
时间:2024-06-20 23:09:23编辑:流行君

好听的英文游戏名字男 好听的英文游戏名字精选


2、soledad (寂寞)

3、edinburgh° 南空

4、sunshine 暖阳








12、another 因果


14、最怕落单the most afraid of

15、rock‘n roll - 精神 。





20、 tfboys、发光少年




如下:1、空(Aether)2、阿贝多(Albedo)3、埃洛伊(Aloy)4、安柏(Amber)5、荒泷一斗(Arataki Itto)6、芭芭拉(Barbara)7、北斗(Beidou)8、班尼特(Bennett)9、重云(Chongyun)10、迪卢克(Diluc)11、迪奥娜(Diona)12、优菈(Eula)13、菲谢尔(Fischl)14、甘雨(Ganyu)15、五郎(Gorou)16、胡桃(Hu Tao)17、琴(Jean)18、枫原万叶(Kaedehara Kazuha)19、凯亚(Kaeya)20、神里绫华(Kamizato Ayaka)21、神里绫人(Kamizato Ayato)22、刻晴(Keqing)23、可莉(Klee)24、九条裟罗(Kujo Sara)


原神英文名是Genshin Impact《原神》是由上海米哈游制作发行的一款开放世界冒险游戏,于2017年1月底立项,原初测试于2019年6月21日开启,再临测试于2020年3月19日开启,启程测试于2020年6月11日开启,PC版技术性开放测试于9月15日开启,公测于2020年9月28日开启。在数据方面,同在官方服务器的情况下,iOS、PC、Android平台之间的账号数据互通,玩家可以在同一账号下切换设备。游戏发生在一个被称作“提瓦特”的幻想世界,在这里,被神选中的人将被授予“神之眼”,导引元素之力。玩家将扮演一位名为“旅行者”的神秘角色,在自由的旅行中邂逅性格各异、能力独特的同伴们,和他们一起击败强敌,找回失散的亲人——同时,逐步发掘“原神”的真相。2022年,米哈游原神音乐团队参与了第二十四届冬奥会音乐库的组建,《璃月》《白皑中的冥想》《疾如猛火》等曲目入选,音乐同步应用于相关的体育展示环节。


Up is a fantastic story about love and the spirit of adventure. Carl, a 78 - year - old man, in order to keep his promise to his beloved wife,
he decides to use colorful balloon to
drag his house flown to the sky.
A adventurer who
leaving vowing to catch a rare bird at Paradise Falls.
He was a machiavellian(不择手段的)man【摘要】
Up is a fantastic story about love and the spirit of adventure. Carl, a 78 - year - old man, in order to keep his promise to his beloved wife,
he decides to use colorful balloon to
drag his house flown to the sky.
A adventurer who
leaving vowing to catch a rare bird at Paradise Falls.
He was a machiavellian(不择手段的)man【回答】
70 years later,Ellie has died.Carl
remembers the promise he made to her.Then,when he inadvertently hits a construction worker, he is forced to go to a retirement home.but before they can take him,he and his house fly away. However he has a stowaway aboard.An 8 year old boy name
Russell,whose trying to get an
assisting the elderly badge.【回答】
the elderly, children and dogs as three elements that symbolize peace and purity in any cultural background。【回答】
性格特点为Carl is an old man with a strange temper and a child as fat as a ball, ronaldinho, looks silly.【回答】


