train Your Dragon》再次与《玩具总动员3》针锋相对。尽管最终《玩具总动员3》获得了当年奥斯卡最佳动画,但毫无疑问,《How to Train Your Dragon》是一部非常出色的电影。
我们的男主Hiccup身材瘦弱,是维京人中的另类,只会在战斗中给大家带来麻烦,不过Hiccup一直锲而不舍想通过屠龙来融入群体。又是一次人与龙的遭遇战,Hiccup孤注一掷地发射,网住了传说中的Night Fury。举刀站在动弹不得的Night Fury面前,毫无准备却突然拥有改变自己人生的决断权的Hiccup,终于开始面对自己的内心。他一度渴望屠龙并不是满怀对龙的憎恨或者对荣誉的向往,而只是想成为大家认可的“维京人”。他本应该义无反顾把刀插入Night Fury的胸膛,却看到了Night Fury的眼神,他在对方充满恐惧的眼里,看到了同样恐惧的自己。他终于承认,自己永远不可能成为屠龙者,这个为龙而来的少年,最终在Night Fury的凝视下仓皇而果断地割断了捕龙网。这一刻的表现,充分展露出Hiccup敏感的内心和高贵的灵魂,因此,Hiccup才是第一个与龙和谐相处的人,是第一个深入了解龙类习性的人,也是第一个骑龙飞翔的人。这是,命运的相逢啊!
这只Night Fury由于牙齿是可伸缩的而得名Toothless,Hiccup与Toothless的碰手成为多数人心中最美的感人情节。Hiccup在草地上随手画了Toothless,而Toothless好奇地凑过来看看之后,也不甘示弱地咬着树枝画了一幅自己满意作品。悠扬的音乐起来,Hiccup小心地绕过Toothless的画作,走到了它的面前,忍不住朝Toothless伸出了手,却又带着疑虑和胆怯地低下头,手臂僵持在半空。Toothless注视片刻,缓慢地将头靠到了Hiccup的手上。让人情不自禁的感叹一句世界和平,岁月静好!
——2019.03.04重温《How to Train Your Dragon》
Five years after the Viking village of Berk has made peace with the dragons, dragons now live amongst the villagers as working animals and companions, and even take part in racing sports. Hiccup goes on adventures with his dragon, Toothless, as they discover and map unexplored lands and territories. Having come of age, he is being pressed by his father, Stoick the Vast, to succeed him as chieftain, although Hiccup remains unsure if he is ready for this responsibility.
While investigating a wildfire, Hiccup and Astrid discover the remains of a fort encased in a colossal blue ice formation and encounter a dragon trapper named Eret, who blames them for the destruction of his fort and attempts to capture their dragons for an insane conqueror called Drago Bludvist. The two riders return to Berk to warn Stoick about the dragon army that Drago is amassing, and Stoick orders the villagers to fortify the island and prepare for battle. Stoick explains that he once met Drago at a gathering of chiefs and found him to be an unreasonable madman, but Hiccup refuses to believe that war is inevitable. After Stoick interrupts their plan to get Eret to take them to his master, Hiccup flies off with Toothless in search of Drago, to try and reason with him.
They are captured by a dragon rider named Valka, who is revealed to be Hiccup's long lost mother. She explains that she, like her son, was unable to kill dragons, and so, after being carried off during a dragon raid, spent twenty years rescuing dragons from Drago's traps and bringing them to an island haven created out of ice by a colossal Alpha dragon called a Bewilderbeast, to whom all dragons answer. Stoick tracks Hiccup to the island where he discovers that his wife is still alive. Simultaneously, Astrid and the other riders kidnap Eret to find Drago, but they are also captured and Drago learns of Berk's dragons.
