
时间:2024-06-10 04:49:27编辑:流行君


“travel”的意思有:n.(名词)[U]行走,行驶,旅行 travelling, especially abroad[P](尤指海外的)游历,游记 book about such journeys and experiencev.(动词)vi. & vt. 旅行 make a journeyvi. & vt. 移动; 行进 move; go例句:用作动词(v.) You are hardly fit to travel alone at present.照目前的情况,你不宜单独旅行。I travel 40 miles to work every day.我每天奔波40英里去上班。When we speak, sound waves begin to travel in all directions.我们说话时,声波就开始向四面八方传播扩散。用作名词(n.) He met many interesting people in his travels.旅行中他遇到了许多有趣的人。Travel on that road is heavy on holidays.假日里,那条路上人来车往极为拥挤。


美式音标: []
英式音标: []
1. 旅行
My uncle is travelling in South America.
2. (光、声音等)行进,传导[Q]
Light travels faster than sound.
3. 旅行推销货物[Q]
He travels for our firm.
4. 【口】快速前进,飞驰
5. 移动,(眼睛)扫视
Her eyes traveled over the scene.
6. 交往[(+with)]
1. 在...旅行,游遍
They travelled Australia from end to end.
2. 经过,走过,驶过(距离)
The youngsters travel long distances to school every day.
1. 旅行,游历[U]
We had ten day's travel by train.
2. 漫游;海外旅行[P]
3. 游记[P]


p.travel是深圳市栢博旅游用品有限公司旗下品牌,2012年创立于香港,品牌创始人Peggy,故名Peggy’s travel ,并成为P.travel首席设计师。
P.travel在欧盟,美国,香港等地注册品牌商标,以及国内注册商标POTRAVEL.DESIGN 并拥有P.travel设计版权。2017年创立自己的工厂,是专注收纳礼品生产的源头厂家,支持OEM贴牌,产品代加工服务。


I have a try...
I have been to BeiJing for a travel. it was a great journey! we have went to see the Imperial Palace and the great wall and them let me feel that I was proud to be a Chinese.
the Imperial Palace noted the history. there were many antiques which we could espy the great culture .
from the great wall,it was a well-known wonder in the is made of big stones which was too heavy to bring even uesing it to buil a construction(
n. 建筑, 建筑物) of ruggedization. what a great grandeur!

请问go to后面加名词还是动词?怎么理解

综述:都可以。跟名词to是介词,可以看作介词短语作方式状语。跟动词原形。to是动词不定式符号,可以看作是动词不定式作目的状语。go to swim是动词不定式作目的状语。swim是动词原形。重点词汇:go英[ɡ??]释义:vi.走;达到;运转;趋于n.去;进行;尝试;围棋(同Go)vt.忍受;出产;以……打赌[复数:goes;第三人称单数:goes;现在分词:going;过去式:went;过去分词:gone]短语:go after追求;追逐;追赶词语使用变化:go1、go用作不及物动词时,常可接带to的动词不定式,这动词不定式并不是用作状语表示目的,而是与go构成一个动词短语,意思是“去做某事”,在非正式英语中,这种结构常可变为go and do sth,而在美式英语中and常被省去。2、go常用于“be going to+动词原形”结构,可以用于表示时间,即“将要做某事”;也可以用于表示意志,即“打算做某事”“准备做某事”。表示“将要做某事”的用法在美式英语中使用得很广泛,大有取代英式英语中的shall〔will〕之势。

go to是不是动词短语

1,不是,do在这里是做的意思,是动词原形,可以替换动词,如果主语是3单go要变goes,sth表示某事,意思是做某事,go doing的doing是因为go是动词,动词后面直接加名词,那么do就要换成动名词doing,而go to do 的go和do之间有介词to,所以do用动词原形。