Carl Fredrickson, a 78-year-old balloon salesman, loved adventure stories as a child and wanted to be a great explorer.When he was a child, he met Ellie, a girl with the same dream, and they grew up together and married until they were old. Carl and his wife Ellie share a common desire to explore the lost Paradise Falls in South America.However, the death of his wife made the original not good at speaking Carl become eccentric, more withdrawn up.At this time, the government plans to rebuild the house where Carl lives, and He doesn't want to leave the house where he has fond memories of his wife.Just as the government was about to send him to a nursing home, he decided to fulfill his and his wife's lifelong dream.He did not plan to go alone, however, but with his house, for Carl had tied thousands of colorful hydrogen balloons to the roof.译文:已经78岁的气球销售员卡尔·弗雷德里克森自小就迷恋探险故事,曾经希望能成为伟大的探险家。当他还是一个孩子,遇到了有着同样梦想的女孩艾丽,他们一块长大并结婚相伴到老。卡尔与老伴艾丽拥有共同的愿望——去南美洲失落的“天堂瀑布”探险。然而,老伴的去世让原本不善言的卡尔变得性格怪僻,更加的沉默寡言起来。这时候,政府计划要在卡尔所住的地方重新建造,而卡尔不愿意离开拥有和妻子美好记忆的屋子。正当政府打算将他送到养老院时,他决定实现他和他妻子毕生的愿望。不过,他并不是打算一个人去,而是和他的屋子一起去,因为卡尔在屋顶上系上成千上万个五颜六色的氢气球。影视评价影片的画面一如既往地出色,无论是都市的高楼大厦还是南美的热带丛林,在3D技术的支持下,都凹凸有致异常养眼。纵观全片,幽默、温情、惊险全都展现了出来,也只有皮克斯才能在一部电影里均衡地展现出所有动人的元素。


英文: Ryoma Echizen
柯南 Conan

兰 Ran

哀 Ai

剑心 kenshin

薰 kaoru

枣 natsume

蜜柑 mikan

小莹 harada

流架 ruka
手冢国光 Tezuka Kunimitsu 置鮎龙太郎
不二周助 Fuji Syusuke 甲斐田ゆき
越前龙马 Echizen Ryouma 皆川纯子
桃城武 Momoshiro Takeshi 小野阪昌也
乾贞治 Inui Sadahara 津田健次郎
海堂熏 Kaidou Kaoru 喜安浩平
菊丸英二 Kikumaru Eiji 高桥广树
大石秀一郎 Oishi Shuulchiou 近藤孝行

市立不动峰中学校 [FUDOMINE]
橘桔平 Tachibana kiibei 川原庆久
伊武深司 Ibu shinji 森山荣治
神尾明 Kamio Akira 铃木千寻
石田铁 tee ishida 前田刚
樱井雅也 Sakurai masaya 植木?#092;
内村京介 Uchimura Kyosuke 喜安浩平
森辰德 Mori tatsunori 近藤孝行

圣鲁道夫学院 [ST. RUDOLPH]
观月初 Mizuki Hajime 石田 彰
不二裕太 Fuji Yuuta 富田 真
木更津淳 Atsusi Kisarazu 鹤 岗聪
赤泽吉朗 yosirou akazawa 岩崎征实
柳泽滇也 Yanagisawa shinya 森 ?#092;久
金田一郎 ichiro kaneda 川原庆久
野村拓也 takuya nomura 近藤孝行

山吹中学校 [YAMABUKI]
千石清纯 Sengoku kiyosumi 鸟海浩辅
亚久津仁 Akutsu jin 佐佐木望
南健太郎 Minami kentaro 石川正明
东方雅美 Higasikata masami 永野善一
新渡米稻吉Nitobe inakitsi 渡辺 庆
喜多一马 Kita ichiuma 置鮎龙太郎
室町十次 Muromatsi touji 平野贵裕
檀太一 Dan taichi 小林由美子

冰帝学园 [HYOTEI]
迹部景吾 Atobe keigo 诹访部顺一
忍足侑士 Ositari yuusi 木内秀信
冥户亮 Shishido ryoh 楠田敏之
芥川慈郎 Akutagawa jirou 上田佑司
向曰岳人 Mukahi gakuto 保志总一郎
桦地崇弘 Kabaji munehiro 鹤冈聪
凤长太郎 Ootori chyotaro 浪川大辅
曰吉若 Hiyosi wakasi 岩崎征实
泷荻之介 Takiha ginosuke 喜安浩平

六角中学校 [Roukaku]
佐伯虎次郎 Saeki kojiro 有马克明
黑羽春风 Kurobane harukaze 大黑和广
天根光 Amane hikaru 竹内幸辅
树希彦 Itsuki marehiko 莲 岳大
葵剑太郎 Aoi kentaro 丰永利行
木更津亮 Kisaratsu ryou 高桥广树

