
时间:2024-06-28 00:12:36编辑:流行君


Say意思是讲;说明;例如;声称;假设;指明。词义:动词:讲;说明;例如;声称;假设;指明。固定搭配:Time to say goodbye 告别时刻 。用法:带宾语。I must say that rather shocked me, too.我得说那件事也让我颇为震惊。同根词有:said词义:动词:说,讲;说明;表达;指示;诵读;假设;据说;表明是……。形容词:上述的。固定搭配:It is said 据说。用法:带宾语。So, now with this framework, I said that talking about these valence electrons might give us some insight into chemical reactivity.所以,现在对于这个结构,我认为讨论价电子能,会让我们对化学反应有更深的领悟。


say1 [sei] vt.1. 说,讲:例句: What did you say?\x0d\x0a你刚才说什么?Say no more !\x0d\x0a别说,我全懂了!2. 表明,宣称,声明:例句: Please say it clearly and simply.\x0d\x0a请简明扼要地说清你的意思。3. 把?说确切,确定:例句: It's hard to say what is wrong.\x0d\x0a很难说出了什么毛病。4. 断言,断定,主张:例句: I say her plan is the better one.\x0d\x0a我认为她的计划是个好主意。5. 估摸着说,约莫,估计:例句: I'd say he'll come at 9 o'clock.\x0d\x0a我估计他将在九点钟回来。6. (以文学艺术手段)表达,传达(感情等):例句: There's something to say in his drawing.\x0d\x0a在他的画中似乎要表达什么情感。an allegory that says much\x0d\x0a寓意深刻的比喻7. 报道,声称;预告:例句: It is said he would resign.\x0d\x0a人们都传说他要辞职了。8. 表示,显示:例句: What does your watch say?\x0d\x0a你的表几点了?9. 假定,假设;比如说:例句: Let's say that it's true.\x0d\x0a咱们先假定这是真的。10. 念,背诵:例句: to say one's prayers\x0d\x0a做祷告11. 即,就是(= that is to say):例句: Dadu says Beijing now.\x0d\x0a大都即今之北京。12. [口语]让,叫:例句: The teacher said to tell you not to go now.\x0d\x0a老师让我告诉你不用去了。vi.1. 说话;宣布:例句: He refused to say.\x0d\x0a他拒绝说出来。2. 表达观点:例句: I'll not want to say in front of the reporters.\x0d\x0a我不愿在记者面前谈论我的观点。adv.1. 大约:例句: It's, say, 45 inches.\x0d\x0a高约45英寸。2. 比如说,例如:例句: any books, say, magazines\x0d\x0a什么书都行,比如说杂志n.1. 说话,讲话2. 要说的话;所说的话3. 说话(或发言)的次序4. 说话的机会5. 发言权6. [the say]决定权7. [古语]箴言,名言短语1. and so say I (或 all of us)我(们)的意见也是这样;我(们)也是这么说的2. as much as to say等于说,仿佛说3. before you (或one) can say knife (或Jack Robinson)说时迟,那时快;马上,一下子4. Easier said than done.[谚语]说着容易做着难。5. have a say in在?上有发言权6. have no say in在?上没有发言权7. have nothing to say for oneself见 nothing8. How say you?诸位高见如何?(法官询问陪审团时用语)9. I can't say[口语]说不上,不知道: I can't say that I care for the fashion of that dress. 说不上我是不是喜欢那种套服的式样。[表示委婉的否定]10. I dare say见 dare11. I'll say[口语]当然12. I mean to say[口语]我的意思是说13. I say!\x0d\x0aa. [口语]b. 喂!听着!c. [表示惊奇等]噢,哎呀!14. I won't say no.[口语]乐意奉陪, 遵命!15. It is said (that)据说,听说16. Learn to say before you sing.[谚语]先学说再学唱。17. Least said, soonest mended.见 least18. let us say\x0d\x0aa. 比如,例如b. 假定,姑且说19. Never say die.\x0d\x0aa. 绝不气馁,绝不失望b. 别泄气,别灰心20. No sooner said than done.见 soon21. not say much for对?评价不高22. not to say虽不能说,近乎;甚至可以说23. say a mouthful见 mouthful24. Say away![口语]说吧!说出来!25. say for oneself为自己找借口,为自己辩护26. say much for对?评价高27. say nay见 nay28. say no\x0d\x0aa. 拒绝b. 否认,否定;反对29. Say on![口语]说下去!接着说!30. say one's lessons见 lesson31. say (或 have) one's say说出想说的话,畅所欲言32. says I我是这么说的33. Says you![美国俚语、粗俗语]胡扯,去你的。34. say the world见 world35. say to oneself心中暗想;自言自语36. say well说得对,说得好37. say when[俚语]停止;制止38. say yes同意,赞成39. so to say见 so40. So you say!是你这么说的!(意即事实并非如此)41. that is to say\x0d\x0aa. 即,就是b. 至少42. There is much to be said on both sides.各有各的理。43. They say= It is said44. to say[后接宾语从句]就?而论,鉴于45. to say nothing of见 nothing46. to say the least (of it)见 least47. when all is said and done说到底,归根到底,毕竟48. You can say that (again)![口语]你说对了!我完全同意!49. You don't say (so)?[口语]未必吧?不会吧?不见得吧?50. You said it![口语]正是这样!我同意