Drago and his army lay siege to Valka's sanctuary, where he reveals that he has his own Bewilderbeast to challenge the Alpha. A titanic battle ensues between the two Bewilderbeasts in a fight for control over all dragons on the island. Drago's Bewilderbeast emerges victorious by killing the Alpha and seizes control of all the dragons, including Toothless, using a strange form of dragon hypnotism attributed only to the Alpha. Hiccup tries to persuade Drago to end the violence, but Drago orders him killed as well. Toothless, under the influence of the new Alpha, approaches Hiccup and fires a plasma blast. At the last instant, Stoick pushes Hiccup out of the way, and is hit instead, killing him instantly. Hiccup angrily drives Toothless away when he approaches Stoick's body after the Alpha relinquishes control over him. Drago leaves Hiccup to his fate and, riding Toothless, again under the control of the Alpha, leads his now larger army to destroy Berk. Stoick is given a Viking funeral and Hiccup, now filled with grief and regret at the loss of his father and his dragon, doesn't know what to do anymore. Trying to encourage him, Valka tells him that he has a heart of a chief and a soul of a dragon. Inspired by her words, Hiccup decides that he will fly back to Berk to defend his people and live up to his father's legacy.
The dragon riders and Eret ride baby dragons, which are immune to the Alpha's control, and arrive at Berk after the Alpha had already attacked the village and taken control of the dragons there. Hiccup confronts Drago and a brainwashed Toothless while the other riders work to distract the Bewilderbeast. Drago again orders the Alpha to make Toothless kill Hiccup, but Hiccup succeeds in disenchanting Toothless. Drago then orders the Alpha to shoot the pair, and the Bewilderbeast successfully encases them in a large blast of ice, seemingly killing them. His victory is short-lived, as Toothless, now glowing with plasma, blasts away the ice, revealing that both he and Hiccup are unharmed. Toothless challenges the Alpha and repeatedly fires plasma blasts at the Bewilderbeast. This frees the other dragons from the Bewilderbeast's control and all fire at it, severely injuring the colossal dragon until Toothless fires a final massive blast, breaking its left tusk.
Defeated, Drago and his Bewilderbeast retreat into the ocean as the Vikings celebrate their victory. All the dragons now acknowledge Toothless as the new Alpha dragon, and Hiccup is made chief of Berk by the village elder. The film ends with Berk being rebuilt with a statue of Stoick erected in his honor, and Hiccup doing his duties as chief, proudly declaring that while others may have armies and armadas, Berk has its own dragons.
3D全瓷牙修复健康又美观 据口腔专家董瑜介绍,传统的蛀牙修复材料会使牙齿变黑,还易造成牙齿结构的破坏及二次蛀牙、口臭等。而3D全瓷牙技术采用瓷块,物理性能接近自然牙,热传递性能与真牙一致,不会出现膨胀收缩的问题;且整体为全瓷,不含金属,不会出现金属离子释放使牙齿染色的问题。再经过完美的粘接技术,不但自然美观,更可增强牙齿的结构,也不会磨损对合牙,可以更好地保护周围牙齿的健康。 3D全瓷牙冠一次完成缺失牙修复 董瑜说,牙齿缺失后进行修复,不管采用哪种方式都需制作牙冠。传统的牙冠制作材料有可能出现牙齿染色、反青等问题。使用3D技术制作全瓷牙冠,因为材质为仿人工釉质的特殊瓷体,层次、色泽最接近真牙,对牙龈没有刺激,对光线的反射更接近天然牙。同时,它制作时间短,从诊断、拍摄、制作、试戴都在一个区域内完成,患者一次就诊就能解决困扰多年的牙齿问题。 前牙贴片强劲修复多种问题牙 董瑜表示,对于修复黄黑龅歪牙、四环素牙、氟斑牙等问题牙患者,采用3D全瓷牙美容贴片,很难分辨牙齿的真假,且只需修掉很少部分的自然齿质。过去,如果前牙受损,传统治疗的方式只能将牙齿磨小后装上牙套,而3D全瓷牙的治疗只需修掉薄薄一层牙面,再粘上全瓷牙贴片即可,并且贴合后不容易破损。
年轻英勇的维京勇士小嗝嗝 (杰伊·巴鲁切尔 Jay Baruchel
Cate Blanchett 配音);另一方面,嗜权的德雷格(杰曼·翰苏 Djimon Hounsou 配音)与龙猎人埃雷特
驯龙高手 驯龙记 结尾曲是什么
驯龙高手结尾曲是《Sticks & stones》。
歌曲:Sticks and Stones
原唱:Jonsi,John Powell
专辑:How to Train Your Dragon
Eyes open wide, blinded by the sun now
Orange and white, dark red, green and yellow
Rainbow colors! Do not hide, see the view!
Step aside, go through!
