了不起的盖茨比英文 英文是什么
1、了不起的盖茨比英文名:the great gatsby。《了不起的盖茨比》是美国作家弗·司各特·菲茨杰拉德创作的一部以以20世纪20年代的纽约市及长岛为背景的中篇小说,出版于1925年。
了不起的盖茨比 英文版角色介绍
1、盖茨比New York rich, young is a second lieutenant officer, and the beautiful young girl Daisy love each other, but ultimately did not go together.纽约的富翁,年轻时是一个少尉军官,与美貌的年轻姑娘黛茜互相爱慕,却最终没有走到一起。Can be crazy for many years abnormal, even for Daisy and strive to become rich, but again with the former lover to meet, but it is different.可多年来痴情异常,甚至为了黛茜而奋发成为富翁,但是再与昔日情人见面时,却是物是人非。2、尼克黛茜的远房表哥,从中西部故乡来到纽约。Daisy's distant cousin came to New York from her hometown in the Midwest.居住在黛茜家时结识了住在旁边的盖茨比,从而得知了盖茨比与表妹黛茜的过往。Daisy's distant cousin came to New York from her hometown in the Midwest.3、黛茜Gatsby's former lover, because of the outbreak of the World War, as a second lieutenant officer Gatsby was transferred to Europe, thus the two missed.盖茨比昔日的情人,因为世界大战的爆发,身为少尉军官的盖茨比被调往欧洲,从而两人就此错过。After many years, Gatsby in order to recapture her heart and become rich and moved to her next door.在多年后,盖茨比为了夺回她的心而变成富翁并搬到她隔壁。But Daisy, who is no longer pure, just wants to socialize with Gatsby to seek stimulation.可已经不再纯洁的黛茜只想与盖茨比交往寻求刺激。了不起的盖茨比主要剧情主人公詹姆斯·卡兹本是北达科他州的一个贫穷的农家子弟,自幼梦想做个出人头地的大人物。经过一番努力,他终于步步高升,并更名为杰伊·盖茨比。他在一个军训营里任中尉时,爱上了南方的大家闺秀黛茜·费。可是当他戴着军功勋章在战争结束后从海外归来时,黛茜已嫁给一位来自芝加哥的、体格健壮、富有但举止粗鲁的纨绔子弟汤姆·布坎农,沉醉于爱情梦幻中的盖茨比艰苦创业,由一个贫穷的军官奋斗成为百万富翁。他在长岛西端买下了一幢豪华别墅,与住在东端的布坎农夫妇隔海湾相望。他的府第每晚灯火通明,成群的宾客饮酒纵乐。他唯一的愿望是希望看到分别了五年的情人黛茜,当他们重逢时,盖茨比以为时光可以倒流,重温旧梦。但久而久之,他发现黛茜远不像他梦想的人,可是这种醒悟还没多久,黛茜开车碾死了丈夫的情妇,汤姆嫁祸于盖茨比,盖茨比终于被害,黛茜居然没来送葬:叙述者尼克由此看透了上层社会有钱人的冷酷残忍和居心险恶,离开纽约,回到了中西部的故乡。
the great gat *** y,了不起的盖茨比英语读后感1000字
At the end of the first World War, the second industrial revolution was just pleted. As a victorious nation in the World War I, the United States surpassed Britain as the world's largest power in capitalist world. The economy was flourishing and the whole country was thriving. Cars, lights and telephones facilitated people's life. People feel no longer fight, is the time to enjoy, the young generation is more like entering a new era of joy of brilliant, they began to abandon the traditional moral standard, in the money worship, hedoni *** , luxury, scene of debauchery all day. The economic prosperity of the neglect of social cost. The story of the great Gat *** y took place at this time. The background of the novel is set in the white circle of the upper class in modern American society and unfolded through Nick's narrative. Nick was born in the Midwest of the United States, then went to New York to learn how to run a stock business, and wanted to make a fortune. He lived in Long Island and was neighbors to Gat *** y, the hero of the story, and made friends with him. Gat *** y, formerly known as Gates, and Nick is from the Midwest, he was born poor but aspiring, due to selling bootleg liquor and riches. He often held large-scale luxury home party, banquet guests, to show its generosity, the purpose is to attract the daisy lover five years ago and win her back. Five years ago at the Gat *** y military service when Daisy was his lover, Gat *** y went overseas in the first World War, due to reckless with greed came from wealthy families to marry a rich men's sons Tom buchanan. However, the satisfaction of material desires and carnal desires did not fill the spiritual emptiness and poverty of daisy. In Nick's help, and Gat *** y seemed to rekindle their love after the reunion. But Daisy is no longer the original Daisy, she is no longer the innocent girl Gat *** y imagined, but a stupid, selfish, vulgar, beautiful body. Gat *** y's beautiful