立海大[全称 (立海大学附属中)] Rikkai daigaku fuzoku chuu
幸村精市 Yukimura Seiichi 永井幸子
真田弦一郎 Sanada genichiro 楠大典
柳莲二 Yanagi Lenji 竹本英史
柳生比吕士 Yagyo Hirosi 津田英佑
仁王雅治 Niou masaharu 增田裕生
丸井文太 Marui bunta 高桥直纯
桑原杰克 Kuwahara jyakaru 桧山修之
切原赤也 Kirihara akaya 森久保祥太郎

旋涡鸣人 涡巻ナルト うずまきなると Uzumaki Naruto
春野樱 春野サクラ はるのさくら Haruno Sakura
宇智波佐助 宇智波サスケ うちはさすけ Uchiha Sasuke
旗木卡卡西 旗木カカシ はたけかかし Hatake Kakashi

奈良鹿丸 奈良シカマル ならしかまる Nara Shikamaru
山中井野 山中井野 やまなかいの Yamanaka Ino
秋道丁次 秋道チョウチ あきみちちょうち Akimichi Tyochi
猿飞阿斯玛 猿飞アスマ さるとびあすま Sarutobi Asuma

犬冢牙 犬冢キバ いぬつかきば Inutsuka Kiba
赤丸 赤丸 あかまる Akamaru
日向雏田 日向雏田 ひゅがひなた Hyuga Hinata
油女志乃 油女志乃 ゆにょしの Yunyo Shino
夕日红 夕日红 ゆうひくれない Yuuhi Kurenai

李洛克 ロック?リー ろっく?りい Rokku Rii
天天 テンテン てんてん Tenten
日向宁次 日向宁次 ひゅがねいじ Hyuga Neiji
迈特凯 マイト?カイ まいと?かい Kai

木叶丸 木ノ叶丸 このはまる Konoha Maru
萌黄 モエギ もえぎ Moegi
乌东 ウドン うどん Udon

火影大人 火影様 ほかげさま Hokage sama
一代火影 初代目 しょだいめ Syodaime
二代火影 二代目 にだいめ Nidaime
三代火影 三代目 さんだいめ Sandaime
四代火影 四代目 よんだいめ Yondaime
五代火影 五代目 ごだいめ Godaime
猿飞 猿飞 さるとび Sarutobi
钢手 纲手 つなて Tsunate

海野伊鲁卡 海野イルカ うみのいるか Umino Iruka
水木 水木 みずき Mizuki

刃金子铁 刃金コテツ はがねこてつ Harane Kotetsu
神月出云 神月イズモ かみけついずも Kamiketsu Izumo

宇智波富岳 宇智波フガク うちはつがく Uchiha Tsugaku
宇智波美琴 宇智波ミコト うちはみこと Uchiha Mikoto
宇智波带土 宇智波オビト うちはおびと Uchiha Obito
宇智波止水 宇智波シスイ うちはしすい Uchiha Shisui
宇智波鼬 宇智波イタチ うちはいたち Uchiha Itachi

奈良鹿久 奈良シカク ならしかく Nara Shikaku
山中井野市 山中いのいち やまなかいのいち Yamanaka Inoichi
秋道丁座 秋道チョウザ あきみちちょうざ Akimichi Chyouza

犬冢花 犬冢ハナ いぬつかはな Inutsuka Hana
犬冢爪 犬冢ツメ いぬつかつめ Inutsuka Tsume

日向日足 日向ひあし ひゅうがひあし Hyuga Hiasshi
日向日差 日向ひざし ひゅうがひざし Hyuga Hiszashi
日向花火 日向はなび ひゅうはなび Hyuga Hanabi

油女志尾 油女シビ ゆうにょしび Yuunyo Shibi

旗木朔茂 旗木サクモ はたけさくも Hatake Sakumo

森乃伊比喜 森乃イビヒ もりのいびひ Morino Ibihi
御手洗红豆 御手洗アンコ みたらしあんこ Mitarashi Anko
月光疾风 月光ハヤテ げっこうはやて Gekkou Hayate
不知火玄马 不知火ゲンマ ふちかげんま Fuchika Genma

