christmas lights

时间:2024-06-08 09:15:54编辑:流行君

Christmas Lights 歌词

歌曲名:Christmas Lights歌手:Coldplay专辑:Now Christmas 5 (Canadian Edition)Coldplay - Christmas LightsChristmas night, another fightTears we've cried are floodGot all kinds of poison inOf poison in my bloodI took my feet to Oxford streetTrying to right or wrongJust walk away those windowsBut I can't believe she's goneWhen your still waiting for the snowfallDoesn't really feel like Christmas at allA group of candles on me are flickeringOh they flicker and they flowAnd I am up here holding on to all those chandeliers of hopeAnd like some drunken in this cityI am go singing out of tuneSinging how I always loved you darlingAnd how I always willBut when your still waiting for the snowfallDoesn't really feel like Christmas at allStill waiting for the snow to fallIt doesn't really feel like Christmas at allThose Christmas LightsLight up the streetDown where the sea and city meetMay all your troubles soon be goneOhh Christmas Lights keep shining onThose Christmas LightsLight up the streetMaybe they bring here back to meThen all my troubles will be goneOhh Christmas Lights keep shining onOhhOhh Christmas LightsLight up the streetsLight up the fireworks in meMay all your troubles soon be goneThose Christmas Lights keep shining onTo MaxRNB:More Love

Christmas Lights歌词

Christmas night
Another fight
Tears we cried, a flood
Got all kinds of poison in
Of poison in my blood
I took my feet to Oxford Street
Tried to right a wrong
Just walk away, those windows say
But I can't believe she's gone

When you're still waiting for the snow to fall
It doesn't really feel like Christmas at all

Cup of candles, oh they flicker
Oh, they flicker and they flow
And I'm up here holding onto all those chandeliers of hope
Lots of drunken Elvises
I go singing out of tune
Saying how I always loved you, darling
And I always will

But when you're still waiting for the snow to fall
It doesn't really feel like Christmas at all
When you're still waiting for the snow to fall
It doesn't really feel like Christmas at all

Those Christmas lights
Light up the street
Down where the sea and city meet
May all your troubles soon be gone
Oh, Christmas lights, keep shining on


圣诞灯英语为:christmas lights。christmas lights造句:1、The streets in la are beautifully decorated with christmas lights.洛杉矶的街道上都会装饰著漂亮的圣诞节灯饰。2、The warm fire , twinkling christmas lights and laughter from family brought a contented smile to my face.看着温暖的炉火和闪闪烁烁的圣诞节彩灯,听着家人们的欢声笑语,我不禁惬意地微笑着。3、An array of christmas lights are also being switched on in other key london shopping areas , such as oxford street , knightsbridge , and carnaby street.这些彩灯与往年一样,吸引着成千上万的、来自世界各地的旅游观光者,前来一睹首都此刻的壮美景观。


迈克尔·杰克逊。1、首周即勇夺冠军位置并蝉联6周第一名,成为英国单曲榜历史上最重要的圣诞档期冠军曲。在整个欧洲大陆《地球之歌》几乎都是前5名的单曲。2、《地球之歌》创作于1995年,当时世界范围内战争不断,污染严重,在那样的历史背景下,迈克尔杰克逊亲自作词作曲,创作了《地球之歌》。3、并且歌曲最初以《我们呢》(What About Us)的名字为《危险》(Dangerous)专辑而作,后经重新的制作和优化,入选了《历史》(HIStory)专辑。4、《地球之歌》的诞生是为了呼吁人类行动起来,保护自然和我们赖以生存的地球而作的伟大单曲。在这首歌中,迈克尔用淋漓的情感、高亢的高音嘶吼,流着泪诉说着一切正离我们而去的美好事物。迈克尔·约瑟夫·杰克逊个人信息:出生于美国印第安纳州加里市,美国男音乐家、演唱家、舞蹈家、导演、演员、企业家、慈善家、人道主义者、和平主义者、慈善机构创办人,非洲科特迪瓦桑维国”萨尼王”。