dream was finally broken, but he was still doing the final struggle, is still a fantasy of daisy, and suffered more sad sad ending. Later, daisy in a drunk driving Gat *** y's car ran over Tom's mistress, plan a plot with Tom and brutally put the blame on Gat *** y, resulting in the victim's hu *** and suddenly broke into Gat *** y's home and shot Gat *** y, then Dutch act died, Gat *** y eventually pletely bee a victim of selfish and cruel daisy. Xu as Gat *** y, presents a perfect and beautiful dream within reach for us to provide a witness the envy of everyone in society by chance for us, but also to an attitude with ruthless shattered eyes alluring resplendent with variegated coloration, the end of the story, Gat *** y's funeral and deserted the party noisy, persistent and Daisy Gat *** y warm cold away, forming a strong contrast, although the reality of broken dreams, but also let the people live to see the reality of the hypocrisy and indifference. The distance beeen dream and reality The reason why Gat *** y is great because he can in order to realize the dream, because he is a millionaire also have the original dream, because he can give life to dream, although the price in third seems too heavy, too unworthy, not in, the dream has been broken, outliving both. A tear or a sigh in the face of reality seemed so weak, worry is heavy, but how much money, chennai! The end of the story I can feel as a bystander, Nick downhearted, after the death of Gat *** y, his heart bees haunted in the East, distorted beyond their ability to eye correction, so he went back home. Whether it is to escape from the reality or re start, like the tortoise was attacked in the shell, or like a crab armed and ready to fight, never give life to defend the principles and morals of their life, when we do not want to. And can't change the reality of the time, silence is to maintain the dignity of the umbrella. How far is the distance beeen dream and reality? Just like the distance beeen the heart and the human heart. How far is the distance beeen the heart and the human heart? It can be very close or very far away. Look at our society today, how much is left in the trust beeen people? We are still learning Lei Feng 80s said a good example, but he was dead in 90s; we are still learning contemporary Paul Zhang Haidi, but now her nationality has been questioned; in enty-first Century, we study the important thought of Three Represents, but some people will only put the table worn on the hand. See people hailed seek help can not stop, because it is possible to see the old man fell down fishing; you can not help, because it may be pengci; see money can not pick up, even if not illegal because it may be the, you see, our society is to let some people get rich, the value orientation is also gradually distorted let the rich to the poor, finally achieve mon prosperity intention where? Why the whole society is in a crisis of confidence beeen the people and the people? Why the distance will be so far away?
二、搭配品:合适的搭配品装饰,可有画龙点睛之效,集中焦点。而过多的装饰品,却有如画蛇添足,掩盖了自己的气质光芒。所以,看看自己。拿掉多馀的饰品。包括:耳环、项 、手表、手 、胸花、胸针,甚至皮包及鞋子的协调性,过分夸张,只会掩盖自己的自信。所以,你只可选择其中一种做为集焦的饰品,其他尽量求其简单而协调。譬如,今天的宴会,你挑了一套材质精致,色彩绚丽的中式袍装。那麽,华丽精巧的小提包,则是另一处集光的焦聚。所以,省去多馀的项 ,加上小巧适中的耳饰、手 及刻意低调的素雅鞋款。整体感觉有主有次,不会让自己的衣着装饰,像圣诞树一样的琳琅满目。
三、发型彩妆:发型是令人直接感受到精神及个性的地方。尤其,不同的发型,就可塑造出不同的视觉效果,而使人感觉活力充沛及修长高 ,都可从简单、乾净俐落的发式造型着手。彩妆部份,除了基本的彩妆外,可依服装的色彩,多加流行的金银粉或亮光眼影,加强眼线,假睫毛,透明光泽唇彩,甚至贴上拉风的小钻,加强晚宴的华丽效果。别忘了。修剪乾净手上的指甲(穿凉鞋式高跟鞋,也应注意脚指甲的修剪),可涂上适合的指甲油或护甲油。也可抹上具魅惑但不刺鼻的香水,以求完美。
电影《The Great Gatsby 》(了不起的盖茨比)里盖茨比了不起在哪里?基本剧情是什么?