say读法是英[se?]美[se?]。释义:vt.讲;说明;例如;声称;假设;指明vi.讲;表示;念;假定;背诵n. (Say)人名;(土)萨伊;(法、老、柬)赛;(英)塞伊;(匈、罗)绍伊变形:过去式said、过去分词said、现在分词saying、第三人称单数says双语例句I don't agree with what you just said.我不同意你刚才说的话。It is said that she has not been married yet.据说她到现在还没有结婚。The company has the final say.本公司拥有最终的决定权。


say的读法是英[se?]、美[se?]。say是一个英语单词,动词,作及物动词时意思是“讲;说明;例如;声称;假设;指明”,作不及物动词时意思是“讲;表示;念;假定;背诵”。say短语搭配:1、I dare say(我想)可能,大概;想必。2、have say发表意见;阐述观点。3、intend to say打算说。4、needless to say不用说;不必说。5、not to say(引出语气更重或更极端的描述)即使不说是…虽不能说…say的基本要点:1、say的基本含义是指把自己的思想或观点通过言语表达出来,使人明白其意图,即“说,讲”,重所说话的内容,引申还可指“预告”“说明”“表明”“宣称”“背诵”等。2、say还可以作“比方说,假定说,假如说”解,是let's say的省略说法,用作插入语。3、say既可用作及物动词,也可用作不及物动词。用作及物动词时,后可接名词、代词、动词不定式、带疑问词的不定式或that/wh从句作宾语。也可引出直接引语。可用于被动结构。有时还可用一般现在时表过去。


say的音标/Sei/造句如下:1.Hands rubbed across the face may mean"I'm frustrated with you and what you are saying."以手擦脸可能在说「你和你所说的令我大失所望。」2.Without saying a word,he took aim at the fireman,and,a second later,the helmet, smashed by a bullet,rattled noisily into the street.他一声不响,瞄准那消防队员,一秒钟后,钢盔被一颗子弹打中,很响亮地落在街心。3.I,by contrast,only had to fill out a form saying that my partner and I lived in the same household,to add her to my policy.而我,相反地只是填了一个表格说明我和我的伴侣住在一起就将她纳入我的保险单。4.Who ever heard of a cobbler saying that there was no such thing as boots,or a tailor maintaining that all men are really naked?有谁听到一个补鞋匠自己说,毕竟上没有靴子这种对象?可能一个裁缝师说,天下上悉数人都没穿过衣服?5."To whom is it not as valuable?"I asked him in a voice that was louder than necessary for him to hear what I was saying.“这房子对谁来说不那么值钱了?”我大声地问他,音量超过了使他听清楚所必需的程度。6.Occupy Wall Street is like the kid in the fairy story saying what everyone knows but is afraid to say:the emperor has no clothes.占领华尔街的行为好比童话故事里的那个小男孩讲出了人所共知却不敢言的事实:国王没有穿衣服。


say 的发音读作 [se?],其中 [s] 读作清音,[e?] 读作双元音,发音时嘴唇略微向外突出,舌头平放,然后舌尖向上卷起。say 说- [s] 为清音,舌头位于上齿龈,气流从舌间流出,发出清脆的声音。- [e?] 为双元音,由元音 [e] 和 [?] 构成,发音时先发出 [e] 的元音音位,并维持舌位不变,然后转为 [?] 的元音音位,嘴唇要微微收缩,同时舌头稍稍向后缩回,发出接近于 [i] 的发音。说英语时,正确发音是很重要的,特别是在英语口语交流中,清晰准确的发音能让你表达得更加清楚,增强交流效果。最好的方法是多听多说,自我练习来提高发音技巧和准确度。