祝你圣诞节快乐:We wish you a Merry Christmas,众所周知,圣诞节是为了庆祝耶稣的出生而设立的,但《圣经》中却从未提及耶稣出生在这一天,甚至很多历史学家认为耶稣是出生在春天。直到3世纪,12月25日才被官方定为圣诞节。尽管如此,还是有一些东正教把1月6日、7日定为圣诞节。圣诞节本是宗教节日。十九世纪,圣诞卡的流行、圣诞老人的出现,使圣诞节开始渐渐流行起来。圣诞庆祝习俗在北欧流行后,结合着北半球冬季的圣诞装饰也出现了。 圣诞卡(圣诞卡片)在美国和欧洲很流行,许多家庭随贺卡带上年度家庭合照或家庭新闻,新闻一般包括家庭成员在过去一年的优点特长等内容。


“祝大家圣诞节快乐”的英文翻译为:Merry Christmas to all of you.圣诞节的其他祝福语句:1、Christmas time is here. I hope you have awonderfulNewYear. May every day hold happy hours for you.圣诞来临,祝新年快乐,愿你时时刻刻幸福欢乐!2、May your Christmas be filled with special moment, warmth, peace andhappiness, the joy of covered ones near,and wishing you all the joys of Christmas and a year of happiness.愿你的圣诞充满温馨,祥和,与亲人团聚的快乐,祝圣诞乐陶陶,新年乐无限。3、Warm greetings and best wishes for happiness and good luck in the coming year.衷心祝福来年快乐、幸运!4、Christmas should be a time of banked-up fines, the scent of flowers andwine, good talk, good memories andloyalties renewed. But if all else is lacking -lovewill do.圣诞是这样美好的时光:炉火熊熊,花儿芬芳,醇酒飘香,殷殷祝福,美好回忆,恩爱日新。即便没有一切,只要有爱便足矣。

Christmas Lights歌词

对译  Christmas Night 圣诞夜 Another fight 又一次的争吵   Tears we cried, a flood  我们的泪汇成洪水   Got all kinds of poison in 把所有的悲伤   Of poison in my blood 冲刷进我的血液   I took my feet to Oxford Street 独自漫步在牛津大道  Trying to right a wrong 试着平复自己的心  Just walk away, those windows say 让这一切过去吧,仿佛窗边的声音对我说  But I can't believe she's gone 可是我无法相信她已经离开我。  When you're still waiting for the snow to fall 你仍旧等待着下雪  It doesn't really feel like Christmas at all 那才是你心中的圣诞节  Up above candles on air flicker 那些在天上摇曳着的烛光  Oh, they flicker and they float 摇曳着、流淌着的烛光  And I'm up here holding onto all those chandeliers of hope 我举起这寄托着希望的烛光  Like some drunken Elvis singing 随着喝醉的人们  I go singing out of tune 跑调的唱着唱歌  Saying how I always loved you, darling 唱着我有多爱你,亲爱的  And I always will 我永远爱你  But when you're still waiting for the snow to fall 但你仍旧等待着下雪  Doesn't really feel like Christmas at all 那才是你心中的圣诞节   When you're still waiting for the snow to fall 你仍旧等待着下雪  It doesn't really feel like Christmas at all 那才是你心中的圣诞节  Those Christmas lights 那些圣诞的霓虹灯  Light up the street 点亮了大街  Down where the sea and city meet 延绵到城市与大海交汇的地方  May all your troubles soon be gone 但愿能让你的烦恼都烟消云散  Oh, Christmas lights, keep shining on 圣诞的霓虹灯啊,请一直耀耀生辉下去  Those Christmas lights 那些圣诞的霓虹灯  Light up the street 点亮了大街  Maybe they'll bring her back to me 也许能把你带回到我的身边  Then all my troubles will soon be gone 等到那时,我的烦恼也将会消散  Oh, Christmas lights, keep shining on 圣诞的霓虹灯啊,请一直耀耀生辉下去  Those Christmas lights 圣诞的霓虹灯  Light up the street 点亮了大街  Light up the fireworks in me 点燃了我心中的烟火  May all your troubles soon be gone 但愿那时~你的烦恼终将消散  Those Christmas lights, keep shining on 圣诞的霓虹灯啊,请一直耀耀生辉下去