这个问题就是剔除A中的B元素,最朴素的算法就是遍历A,逐个判断是否在B中,算法复杂度为O(n*m),若用二分查找的话,就是O(n*logm),显然效率低下。考虑到A,B中元素都是有序的,对A中第一个元素,在B中找到第一个不比它小的元素,若两者相等,则该元素剔除,否则加入到c中;对A中下个元素,重复该过程,一直到A或B某一个比较完。算法复杂度为O(n+m)。struct Node { int num; struct Node *pNext;};typedef struct Node *List;List chaji( List a, List b){ List c = NULL; while ( a != NULL && b!= NULL) { while ( a->num > b->num) b = b->pNnext; if ( a->num num) { if (c == NULL) c = malloc(sizeof(struct Node)); else { c->pNext = malloc(sizeof(struct Node)); c = c->pNext; } c->num = a->num; c->pNext = NULL; } a = a->pNext; } return c;}


Last Saturday we visited a hope school. It was a great way to know some other children's life. We had a party with the students there. We also helped them clean up their classrooms. The head teacher toldus some stories about some hardworking students who are from very poor families. And in order to raisemoney for them, we held a big sale in our school playground the next day. We raised a lot of money. I think being a volunteer is really great and I would like to help more people.希望采纳!


Dear Li Ming;
I've learned from the Internet that you are looking for a foreign friend from an English-speaking country to help you improve English.
I'm Henry from Toronto in Canada, which is beautiful harbor city, It's clean and a big international city, I get your name from the Internet, you want to improve your English, I am a native people, you could come to Canada to get to know the culture of my country , it will be the most quick way to learn English. Among native English-speaking country, you have to use English, for a summer holiday, you can improve your Enlish promptly.
I sincerely invite you to my city, for your better improving of your English, at the same time, we could become friends of each other, and we could contact each other.
Sincerle for you reply
Best Regards


1.Do you have an (alarm) clock?
2.选择B. Here (are) your books.
3. (They have) some books in their bags.
4. Can you (bring) your new picture books here?
5. 选择A. Please make a list (of) food to buy.
6.选择B. (How much) food is there in the fridge?
①(All) my classmates are polite and helpful.
②The white skirt are too (long) for me . Can you show me a short one?
①The bags on (sale) are fifteen yuan each.
②They (sold) the soccer balls for only ¥40.
③There are (twenty three) boys in our class.
④My sister likes to go to that (clothing) store to buy clothes.
①March 8th is (Women's) Day.
②Let's (be) good friends.
③She wants (to have) a pop concert.