say1 [sei] vt.1. 说,讲:例句: What did you say?\x0d\x0a你刚才说什么?Say no more !\x0d\x0a别说,我全懂了!2. 表明,宣称,声明:例句: Please say it clearly and simply.\x0d\x0a请简明扼要地说清你的意思。3. 把?说确切,确定:例句: It's hard to say what is wrong.\x0d\x0a很难说出了什么毛病。4. 断言,断定,主张:例句: I say her plan is the better one.\x0d\x0a我认为她的计划是个好主意。5. 估摸着说,约莫,估计:例句: I'd say he'll come at 9 o'clock.\x0d\x0a我估计他将在九点钟回来。6. (以文学艺术手段)表达,传达(感情等):例句: There's something to say in his drawing.\x0d\x0a在他的画中似乎要表达什么情感。an allegory that says much\x0d\x0a寓意深刻的比喻7. 报道,声称;预告:例句: It is said he would resign.\x0d\x0a人们都传说他要辞职了。8. 表示,显示:例句: What does your watch say?\x0d\x0a你的表几点了?9. 假定,假设;比如说:例句: Let's say that it's true.\x0d\x0a咱们先假定这是真的。10. 念,背诵:例句: to say one's prayers\x0d\x0a做祷告11. 即,就是(= that is to say):例句: Dadu says Beijing now.\x0d\x0a大都即今之北京。12. [口语]让,叫:例句: The teacher said to tell you not to go now.\x0d\x0a老师让我告诉你不用去了。vi.1. 说话;宣布:例句: He refused to say.\x0d\x0a他拒绝说出来。2. 表达观点:例句: I'll not want to say in front of the reporters.\x0d\x0a我不愿在记者面前谈论我的观点。adv.1. 大约:例句: It's, say, 45 inches.\x0d\x0a高约45英寸。2. 比如说,例如:例句: any books, say, magazines\x0d\x0a什么书都行,比如说杂志n.1. 说话,讲话2. 要说的话;所说的话3. 说话(或发言)的次序4. 说话的机会5. 发言权6. [the say]决定权7. [古语]箴言,名言短语1. and so say I (或 all of us)我(们)的意见也是这样;我(们)也是这么说的2. as much as to say等于说,仿佛说3. before you (或one) can say knife (或Jack Robinson)说时迟,那时快;马上,一下子4. Easier said than done.[谚语]说着容易做着难。5. have a say in在?上有发言权6. have no say in在?上没有发言权7. have nothing to say for oneself见 nothing8. How say you?诸位高见如何?(法官询问陪审团时用语)9. I can't say[口语]说不上,不知道: I can't say that I care for the fashion of that dress. 说不上我是不是喜欢那种套服的式样。[表示委婉的否定]10. I dare say见 dare11. I'll say[口语]当然12. I mean to say[口语]我的意思是说13. I say!\x0d\x0aa. [口语]b. 喂!听着!c. [表示惊奇等]噢,哎呀!14. I won't say no.[口语]乐意奉陪, 遵命!15. It is said (that)据说,听说16. Learn to say before you sing.[谚语]先学说再学唱。17. Least said, soonest mended.见 least18. let us say\x0d\x0aa. 比如,例如b. 假定,姑且说19. Never say die.\x0d\x0aa. 绝不气馁,绝不失望b. 别泄气,别灰心20. No sooner said than done.见 soon21. not say much for对?评价不高22. not to say虽不能说,近乎;甚至可以说23. say a mouthful见 mouthful24. Say away![口语]说吧!说出来!25. say for oneself为自己找借口,为自己辩护26. say much for对?评价高27. say nay见 nay28. say no\x0d\x0aa. 拒绝b. 否认,否定;反对29. Say on![口语]说下去!接着说!30. say one's lessons见 lesson31. say (或 have) one's say说出想说的话,畅所欲言32. says I我是这么说的33. Says you![美国俚语、粗俗语]胡扯,去你的。34. say the world见 world35. say to oneself心中暗想;自言自语36. say well说得对,说得好37. say when[俚语]停止;制止38. say yes同意,赞成39. so to say见 so40. So you say!是你这么说的!(意即事实并非如此)41. that is to say\x0d\x0aa. 即,就是b. 至少42. There is much to be said on both sides.各有各的理。43. They say= It is said44. to say[后接宾语从句]就?而论,鉴于45. to say nothing of见 nothing46. to say the least (of it)见 least47. when all is said and done说到底,归根到底,毕竟48. You can say that (again)![口语]你说对了!我完全同意!49. You don't say (so)?[口语]未必吧?不会吧?不见得吧?50. You said it![口语]正是这样!我同意