一、different in nature译文:本质不同1、Spring Festival: the Spring Festival, the lunar new year, is the beginning of the year.译文:春节:春节,即农历新年,是一年之岁首。2、Christmas: it is set up to celebrate the birth of Jesus.译文:圣诞节:为了庆祝耶稣的出生而设立的。二、Different origins译文:起源不同1、Spring Festival: it was formed in the ancient people's activities of sacrificing to heaven and earth gods and ancestors.译文:春节起源:形成于古人择吉日祭祀,以谢天地神灵、祖先恩德的活动。2、Christmas: it originated from the Roman New Year's agricultural God's day. It has nothing to do with Christianity. After the prevalence of Christianity in the Roman Empire, the Holy See incorporated this folk festival into the Christian system, and celebrated the birth of Jesus.译文:圣诞节起源:源自古罗马人迎接新年的农神节,这与基督教无关。罗马帝国基督教盛行后,罗马教廷将这一民间节日纳入基督教体系,庆祝耶稣诞生。三、Spring Festival:译文:传统民俗不同1、Handle new year's products译文:春节传统民俗:(1)Chinese New Year's customs have a long history. There are many and varied new year's customs in different parts of the country.译文:办年货中国的新年习俗由来已久。全国各地的新年习俗多种多样。(2)Sweeping dustIn the folk, on the eve of the new year, there is a custom of "sweeping the dust on the 24th of the twelfth lunar month (also known as sweeping the house)." The folk saying is "24, sweep the house". People call it "Sweeping Day".译文:扫尘在民间,除夕之夜有“腊月二十四扫尘(亦称扫屋)”的习俗,民间有“二十四扫屋”的说法。人们称之为“扫尘日”。2、圣诞节传统民俗:(1)christmas tree译文:圣诞树Christmas tree is one of the most famous traditions in Christmas celebration. Usually, people bring an evergreen plant such as pine into the house or outdoors around Christmas, and decorate it with Christmas lights and colorful decorations. And put an angel or a star on the top of the tree.译文:圣诞树是圣诞节庆祝活动中最著名的传统之一。通常,人们会在圣诞节前后把松树等常绿植物带进屋子或户外,用圣诞灯和五颜六色的装饰品来装饰。把天使或星星放在树顶上。(2)Christmas card译文:圣诞卡Christmas cards (Christmas cards) are popular in the United States and Europe. Many families bring annual family photos or family news with them. The news generally includes the advantages and specialties of family members in the past year.译文:圣诞卡在美国和欧洲很流行。许多家庭每年都会带上家庭照片或家庭新闻。新闻通常包括过去一年家庭成员的优点和特长。参考资料来源:百度百科-春节参考资料来源:百度百科-圣诞节

求taylor swift经典的歌的中英文lrc歌词

[ti:Love Story]
[ar:Taylor Swift]