水戸门炎 水戸门ホムラ みずこもんほむら Mizukomon Homura
转寝小春 転寝コハル うたたねこはる Utatane Koharu

雀 スズメ すずめ Suzume
惠比寿 エビス えびす Ebisu
畳鰮 畳イワシ たたみいわち Tatami Iwachi
飞竹蜻蛉 飞竹ドンマ とびだけどんま Tobidake Donma
并足雷同 并足ライドウ ならあしらいどう Naraashi Raiton

钢树 纲树 つなき Tsunaki
断 ダン だん Dan
静音 静音 しずね Shizune
卯月夕颜 卯月ユウガオ うづきゆうがお Utsugi Yugao
自来也 自来也 じらや Jiraya
大蛇丸 大蛇丸 おろじまる Orojimaru
药师兜 薬师カブト やくしかぶと Yakusi Kabuto
森乃伊达 森乃イダケ もりのいだけ Morino Idake
蓝 青い あおい Aoi


桃地再不斩 桃地ザブザ ももちざぶざ Momochi Zabuza
白 白 はく Haku
干怖鬼鲛 干し柿キサメ ほしがききさめ Hoshigaki Kisame
雷牙 雷牙 らいが Raiga
兰丸 兰丸 らんまる Ranmaru
业头 业头 ごうず Gouzu
冥头 冥头 めいず Meizu

我爱罗 我爱罗 があら Gaara
手綯 手綯 てなえ Tenae
勘九郎 勘九朗 かんくろう Kankurou

加琉罗 加琉罗 かりゅうら Karyuura
夜叉丸 夜叉丸 よさまる Yosamaru
马基 バギ ばぎ Bagi
千代 チョ ちょ Tyo
海老藏 えびぞう えびぞう Ebizou


佩奇 Peppa Pig乔治 George猪妈妈 Mummy Pig 猪爸爸 Daddy pig小猪佩奇是一个可爱的小猪。她已经四岁了,与她的妈妈,爸爸,和弟弟乔治生活在一起。佩奇最喜欢做的事情是玩游戏,打扮的漂亮,度假,以及在小泥坑里快乐的跳上跳下和与小羊苏西(她最好的朋友)乔治(她的弟弟)一起玩儿。故事内容多数环绕日常生活,比如小孩子们参加学前游戏小组(playgroup)、探访祖父母和表亲、在游乐场游玩、踏单车等等。扩展资料《小猪佩奇》,又名《粉红猪小妹》,英文名为《Peppa Pig》,是由英国人阿斯特利(Astley )、贝克(Baker )、戴维斯(Davis)创作、导演和制作的一部英国学前电视动画片,也是历年来最具潜力的学前儿童品牌。故事围绕小猪佩奇与家人的愉快经历,幽默而有趣,藉此宣扬传统家庭观念与友情,鼓励小朋友们体验生活。由英国E1 Kids于2004年5月31日发行首播后,其动画片已于全球180个地区播放,现已播出6季;中国中央电视台少儿频道也在热播之中,极简的动画风格,幽默的对话语调,深具教育意义的故事情节。不仅能让学龄前儿童学习知识,更能让小朋友们从小养成良好的生活习惯体验生活,深受全球各地小朋友们以及其家长们的喜爱。荣获2005年法国Annecy国际动画展Cristal奖最佳电视制作奖。意大利CartoonsontheBay动画展Pulcinella奖最佳幼儿影集、年度最佳欧洲节目。