初一 (上) 期末测试 (A卷)
Ⅰ.语音知识 8%

A) 找出下列各组单词划线部分读音与其他三个不同的词。 2.5%
〔 〕1. A. kite B. time C. twin D. write
〔 〕2. A. team B. sweater C. teacher D. please
〔 〕3. A. watch B. school C. chair D. Chinese
〔 〕4. A. broom B. football C. good D. book
〔 〕5. A. down B. how C. window D. flower
B) 判断下面各组单词划线部分有几种读音。 2.5%
A 表示有一种读音, B 表示有两种读音,
C 表示有三种读音, D 表示有四种读音。
〔 〕6. A. between B. see C. green D. jeep
〔 〕7. A. ruler B. blue C. under D. duty
〔 〕8. A. clothes B. mother C. do D. not
〔 〕9. A. after B. same C. what D. family
〔 〕10.A. sorry B. must C. has D. sit
C) 下面每组句子的语调有一个与其他两个不同,请找出来。 3%
〔 〕11. A. What's your name?
B. Can you spell your name?
C. I'm Number 5.
〔 〕12. A. Are you in Row 2?
B. How old are you?
C. What's this in English?
〔 〕13. A. I think she is twelve.
B. Who is not here?
C. Is she at school today?
Ⅱ.词汇知识 26%
A) 指出下列单词的正确拼写。
〔 〕14. 不同的
A. diffrent B. defferent
C. diffirent D. different
〔 〕15. 图片
A. pictcher B. pictrue
C. picture D. pictuer
〔 〕16. 执照
A. lisense B. licence
C. lisence D. license
〔 〕17. 地板
A. flour B. flaur
C. floor D. flor
〔 〕18. 裤子
A. trousers B. trowsers
C. trouserz D. trouzers
〔 〕19. 谁的
A. who's B. whoes
C. whos' D. whose
〔 〕20. 妇女们
A. womans B. woman
C. wimen D. women
〔 〕21. 八十
A. aighty B. eighty
C. eithtty D. eighteen
B) 找出与其他三个单词不属于同一类的词。
〔 〕22. A. coat B. skirt C. blouse D. watch
〔 〕23. A. and B. behind C. under D. in
〔 〕24. A. know B. think C. must D. give
〔 〕25. A. desk B. table C. chair D. they
〔 〕26. A. orange B. apple C. cup D. pear
〔 〕27. A. bike B. kite C. bus D. car
〔 〕28. A. white B. like C. red D. blue
〔 〕29. A. studentB. AmericanC. English D. Japanese
C) 翻译下列词组。
30. 回家 __________________
31. 七点十分 __________________
32. 照料 __________________
33. 我们家的一张照片 __________________
34. 穿上 __________________
35. on duty __________________
36. take off __________________
37. behind the chair __________________
38. go to bed __________________
39. come here __________________
Ⅲ.完成句子 15%
40. It's time for school.
It's time ______ ______ ______ school.
41. I haven't a watch.
I ______ ______ a watch.
42. What time is it?
______ the time?
43. Is everyone here?
______ you ______ here?
44. Which class are you in?
______ class are you in?
45. She is an English teacher.
She is a teacher ______ English.
B) 用代词的适当形式填空。
46. —— Is he an American boy?
—— Yes, he is.
—— What's ______ name?
—— Tom.
47. —— Is that Mary's bedroom?
—— No, it isn't ______ room. ______ is over there.
48. —— Is this school yours?
—— Yes, it's ______. ______ school is nice. We like it.
49. —— ______ coat is that? Is this your coat, Tom?
—— No, it's not ______. ______ coat is green.
50. —— Are these their shoes?
—— Yes, ______ are ______.
Ⅳ.选择填空 20%
〔 〕51. The man is ______ father.
A. Kate B. Kate's C. she's D. Kates
〔 〕52. How old ______?
A. are you mother B. are your mother
C. your mother is D. is your mother
〔 〕53. —— Who's that girl?
—— She's ______.
A. my sister B. ten C. in red D. nice
〔 〕54. Let me ______ it.
A. to do B. do
C. do to D. do the
〔 〕55. —— Is the box old or new?
—— _____________.
A. Yes, it is B. No, it isn't
C. It's new D. Yes, it's new
〔 〕56. —— What colour is that hat?
—— ______________.
A. That's blue B. It's a blue
C. It's blue D. Its blue
〔 〕57. I am ______.
A. an Chinese B. a Chinese
C. one Chinese D. the Chinese
〔 〕58. —— ______ is your father?
—— He is all right.
A. How B. What C. Where D. Who
〔 〕59. Where ______ Mike's shoes?
A. is B. are C. are his D. is his
〔 〕60. —— Are you a student?
—— _____________.
A. Yes, I'm B. No, you aren't
C. Yes, you are D. Yes, I am
〔 〕61. This is ______ cup.
A. I B. me C. my D. mine
〔 〕62. Please look ______ the picture on the wall.
A. in B. to C. at D. on
〔 〕63. Those are ______ clothes.
A. a B. an C. the D. /
〔 〕64. We have two new teachers ______ our school.
A. in B. on C. behind D. to
〔 〕65. Open your workbook ______ page 10.
A. in B. on C. after D. to
〔 〕66. I think ______ Green.
A. it B. its C. they D. it's
〔 〕67. The sweater ______ like yours.
A. look B. is look C. looks D. is looks
〔 〕68. That's a nice watch. Is it ______?
A. new B. a new C. an old D. a old
〔 〕69. It's time ______ bed.
A. to go to the B. to go to
C. go to the D. go to
〔 〕70. ______ Mrs Green's dress?
A. What colour is B. What colour are
C. What is the colour D. What are the colour
Ⅴ.句型转换 7%
71. I have a nice bike. (改为否定句)
I ______ ______ a nice bike.
72. It's about four thirty. (对划线部分提问)
______ the time?
73. He can find his watch. (改为一般疑问句)
______ ______ find his watch?
74. Your ruler is on the table. (用 in the desk 改为选择疑问句)
______ your ruler on the table ______ in the desk?
75. It's my box. (改为复数形式)
______ ______ ______ ______.
76. These are Lily's new sweaters. (对划线部分提问)
______ new sweaters ______ ______?
77. —— Are the flowers red? (做肯定回答)
—— ______, ______ are.
Ⅵ.情景反应 4%
〔 〕78. 课堂上,老师和同学们互相问好以后,班长应该说_______
A. Stand up B. Come in.
C. Sit down. D. Look at your books.
〔 〕79. 如果你想知道对方的年纪,应该问_________
A. What's your name? B. How old are you?
C. How are you? D. What class are you in?
〔 〕80. 当别人感谢你时,你应该说_________
A. That's all right. B. Very nice.
C. Very good. D. All right.
〔 〕81. 吃过早饭后,你找同学去上学时应该说_________
A. Let's go to the school.
B. Let's we go to school.
C. Let's us go to the school.
D. Let's go to school.
Ⅶ.翻译填空 10%
82. 这件衬衣看起来像她的。
This shirt ______ ______ hers.
83. 穿着红色外衣的那个女孩是玛丽。
The girl ______ the red ______ is Mary.
84. 足球在你书桌下面。
The ______ is ______ your desk.
85. 地图在他们教室的墙上。
The ______ is ______ the ______ ______ their classroom.
Ⅷ.阅读理解 5%
This is the twins' bedroom. In the room we can see a map. It is
a map of China. Their books are on the desk. They have a clock on
the desk, too. Their skirts are on the bed. Their shoes are under
the chair. Everything (一切东西) is tidy (整洁的). Their room is not
big. It's very nice. The twins like it very much.
〔 〕86. The twins don't have a map in their room.
〔 〕87. We can see their books on the desk.
〔 〕88. We can't see their shoes.
〔 〕89. The room is big.
〔 〕90. They like their room very much.
Ⅸ.补全对话 (每空一词) 5%
Harry: Mr Grant.
Mr Grant: Oh, hello, Harry. 91 are you?
Harry: Fine, thanks.
Mr Grant: That's fine.
Harry: What are we doing now?
Mr Grant: We are studying (学习) 92 Ten.
Harry: Is it hard (难的) ?
Mr Grant: No, it's 93 very hard. Now please read the words.
Harry: 94 right.
Mr Grant: Good. Sit 95 please.
Harry: OK.
91. ______ 92. ______ 93. ______ 94. ______ 95. ______