[00:01.14]Love Story-Taylor Swift
[00:16.53]We were both young when I first saw you 第一次见到你时,我们都很年轻
[00:20.16]I close my eyes and the flashback starts闭上眼睛,即回到过去
[00:23.76]I'm standing there on a balcony in summer air夏天的夜风中我站在那里,站在露台上[00:32.49]See the lights, see the party, the ball gowns看着闪烁的灯光,看着舞会,看着裙摆舞动
[00:36.60]See you make your way through the crowd看到你走向人群
[00:40.06]And say hello, little did I know并说你好,我不知道
[00:48.58]That you were Romeo, you were throwing pebbles你就是Romeo,你扔着小石子
[00:52.47]And my daddy said stay away from Juliet我爹爹嚷嚷:“不要招惹Juliet!”
[00:55.91]And I was crying on the staircase, begging you please don't go我站在楼梯上哭着求你:请别走
[01:02.91]And I said我说:
[01:04.63]Romeo take me somewhere we can be alone “Romeo,带我走,去一个我们可以独处的地方”
[01:08.79]I'll be waiting, all there's left to do is run我会一直等你,我们能做的只能是离开
[01:12.79]You'll be the prince and I'll be this princess你是我的王子,我是你的公主
[01:16.86]It's a love story这是一个爱情故事
[01:18.73]Baby, just say yes宝贝,只需说,我愿意
[01:24.82]So I sneak out to the garden to see you于是我溜到花园里去见你
[01:28.97]We keep quiet 'cause we're dead if they knew我们轻轻悄悄,因为如果被人们发现,我们只有死路一条
[01:32.51]So close your eyes, escape this town for a little while所以闭上你的双眼,暂时逃离此地
[01:38.98]Oh, oh, oh
[01:40.78]'Cause you were Romeo, I was a scarlet letter因为你是Romeo,我是一个红字
[01:44.70]And my daddy said stay away from Juliet而我爹爹又说了:“不要招惹Juliet!”
[01:48.30]But you were everything to me, I was begging you please don't go但你是我的一切,我央求你,请别离开我
[01:55.50]And I said我说
[01:57.08]Romeo take me somewhere we can be alone“Romeo,带我走,去一个我们可以独处的地方
[02:01.21]I'll be waiting, all there's left to do is run我会一直等你,我们能做的只能是离开[02:05.26]You'll be the prince and I'll be the princess你是我的王子,我是你的公主
[02:09.30]It's a love story这是一个爱情故事,
[02:11.30]Baby, just say yes宝贝,只需说,我愿意”
[02:13.19]Romeo save me they‘re trying to tell me how to feel“Romeo,救救我,人们试图告诉我该如何感受
[02:17.65]this love is difficult, but its real这份爱很艰辛,但很真实
[02:21.44]Don't be afraid now we'll get out of this mess不要害怕,我们会理出头绪
[02:25.39]It's a love story这是一个爱情故事,
[02:27.25]Baby, just say yes宝贝,只需说,我愿意”
[02:44.68]I got tired of waiting wondering if you were ever coming around我厌倦了等待,我厌倦了等待
[02:52.41]my faith in you was fading我的信念正渐渐消逝
[02:57.25]When I met you on the outskirts of town在镇外遇见你时
[03:00.70]And I said我说:
[03:01.61]Romeo save me ive been feeling so alone“Romeo,救救我,我觉得非常孤独,[03:05.69]Ill keep waiting for you but you never come我一直等你,但你却全不露面
[03:09.69]Is this in my head, I don't know what to think这是否是我的空想,我完全不知道作何感想”
[03:13.75]he knelt to the ground and pulled out a ring他跪在地上,拿出一枚戒指,
[03:17.27]And said说
[03:17.83]Marry me Juliet you'll never have to be alone“嫁给我吧,Juliet,你再也不会孤独
[03:21.77]I love you and that's all I really know我爱你,这便是我确知的全部
[03:25.81]I talked to your dad, go pick out a white dress我跟你爹爹谈过了,去挑一件白色长裙吧
[03:29.85]It's a love story这是我们的爱情故事,
[03:31.90]Baby, just say yes宝贝,只需说,我愿意。”
[03:37.59]Oh, oh, oh
[03:45.97]We were both young when I first saw you我们相识时,彼此都很年轻