小猪佩奇的朋友名字:小猪佩奇佩奇是一只非常可爱的小猪, 4岁了,她和她的爸爸、妈妈以及弟弟乔治生活在一起。她和弟弟一样很喜欢恐龙,尤其是马门溪龙。她最喜欢跳泥坑,最喜欢吃的是意大利面和巧克力蛋糕,最喜欢扮成小仙女公主,最喜欢喝橙汁,也很喜欢去她的爷爷奶奶,伯父伯母家玩。小羊苏西小羊苏西是佩奇幼儿园的朋友,活泼开朗,和佩奇是塑料姐妹花。小象艾米丽大象艾米丽是佩奇幼儿园的朋友,羞涩腼腆。小马佩德罗小马佩德罗是佩奇幼儿园的朋友,是个活泼的男孩子。乔治乔治才18个月,是佩奇的弟弟,已经上幼儿园了性格非常像现实中的小男孩,活泼调皮,喜欢吃意大利面和巧克力蛋糕,喜欢喝果汁,最最喜欢的是恐龙,自己有个恐龙玩具,无论是谁问他问题,他总回答“恐龙!”尤其是马门溪龙。最喜欢跳泥坑。小狗丹尼,小猫坎迪,小兔瑞贝卡,小马佩德罗,狐狸弗雷德。扩展资料小猪佩奇又名粉红猪小妹(英文名:Peppa Pig),是由英国人阿斯特利贝加戴维斯(Astley Baker Davis)创作、导演和制作的一部英国学前电视动画片,也是历年来最具潜力的学前儿童品牌。故事围绕她与家人的愉快经历,幽默而有趣,藉此宣扬传统家庭观念与友情,鼓励小朋友们体验生活。由英国E1 Kids于2004年5月31日发行首播后,其动画片已于全球180个地区播放,至今共播出4季;中国中央电视台少儿频道目前也在热播之中,极简的动画风格,幽默的对话语调,深具教育意义的故事情节,不仅能让学龄前儿童学习知识,更能让小朋友们从小养成良好的生活习惯体验生活,深受全球各地小朋友们以及其家长们的喜爱。参考资料百度百科-小猪佩奇


