attention please

时间:2024-06-10 16:47:11编辑:流行君


注意用英语说法可以是pay attention to。翻译例句:I jumped on the wall to grab the attention of the crowd.我跳上墙头以引起众人的注意。Luckily, I'd noticed where you left the car.幸好,我注意了你停车的地点。She noticed several small errors in his work.她注意到他作业中有几处小错。The cashiers were asked to watch out for forged banknotes.出纳员接到要求,要注意伪钞。

attention please怎么读

attention 读法 英 [??ten?n] 美 [??t?n??n] ;please 读法 英 [pli:z] 美 [pliz]attention 作名词的意思是:注意力;关心;立正!(口令)短语:1、medical attention 医疗照顾;医疗看护2、immediate attention 注视;及时关注3、pay no attention to 不注意,不在意4、matters need attention 注意事项例句:Ladies and gentlemen, may I have your attention please, I declare the meeting open. 女士们先生们,请注意,现在会谈开始了。扩展资料一、attention的用法:1、attention表示“注意”时,是不可数名词; 用作可数名词时,指具体活动,表示“殷勤”“款待”,常用复数形式。2、一般来说,要表达引起某人对某事的注意时,用call/draw one's attention to。表示用某事引起某人注意时,用bring the matter to one's attention,注意两者不可倒过来使用。He wants to call her attention to the matter.不可以说I want to bring his attention to the matter.3、pay attention to是固定的搭配词组,不可以用其他介词替换,如pay attention on。除了指“注意”,pay attention to还指“向女子献殷勤”,如pay his attentions to the girl.要注意his后的attentions用的是复数形式;4、为引起大机关或大商店的某人或某部门注意,在写信时可在称呼语后面或后面的下一行或两行加Attention of ...,如Attention of Accounting Department。二、attention的词义辨析:pay attention, pay one's attentions这两个短语形相近但义不同,前者意为“注意”,而后者表示“献殷勤”“追求”“求婚”。例如:1、You must pay attention to the teacher.你必须专心听老师讲课。2、The newspapers report that at the moment he is paying his attentions to an Italian countess.报纸报导说,他正在追求一位意大利女伯爵。


注意用英语说法可以是pay attention to。翻译例句:I jumped on the wall to grab the attention of the crowd.我跳上墙头以引起众人的注意。Luckily, I'd noticed where you left the car.幸好,我注意了你停车的地点。She noticed several small errors in his work.她注意到他作业中有几处小错。The cashiers were asked to watch out for forged banknotes.出纳员接到要求,要注意伪钞。


attention音标:英[??ten?n],美[??ten?n]。attention意思:1、n.注意,专心,留心,注意力,兴趣,关注,殷勤,关心,特别照料(或行动、处理),立正姿势。2、int.注意,立正。双语例句:1、There are three main issues that we need to direct our attention to. 我们需要注意的主要有三个问题。2、I didn't pay attention to what she was saying. 我没有注意她在说什么。3、It was the main focus of attention at the meeting. 这是会议上关注的主要焦点。4、He devoted a good deal of attention to the problem. 他在这个问题上花了相当多的精力。5、Don't pay any attention to what they say. 别在意他们所说的话。


attention 英 [??ten?n] 美 [??ten?n]

n. 注意力;关心;立正!(口令)[ 复数 attentions ]


pay attention 注意对手 ; 注意 ; 关注 ; 集中注意力

attention to 对 ; 的注意 ; 注意 ; 对…注意

voluntary attention 有意注意 ; 随意注意 ; 自愿性注意 ; 非有意的注意


1、You have my undivided attention.


2、Later he turned his attention to the desperate state of housing in the city.



1、attention表示“注意”时,是不可数名词; 用作可数名词时,指具体活动,表示“殷勤”“款待”,常用复数形式。

2、call sb's attention to sth 或call sth to sb's attention都表示要某人注意某事。bring sb to the attention of sb else表示“某事使某人得到他人的注意”。

3、一般来说,要表达引起某人对某事的注意时,用call/draw one's attention to。表示用某事引起某人注意时,用bring the matter to one's attention,注意两者不可倒过来使用。


alertness care consideration heed observation


absent-mindedness inattention preoccupation

【词义辨析】pay attention pay one's attentions


You must pay attention to the teacher.