[ar:Taylor Swift]
[00:02.00]Taylor Swift - Fifteen
[00:04.00]LRC by lzh ,from jiangxi pingxiang
[00:09.53]You take a deep breath and you walk through the doors你深吸一口气然后走过大门
[00:14.52]Its the morning of your very first day这是你第一天上学的早上
[00:19.01]you say hi to your friends you aint seen in a while你很快跟很久不见的朋友们打了招呼
[00:24.33]Try and stay out of everybodys way试着不挡着大家的路
[00:29.18]its your freshman year and youre gonna be here这是你在高中的第一年
[00:34.57]for the next four years in this town你将会在这个城市度过接下来的四年
[00:39.19]hoping one of those senior boys will wink at you and say你希望那些高年级的男生对你眨眼,并说
[00:44.46]you know I havent seen you around, before你知道,我以前从来没在这里见过你
[00:52.00]Cause when youre fifteen当你15岁的时候,
[00:55.23]and somebody tells you they love you有人告诉你他们爱你
[00:58.90]youre gonna believe them你会相信他们
[01:01.62]and when youre fifteen当你15岁的时候
[01:04.91]feeling like there nothing to figure out觉得没有什么事情可以想明白
[01:12.58]well count to ten, take it in然而当你数到十时,你就会接受一切
[01:15.84]this is life before who youre gonna be fifteen这就是你年满15岁之前的生活
[01:35.59]You sit in class next to a redhead named Abigail在班上,你坐在一个叫做阿比盖尔的红发女孩身边
[01:40.66]and soon enough youre best friends你们很快就成为了最好的朋友
[01:45.32]laughing at the other girls who think theyre so cool你们一起嘲笑那些自以为很酷的女孩子们
[01:49.80]well be out of here as soon as we can并想方设法地尽快离开教室
[01:55.11]and then youre on your very first date and he’s got a car之后,你开始了第一次约会,他开了一辆车来
[02:00.91]and youre feeling like flying你幸福地仿佛飞了起来
[02:05.22]and youre momas waiting up and you think hes the one你就像妈妈一样地等着他,认为他就是你的唯一
[02:10.15]and youre dancing round your room when the night end在夜晚将要过去的时候,你开心地在房间跳舞
[02:14.74]when the night ends在这飞逝的夜晚
[02:17.66]Cause when youre fifteen因为当你十五岁时
[02:20.54]and somebody tell you they love you有人告诉你他们喜欢你
[02:24.81]youre gonna believe them你就会相信他们
[02:27.86]when youre fifteen and your first kiss十五岁的初吻
[02:33.09]makes your head spin round but让你头晕目眩
[02:37.76]in your life youll do greater than不过在你以后的人生里
[02:42.34]dating the boy on the football team,可以做到比和足球队的男生约会更好的事情
[02:47.21]but I didnt know it at fifteen不过我十五岁的时候并不知道这一切
[03:01.56]When all you wanted was to be wanted当你曾经想要的一切都被需要时
[03:06.54]wish you could go back and tell yourself what you know now希望你能够回去告诉那时的自己你现在所明白的事理
[03:15.55]Back then I swore I was gonna marry him someday那时候,我发誓将来要嫁给他
[03:20.90]but I realized some bigger dreams of mine不过我意识到自己还有更大的梦想
[03:25.52]and Abigail gave everything she had to a boy阿比盖尔把自己的一切给了一个男孩
[03:31.99]who changed his mind and we both cried可他却变心了,我们俩哭作一团
[03:37.93]Cause when youre fifteen因为当你十五岁时
[03:41.20]and somebody tells you they love you有人告诉你他们喜欢你
[03:44.79]youre gonna believe them你就会相信他们
[03:47.62]and when youre fifteen,因此当你十五岁时
[03:50.70]don‘t forget to look before you fall不要忘记在跌倒前提防一下
[03:58.90]Ive found that time can heal most anything我发现时间几乎可以治愈一切
[04:02.57]and you just might find who youre supposed to be而同时你也许可以了解自己应该成为什么样的人
[04:07.56]I didnt know who I was supposed to be at fifteen十五岁的时候,我并不知道我要成为什么样的人
[04:34.61]Youre very first day在你的第一天
[04:39.54]take a deep breath girl女孩,深吸一口气吧
[04:41.84]take a deep breath as you walk through those doors.当你深深地吸一口气后,迈过那一扇扇成长的大门