一、日本队 1、草薙京《拳皇》大蛇篇的主角,贯穿KOF系列的灵魂人物。守护三神器之一“草薙剑”的草薙一族后裔,草薙家家主草薙柴舟之子,拥有操纵赤炎的能力。2、二阶堂红丸富裕家庭出生的日美混血儿,拥有堪比一流模特的容貌。全日本异种格斗大会决赛中被草薙京打败获得亚军,从此成为了京和大门的友人。3、大门五郎奥林匹克运动会柔道项目金牌级选手。全日本异种格斗大会准决赛中败给草薙京获得季军,自此与京、红丸结识,经常一起参赛。二、饿狼传说队1、特瑞·博加德《饿狼传说》系列的主角,被称为“传说之狼”。幼时目睹义父杰夫被南镇帝王吉斯·霍华德所害,从此立志报仇,最终打败吉斯,成为南镇的英雄。2、安迪·博加德特瑞的弟弟,两人并无血缘关系,自小一起生长于孤儿院,后被杰夫领养为义子。杰夫被害后拜入不知火半藏门下学艺,与不知火舞相恋。3、东丈特瑞和安迪的挚友,自小便移居泰国,凭借自己的努力成为了泰拳冠军而名声大噪。角色原型可能是《明日之丈》里的矢吹丈。三、龙虎之拳队1、坂崎亮《龙虎之拳》系列的主角,外号“无敌之龙”。极限流馆主坂崎拓马之子,在父母出事以后为了养活妹妹而靠参加地下格斗来挣钱,与琼互有好感。2、罗伯特·加西亚亮的同门师弟兼竞争对手,外号“最强之虎”。加西亚财团的下一任继承人,但对继承家业兴趣不大,反而热衷于格斗,一直暗中喜欢着百合。3、坂崎百合亮的妹妹,曾被黑帮绑架,后来为了不成为负担而学习空手道。最初与不知火舞、琼组成女性格斗家队,KOF96后才正式代表极限流参赛。四、怒队1、莉安娜·哈迪兰哈迪伦上校的养女,军衔为士兵,其生父盖德尔为“八杰集”中的一员。幼时因大蛇之力暴走而杀死了自己的亲人,加入怒队后被拉尔夫和克拉克关心着。2、拉尔夫·琼斯克拉克长年以来一起出生入死的战友,军衔为大佐,偏重强力打击技。角色造型可能参考了《第一滴血》中史泰龙扮演的兰博。3、克拉克·斯提尔拉尔夫长年以来一起出生入死的战友,军衔为少佐,偏重轻巧投掷技。角色造型可能参考了《终结者》中施瓦辛格扮演的T800。五、超能力战士队1、麻宫雅典娜高校生兼人气偶像,镇元斋的得意徒弟,天生具有遗传自家族祖先的超能力。《拳皇》系列每一作中她都会以一套新的造型登场。2、椎拳崇镇元斋门下弟子,和雅典娜不同,他的超能力是全凭自己辛苦修炼而来的。与雅典娜一直保持着“朋友之上,恋人未满”的关系。3、镇元斋中国有名的醉拳大师,寺庙“镇元大仙”的住持,为了测试徒弟的实力而带队参赛。角色原型被认为是《醉拳》中袁小田扮演的“苏花子”。六、新女性格斗家队1、神乐千鹤守护三神器之一“八咫镜”的八咫一族巫女。因为守护着大蛇的封印而不能透露姓氏,因此改姓“神乐”。多次促成京、庵两人的联手。2、不知火舞不知火流女忍者,安迪的恋人,自小父母双亡,由祖父不知火半藏抚养长大。因其美貌、身材以及性感的造型而在玩家中赢得了超高人气。3、琼“幻影”酒吧的女老板,原为黑帮成员,与坂崎亮交手后脱离了组织。曾经女扮男装在泰拳比赛中获得优胜,参赛目的是想为弟弟赚取手术费。七、金队1、金甲唤韩国土生土长的跆拳道师范,为人相当具有正义感。将逃犯张巨汉和砍人魔蔡宝奇收归门下,对两人进行矫正教育。2、张巨汉原本是一名多次破坏公物的囚犯,后来越狱被金收服。因与蔡宝奇同病相怜而产生友谊,一直想逃离金的更正训练。3、蔡宝奇原本是一名拦路砍人魔,后来被金收服被迫接受改造。因与张巨汉同病相怜而产生友谊,一直想逃离金的更正训练。八、新面孔队1、七枷社喜欢到处旅行的自由人,在C·Y·S乐队里担任吉他手。真实身份是大蛇“四天王”中的一员,高尼兹死后“八杰集”由他领军。2、夏尔米时尚服装设计师,在C·Y·S乐队里担任键盘手。真实身份是大蛇“四天王”中的一员,其胸围是《拳皇》系列所有角色里最大的。3、克里斯对读书没有兴趣的小孩,在C·Y·S乐队里担任主唱。真实身份是大蛇“四天王”中的一员,后来被当成了大蛇转生的容器。九、'97特别队1、山崎龙二生长于冲绳某孤儿院,后私自离开并加入当地黑帮组织。《拳皇》中设定其为“八杰集”的一员,但自己并没有将“八杰集”的义务放在心上。2、布鲁·玛丽本名“玛丽?瑞恩”,是一名私家侦探。其祖父死于吉斯之手,因与特瑞命运相似而走到了一起。角色原型通常认为是《龙珠》中的人造人18号。3、比利·凯恩吉斯的手下,号称“棍王”,对吉斯忠心耿耿。KOF95中与八神庵、如月影二组队参赛,结果被庵打至重伤,自此将庵视为敌人。十、个人参赛者1、八神庵《拳皇》系列经典角色,草薙京的宿敌。守护三神器之一“八尺琼勾玉”的八尺琼一族后裔,家族因血之契约而改姓“八神”,拥有操纵苍炎的能力。2、矢吹真吾草薙京的徒弟,在KOF96上看到京的活跃而产生憧憬,决意拜师。装束完全向京看齐,平时甚至会用笔记下京说过的话。十一、隐藏BOSS1、月之夜大蛇之血发狂的庵八神庵血之暴走后的姿态,速度大幅度变快,跳跃力比正常的庵要低,攻击力大增的同时防御力大降。2、暗黑之中大蛇之血觉醒的莉安娜莉安娜血之暴走后的姿态,速度更快,杀伤力更高,但受到对手的伤害也更多。十二、三天王 1、干涸大地之社七枷社体内大蛇之力觉醒后的姿态,能够使用大蛇一族的「地」之力,其能力对应主角队中的大门五郎。2、荒狂稻光之夏尔米 夏尔米体内大蛇之力觉醒后的姿态,能够使用大蛇一族的「雷」之力,其能力对应主角队中的二阶堂红丸。3、炎之宿命之克里斯克里斯体内大蛇之力觉醒后的姿态,能够使用大蛇一族的「炎」之力,其能力对应主角队中的草薙京。十三、最终BOSS:大蛇大蛇篇最终BOSS,被称为“地球意志”的存在。自远古时代起便一直守护着地球,因人类与自然的对立加剧而决定清洗世界。