great 在里面是irony 也就是反讽 没什么了不起的 其实是对社会的讽刺 不是对盖茨比的讽刺 整个作品反讽贯穿其中 是Fitzgerald菲茨杰拉德 的代表作
尼克从中西部故乡来到纽约,在他住所旁边正是本书主人公盖茨比的豪华宅第。这里每晚都在举行盛大的宴会。尼克和盖茨比相识,故事就这样开始了。 尼克对盖茨比充满探究的兴趣。探究的结果是:尼克了解到盖茨比内心深处有一段不了之情。了不起的盖茨比
年轻时的盖茨比并不富有,他是一个少尉军官。他爱上了一位叫黛茜的姑娘,黛茜对他也情有所钟。后来第一次世界大战爆发,盖茨比被调往欧洲。似是偶然却也是必然,黛茜因此和他分手,转而与一个出身于富豪家庭的纨绔子弟汤姆结了婚。黛茜婚后的生活并不幸福,因为汤姆另有情妇。物欲的满足并不能填补黛西精神上的空虚。盖茨比痛苦万分,他坚信是金钱让黛茜背叛了心灵的贞洁,于是立志要成为富翁。几年以后,盖茨比终于成功了。他在黛茜府邸的对面建造起了一幢大厦。盖茨比挥金如土,彻夜笙箫,一心想引起黛茜的注意,以挽回失去的爱情。 尼克为盖茨比的痴情所感动,便去拜访久不联系的远房表妹黛茜,并向她转达盖茨比的心意。黛茜在与盖茨比相会中时时有意挑逗。盖茨比昏昏然听她随意摆布,并且天真地以为那段不了情有了如愿的结局。然而真正的悲剧却在此时悄悄启幕。黛茜早已不是旧日的黛茜。黛茜不过将她俩目前的暖昧关系,当做一种刺激。尼克终于有所察觉,但为时已晚。一次黛茜在心绪烦乱的状态下开车,偏偏轧死了丈夫的情妇。盖茨比为保护戴西,承担了开车责任,但戴西已打定主意抛弃盖茨比。在汤姆的挑拨下,致使其情妇的丈夫开枪打死了盖茨比。盖茨比最终彻底成为了牺牲品。盖茨比至死都没有发现黛茜脸上嘲弄的微笑。盖茨比的悲剧在于他把一切都献给了自己编织的美丽梦想,而黛茜作为他理想的化身,却只徒有美丽的躯壳。尽管黛西早已移情别恋,尽管他清楚地听出“她的声音充满了金钱”,却仍不改初衷,固执地追求重温旧梦然。人们在为盖茨比举行葬礼,黛茜和她丈夫此时却早已在欧洲旅行的路上。不了情终于有了了结。尼克目睹了人类现实的虚情寡义,深感厌恶,于是怀着一种悲剧的心情,远离喧嚣、冷漠、空洞、虚假的大都市,黯然回到故乡。
《The Great Gatsby》书名中的great一般被译者翻译为了不起而不是伟大,这是因为这两个词相差甚远,而伟大这个含义又完全不符合盖茨比的人物形象。下面我将谈一谈《了不起的盖茨比》这一书名的含义。
求 the great gatsby 的英文读后感 谢谢
The Great Gatsby In my opinion, the novel described for the 20's through the perfect artistic form to sell "the American dream" which liquor nouveau riche Gates compared pursues vanishing, has promulgated the American society's tragedy. As we all know ,Gates and bids good-bye compared to and the black eyebrow coloring alizarin red love originally is the very ordinary love story. But the author makes a masterly opening move, compared to the girl which is in love treats as Gates the youth, the money and the status symbol, treats as the method pursue wealthy material life "the American dream". Gates compares in order to pursue the black eyebrow coloring alizarin red to exhaust own sentiment and the ability and wisdom, finally ruined own life. He naively thought that, Had the money to be able to revive an old dream, redeems the love which lost. He was what a pity wrong. He looked at mistakenly black eyebrow coloring alizarin red this vulgar superficial woman. He lives in the illusion, is gotten rid by the black eyebrow coloring alizarin red, is desolate for the society, finally has cast the tragedy which is unable to recall. As far as I'm concerned,the Gates ratio is the 20's models American youth. His bitter experience is precisely the happy song smiles the dance "knight the time" the portrayal. The author has designed for the novel "the dual leading character" Nick the Carrow prestige. His importance is not inferior to the leading character Gates ratio in many aspects. He not only is the story narration and commentary, also is in the novel a important personage. He both is having the very complicated relations with contradictory both sides. He is Gates compared to neighbor and friend, also is the black eyebrow coloring alizarin red cousin, Tom's schoolmate, but also is being in love black eyebrow coloring alizarin red good friend Jordan. He acted as Gates to compare after the black eyebrow coloring alizarin red distinguishes the go-between which 5 years remet, the sympathy which also became which the Gates ratio to revive an old dream the criticism and he suffers kills. He although advances into to the Long Island luxurious residential district, but he already is not "wilderness time" which Tom represents inner world citizen, also is not worships blindly the black eyebrow coloring alizarin red which Gates compares represents to be separated from the reality the illusion world fellow traveller. He represents the American mid-west the traditional ideas and the moral criterion. He happiness illusion which loses compared to the pursue has many critical criticisms regarding Gates, regarding was fastidious the semblance but innermost feelings vulgar Tom and the black eyebrow coloring alizarin red has carried on fair whipping. After Gates compared to dies, former days guest did not make an appearance, the black eyebrow coloring alizarin red accompanied the husband to depart by far, Nick pertinent had pointed out society's false and the heartlessness, caused the reader compared to the American dream necessity which pursued to be disillusioned regarding Gates had the profound impression.