v.2010年国庆节:10月1日至7日放假调休,共7天。9月26日(星期日)、10月9日(星期六)上班。 "十.一"节了,我想大家大概都在盘算怎么消磨这个七天长假。为了响应党和政府的号召,增加合理消费---

2.去深圳长龙欢乐谷、世界之窗,河南白云山,四川九寨沟、成都欢乐谷,北京故宫、鸟巢、水立方,北京花卉园、安徽黄山、贵州黄果树瀑布、云南丽江、江苏苏州园林、盐城市丹顶鹤最佳观赏点、黑龙江省五大连池市火山游览胜地、辽宁省北票市中生代化石富集区、大连星海广场 星海公园 老虎滩 等海洋公园 , 山东省烟台市长岛县猛禽及候鸟、济南园博园、湖北省石首市最大野生麋鹿栖息地、福建省晋江市南部海滨罕见的深沪湾海底森林、海南省三亚市陵水县野生热带猕猴、内蒙古自治区呼伦贝尔、新疆喀纳斯、西藏珠峰、墨脱县天然动植物、上海外滩、湖北三峡、江西庐山、广东丹霞山玩!
3.最 好 你 带 一 家 三 口 去 农 村 有" 农 家 乐" 之 处, 租 一 小 块 地 种 菜" 务 农". 以 真 实 体 味 农 村 风 情, 和 务 农 的 坚 心 和 快 乐. 以 后 便 以 此 为 基 地 教 子 愉 乐 双 丰 收.
4.如果你是有工作的人,最好就利用难得的假期休息休息,去看看父母吧,老人需要关爱的,祝你节日快乐 !
5.去当地的博物馆、美术馆、音乐厅感受一下文化氛围,再找几个有特点的地方去吃点喝点吧 !!! 你说呢?你要行动哦!! 国庆同庆同乐!!!