harry potter的英文简介

分类: 教育/科学 >> 外语学习

harry Potter is the name of a popular series of fantasy novels by British writer J. K. Rowling. Six of seven planned books have been published to date, not including the o school books, Quidditch Through the Ages and Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them. These o are supposed to be o of the school books in the seven original books. The books depict a world of witches and wizards, the main character being a young wizard named Harry Potter. The first novel, Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone (retitled Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone in the United States), was released in 1997. The first four books have been made into films, and the fifth movie has begun filming (February 2006), with an expected release in 2007.

As of 2005, Rowling has written the last chapter of the seventh book. Rowling has also mentioned that the last word of the book would be "scar," which remains to be seen. However, she is unsure whether that will be in the final draft in the book, as she was asked about it in an interview conducted by fan sites Muggle and The Leaky Cauldron.

The Harry Potter books have achieved a profile unparalleled by any other series of books, with worldwide sales exceeding 300 million copies. They have been praised for encouraging children and indeed even *** s to read, while also drawing critici *** from some quarters. The books are published by Bloom *** ury Publishing Plc (original; distributed in the UK and other Commonwealth countries except Canada), Scholastic Press (US edition; distributed in the United States) and Raincoast Books (original; distributed in Canada).

Publishing history

The books have fans of all ages. J. K. Rowling says she did not have any particular age group in mind when she started to write the Harry Potter books; her publishers, however, initially targeted them at young readers aged 8 to 15. The books have more recently been released in o editions, one with the original "children's" cover arork, and one with arork more consciously aimed at *** readers. Additionally, as the series has developed, Rowling's writing has bee more sophisticated and the content of the books has matured as the lead character, Harry Potter, has grown older. For instance, relationships are discussed as an issue for the teenage characters in later books. Accordingly, the reading age for the books, both in terms of content and style, is rising as the series goes on.

Cover of the original novel in the series, Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone.The first book was published in the United Kingdom by Bloom *** ury, a fairly *** all independent publisher, in July 1997. Its initial success was based on some positive reviews and word of mouth. The first three books, Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone, Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets and Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban, all won the Nestlé Smarties Book Prize for the 9 to 11 age group. By the time the fourth book, Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire, was published in 2000 the series had bee very high-profile, and the launch received much wider publicity in the general media than was usual for a new book. At around the same time Warner Brothers began work on the series of films based on the books. The involvement of a global media conglomerate led to more concerted efforts to maximise the value of the Harry Potter franchise. The first film, based on the first book, was released in 2001, and was acpanied by video games and other branded merchandise.

The hype escalated with the publication of the next o books in the series, Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix and Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince, with midnight launch parties at hundreds of bookshops in the UK, simultaneous launch events around the English-speaking world, and intense media interest, leading to unprecedented first-day sales in the UK, US and elsewhere. The series is immensely popular around the world in its many translations. Such was the clamour to read the book around the world that the English-language edition of Order of the Phoenix became the first English-language book ever to top the bookseller list in France.

Cover of the United States edition of Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone, retitled Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone for release in the US.According to the author, the main character Harry Potter appeared in her head while she was on a train from Manchester to London in 1991. Her favourite place to write the first book was at an Edinburgh café table while drinking endless cups of coffee. Sales from the books as well as royalties from films and merchandise have made Rowling a billionaire and the 620th wealthiest person in the world [1]. Rowling is assumed to be richer than Queen Elizabeth II (see J.K. Rowling for an explanation).

Each book chronicles approximately one year in Harry's life at the Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, where he learns to use magic and brew potions. Harry also learns to overe many obstacles — magical, social and emotional — as he struggles through his adolescence.

Rowling has announced that seven books are planned, each a little darker than its predecessor as Harry ages and his nemesis, Lord Voldemort, gains power. As of July 16 2005, six books have been published. The latest, Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince, was published in its English-language version on 16 July 2005. Since the publication of book five, Rowling has revealed hints about the plot of future books on her personal website.