Against the light, too strong, blow a fuse now
Everything bright, new songs, burning shoes
The look in your eyes! Break our bones into half!
Scream and shout and do laugh!
Let yourself... go (Oh Oh Oh)
Let yourself... go (Oh Oh Oh)
Stay close to me
Count one, two and three
Up in through your sleeves
Bursting through the seams
Open your eyes and see - You see
Inn um ermar, upp hryggjarsúluna
Yfir skóg, fl?eir nieur brekkuna
Allt upp í loft! ég mun aldrei gleyma!
Tví ég mun aldrei!
Hleypur um, rífur, leysir fl?kjurnar
(Upp mee rótum) mee blik í augum!
Stórmerki, undur, brjótum bein í sundur!
Let yourself... go (Oh Oh Oh)
Let yourself... go (Oh Oh Oh)
Stay close to me
Count one, two and three
Up in through your sleeves
Bursting through the seams
Open your eyes and see
Stay close to me
Count one, two and three
Up in through your sleeves
Right beyond the trees
Show you how you'll be
Stay close to me
Count one, two and three
Up in through your sleeves
Bursting through the seams
Open your eyes and see - You see
Stay close to me
Count one, two, three
Up in your sleeves
You're right beyond trees
Stay close to me
Count one, two, three
Up in your sleeves
Burst through the seams
Open your eyes and see
You see - You see
驯龙高手OST 138MB
01. This Is Berk (04:12)
02. Dragon Battle (01:55)
03. The Downed Dragon (04:16)
04. Dragon Training (03:10)
05. Wounded (01:25)
06. The Dragon Book (02:22)
07. Focus, Hiccup! (02:05)
08. Forbidden Friendship (04:10)
09. New Tail (02:47)
10. See You Tomorrow (03:52)
11. Test Drive (02:35)
12. Not So Fireproof (01:11)
13. This Time For Sure (00:47)
14. Astrid Goes For A Spin (00:45)
15. Romantic Flight (01:55)
16. Dragon’s Den (02:28)
17. The Cove (01:10)
18. The Kill Ring (04:27)
19. Ready The Ships (05:13)
20. Battling The Green Death (06:18)
21. Counter Attack (03:02)
22. Where’s Hiccup? (02:43)
23. Coming Back Around (02:49)
24. Sticks & Stones (04:08)
25. The Vikings Have Their Tea (02:04)
推荐如下:1、动画片《料理鼠王》 美国即使是再微不足道的小人物,也有怀揣梦想的权力,哪怕他只是一只生活在阴沟里的老鼠呢,电影中充满的人类身上永恒不变的友情和亲情,不论这些情感是用动物还是怪物表现出来的.......2、《木偶奇遇记》(美国)通过皮诺曹的种种曲折、离奇的经历,表现小木偶热爱正义、痛恨邪恶、天真纯洁的品质,教育儿童要抵御种种诱惑,做一个诚实、听话、爱学习、爱劳动,并能帮助父母的好孩子。3、《流浪狗之家》美国16岁的孤儿安迪和弟弟布鲁斯被一户人家收养,但这家人却不允许他们养宠物。只能把与他们相依为命的小狗"星期五"安顿在一所被废弃的旅馆中。旅馆虽然破旧,但是很适合狗狗居住。安迪、布鲁斯与朋友们开始改建旅馆,还发明创造出一系列方便实用的自动装置来帮助狗狗们"自给自足"。很快,这里成了越来越多流浪狗狗的甜蜜小窝。也让身为孤儿的安迪和布鲁斯有生以来第一次体验到了家的温馨与可贵。4、《功夫熊猫》美国评价:这是一部以中国功夫为主题的美国动作喜剧电影,本片以中国古代为背景,其景观、布景、服装以至食物均充满中国元素。故事讲述了一只笨拙的熊猫立志成为武林高手的故事。5、《狮子王》(美国)小狮子王辛巴在众多热情忠心的朋友的陪伴下,不但经历了生命中最光荣的时刻,也遭遇了最艰难的挑战,历经生、死、爱、责任等生命中种种的考验,最后终于登上了万兽之王的宝座,也在周而复始生生不息的自然中体验出生命的真义。本片荣获1995年奥斯卡和金球奖最佳原著音乐和最佳电影歌曲两项大奖,成为迪士尼近年来最成功的动画电影。