Pay attention while I give you the instructions.


Pay no attention to what that drunkard says.


The newspapers report that at the moment he is paying his attentions to an Italian countess.


She said she hoped to repay all these nice attentions.


May I have your attention please?(作文)

May I have your attention, please! I have an announcement to make.

  The English Corner will be held this Sunday afternoon 4:00p.m. at the Cultural Square. Five American students studying in Peking University are coming. What’s more important, Tina, one of them, is going to introduce the life style and education in America. All of you can exchange your ideas with each other on topics say the difference of study life in our country and America and the difficulties in language learning after Tina’s introduction.

  That’s all. Thank you for your attention.

May I have your attention please是什么意思

May I have your attention please:请大家注意一下。May I have your attention please? 请大家注意了。attention英 [??ten?n] 美 [??ten?n] n. 注意;注意力;照料;兴趣;立正;殷勤,关心。短语:pay attention to 注意 ; 重视 ; 留心 ; 注意到。attention span [心理] 注意广度 ; 注意力的持续时间 ; 注意力。ATTENTION ASSIST 注意力警示系统 ; 注意力辅助系统 ; 力警示体系 ; 驾驶注意力辅助系统。have英 [h?v; ?v; h?v] 美 [h?v; ?v; h?v] v. 拥有;有(想法、主意、观点等);显示出,带有(性质、特征)。n. 有钱人(the haves);诈骗。【名】 (Have)(德)哈弗,(芬)哈韦(人名)。短语:have a good rest 好好休息。have a tacit understanding 心照不宣。have a stomachache 肚子疼 ; 肚子痛。have的四种用法:have+人或物+过去分词;have+宾语+现在分词;have+人+不带to的不定式;have+宾语+副词。1、“have+人或物+过去分词”。此结构常表示“让人做某事”。这时,山过去分词充当的宾语补足语动词不是由使役动词的主语来完成;宾语和宾语补足语之间是被动关系。2、“have+宾语+现在分词”,此结构表示“让(使)某人做某事”、“让(使)某物处于某种状态”,用于否定结构则表示“不能让”、“不允许”的意思,宾语补足语的动作是宾语发出,它们是主动关系。3、“have+人+不带to的不定式”,此结构意为“让(请)某人干某事”。这个结构中,宾语补足语和宾语之间是主动关系。4、“have+宾语+副词(介词短语)”,此结构意为“使某人到某处”、“使某物处于某位置(或状态)”。have短语搭配。have legs走得快;有耐力。have expired已过期。LA HAVE拉阿沃。have notice接到通知。


1 I have some clothes to wash。我要洗几件衣服。(我自己洗)
2 I have some clothes to be washed :我有几件衣服要洗。(让别人为我洗)
在本句中,动词不定式的逻辑主语和句子的语法主语不一致。动词不定式的逻辑主语不是句子的语法主语"I",而是句子的宾语“some clothes”。动词不定式的逻辑主语“some clothes”是不定式动作“洗”的承受者,所以用不定式的被动式作后置定语。


The team leader didn't know who to blame for the loss of the match.
to blame 不是被动, 这里 who(=whom) to blame = to blame whom,
即= The team leader didn't know to blame whom for the loss of the match.

2、Small as it is ,the ent is as much a creature as are all the animals on earth.
Small as it is ,the ant is as such a creature as (are) all the animals on earth.
Small as it is 是插入语,同时强调倒装, = As it is small, 这里的 as 理解为= though (即使)
而the ant is as such a creature as (are) all the animals on earth.
是 as... as 比较状语(从句),其中后半句 as (are) all the animals on earth. 有没有 are 均可,没有 are 就是普通的比较状语。
有are 是比较状语从句,且比较状语从句谓语动词倒装,因为从句主语是 animals 所以用复数are, = as all the animals are (such creatures) on earth.
整句的意思是: 即使它是那么的小,蚂蚁也同地球上的其他动物一样是这样的一种生物(生灵)。


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