Content and writing style

The books are written in third person limited omniscient mode, with Harry as the central character. The books are generally written from Harry's point of view, with short exceptions in Philosopher's Stone, Goblet of Fire and Half-Blood Prince. The telling of the story through Harry Potter's perspective is perhaps one of the reasons that many readers feel so close with the character.

Rowling's main strengths as a writer include her ability to drive elaborate and largely seamless plots over a very wide canvas, the convincing internal logic of her fantasy world. However, while there is much moral subtlety in many scenes in the books, the central clash beeen good and evil is drawn in largely black-and-white terms. Nevertheless, as the series develops, several characters have faced a choice beeen doing what is right or what is easy (a central theme), and moral "shades of grey" have been presented. This is especially relevant to characters such as Dolores Umbridge, some Ministry of Magic employees and Severus Snape.

Rowling lets the ideas of raci *** , genocide, anti-establishment and prejudice find their way in; these are the trademark of Voldemort and his Death Eaters, but also occasionally shown in the relationship beeen wizards, the non-magical (or "Muggle") population, and magical creatures in the wizarding world who contain some prejudicial baggage, such as werewolves, house elves, giants and centaurs (branded 'half-breeds' by the more bigoted of the wizarding world).

The books have been pared to many well-known works, including C. S. Lewis's The Chronicles of Narnia and J. R. R. Tolkien's The Lord of the Rings. They also fit into a British genre of novels about boarding school life (such as Thomas Hughes's Tom Brown's Schooldays), and sections involving the Dursleys, Harry's relatives, are reminiscent of the works of Roald Dahl. Echoes of Charles Dickens, particularly in the naming of characters, and Douglas Adams have been pointed out by other readers. At root, Harry's origin story is a mythical archetype known around the world: the destined hero sent away as a baby for safekeeping and raised by mon folk until he is of an age where he can be told who he really is and what he must do (a motif most famously epitomised in the myth of Oedipus). Readers who are unfamiliar with traditional cultural myths will still recognise the theme; it is the basis for Star Wars and Superman, among others.

Aspects of the Harry Potter series have even entered the real world, such as Bertie Bott's Every Flavour Beans, which inspired an actual product of that name marketed by the Jelly Belly Company. The product, named "Bertie Bott's Beans", contains an assortment of enty different kinds of jelly beans that have been developed to mimic flavours found in the assortment of similar name in the book series, including tooty-frooty, dirt, bubblegum, snot, grass, and the surprisingly realistic "vomit" flavour. Also, knitting patterns have been created for the Quidditch Sweater and Elf Socks.

哈利波特系列的人物英文介绍 如 哈利.波特 Harry.Potter

Harry potter ,the son of James Potter and Lily Evans, who were killed by the dark lord )——Voldemort when Harry was only a baby.Voldemort gave Harry a lightning scar on his forehead. It was caused by the spell——Avada Kedavra. After they died, Professor Albus Dumbledore, Professor Mcgonagal and Hagrid brought him to Harry’s uncle’s house.
All Harry knew before he was 11 is a miserable life with the Dursley——his beefy and noisy uncle, Dudley——his cousin, who was so fat and stupid that he could not even count, Petunia——his long-neck gasbag aunt.
One day, the Dursleys began to receive quite a lot of letters for Harry. Harry hasn’t received any letters for 11 years. These letters were from Harry’s parents’ school, the biggest magic school——Hogwarts. Professor Dumbledore was exactly the principal of this school. Hogwarts invited Harry to come and study.
But the Durleys hated magic. They prevented Harry to go to Hogwarts. And the quantity of the letter raised quickly. Until the Dursleys had to move out of the house. At last, Hagrid came. He brought Harry a little birthday cake, and took him to Hogwarts. He told Harry that his parents left a large sum of money to him. And then, Harry got his wand in Ollivander. Hagrid bought Hedwig,a white owl.
Harry went to the train station. Harry will have his journey from Platform Nine and three-quarters. Its entrance is the parastate between Platform Nine and Platform Ten. On the train, Harry made friends with a boy and a girl. Their names were Ron Weasley and Hermione Granger. Hermione was a smart girl with big eyes. And Ron had red hair and some heatspots on his nose. So, they started their new term and lived well. And at last, Harry would meet his old enemy——voldemort again, will Harry defeat him?

上一篇:cad 2007