求Taylor Swift——《hunted》中英对照歌词

Taylor Swift – Haunted 煎熬 You and I walk a fragile line 你,和我,走在一条脆弱易碎的道路上I have known it all this time 其实,我的心里一直都很清楚But, I never thought I'd live to see it break 但是,我不曾想到,我会亲眼见证它的破碎It's getting dark and its all too quiet 黑暗正慢慢的将我吞噬,寂静恐怖的将我淹没And I can't trust anything now 我已经无法相信这一切的一切And it's coming over you like it's all a big mistake 无法弥补的错误,正在将你包围Oh, holding my breath 努力的屏住呼吸Oh, I'm lose you again 我,再一次的失去了你Somethings made your eyes go cold 你的眼睛,也失去了温暖的光芒Come on, come on 我请求着Don't leave me like this 不要就这样把我丢下I thought I had you figured out 我以为你已经清楚一切Something's gone terribly wrong 有些事情走向了错误的方向You're all I wanted 你曾经是我的世界Come on, come on 请求着Don't leave me like this ? 不要就这样离我而去I thought I had you figured out 我以为你已经清楚一切Can't breathe when I know you're gone 当你不在身边的时候,我无法呼吸Can't turn back now 已经没有办法回到过去I'm haunted 我饱受着煎熬Sit there and watch you walk away 坐在这里,脑海里浮现的是我们曾经的一切From everything we had 眼前却是你渐渐远去的场景But, I still mean every word I said to you 但是,我对你说过的话,还是源于我的心底He will try to take away my pain 他,也许会试着带走我的痛苦And he just might make me smile 他,也许能让我微笑But, the whole time I'm wishing he was you instead 但是,我一直都希望,那个人是你Oh, holding my breath 努力的屏住呼吸Whoa, I'll see you again 我会再次见到你Something keeps me holding on and I think 有些事情让我一直犹豫不决Come on, come on 我请求着Don't leave me like this 不要就这样把我丢下I thought I had you figured out 我以为你已经清楚一切Something's gone terribly wrong 一些什么事情正走向无法挽回的境界You're all I wanted 你曾经是我的世界Come on, come on 请求着Don't leave me like this ? 不要就这样离我而去I thought I had you figured out 我以为你已经清楚一切Can't breathe when I know you're gone 当你不在我身边的时候我无法呼吸Can't turn back now 已经没有办法回到过去I'm haunted 我饱受着煎熬I know, I know 我知道,我真的知道I just know 我一直都知道You're not gone 你还没有离开Come on, you can't be gone 你不能就这样离开No 不能就这样离我而去Come on, come on 我祈求着Don't leave me like this 不要就这样把我丢下I thought I had you figured out 我以为你已经清楚一切Something's gone terribly wrong 有些事情走向了错误的方向Won't finish what you started 无法完成那些我们已经揭开的篇章Come on, come on 祈求着Don't leave me like this 不要就这样把我丢下I thought I had you figured out 我以为你已经清楚一切Can't breathe when I know you're gone 当你离开的时候,我无法呼吸Can't go back 无法回到过去I'm haunted 我饱受着煎熬You and I walk a fragile line 我们走在一条易碎的道路上I have known it all this time 一直以来,我都知道But, I never thought I'd see it break 但是我从没想过我会眼看着它破碎Never thought I'd see it从没想过,会是这样


chillin (是网络语言):relaxing doing nothing special.在放松,没做什么例子 :A 问 :whut chu doin?B 答 :chillinA 回 :yea,i smell you (smell u mean u kno what he means)chillin是俚语的写法, 就是chilling, 所以按俚语的解释, 就是fun or relaxing, 所以chillin with sb就是fun with sb, 就是和某人一起找乐或放松,也即休闲。相关词组:1、放松一下Funny Pics (A-C) 有趣的图片(A-C)_xxx3333 ... Child Hood 童年 Chillin 放松一下(休息) Christmas Lights 圣诞灯.2、寒冷的lady gaga歌名 - 已解决 - 搜搜问问 ... Christmas Tree 圣诞树 Chillin 寒冷的 Video Phone 可视电话.3、轻松时:could you love me when im chillin ., 当我轻松时你会爱我吗.4、when im chillin当我轻松时5、could you love me when im chillin ., 当我轻松时你会爱我吗。


chillin (是网络语言):relaxing doing nothing special.在放松,没做什么例子 :A 问 :whut chu doin?B 答 :chillinA 回 :yea,i smell you (smell u mean u kno what he means)chillin是俚语的写法, 就是chilling, 所以按俚语的解释, 就是fun or relaxing, 所以chillin with sb就是fun with sb, 就是和某人一起找乐或放松,也即休闲。相关词组:1、放松一下Funny Pics (A-C) 有趣的图片(A-C)_xxx3333 ... Child Hood 童年 Chillin 放松一下(休息) Christmas Lights 圣诞灯.2、寒冷的lady gaga歌名 - 已解决 - 搜搜问问 ... Christmas Tree 圣诞树 Chillin 寒冷的 Video Phone 可视电话.3、轻松时:could you love me when im chillin ., 当我轻松时你会爱我吗.4、when im chillin当我轻松时5、could you love me when im chillin ., 当我轻松时你会爱我吗。


蝴蝶结[húdié jié]英语


2.butterfiy knot




1.Add a length of ribbon tied in a bow.


2.A butterfiy knot symboiizes changes.蝴蝶结代表着变化。3.There is a pretty bowknot on her hat.她金色的头发向上梳着,头上戴着蓝色的蝴蝶结。

4.The wreath red bow tie and clear christmas lights in the picture below is part of

the simplified decoration I made in my front yard.以下照片中的花环,红色蝴蝶结和圣诞节灯泡,都是我在前院做的简单装饰的一部份。

bowknot ;



3.Butterfly knot



1.bowtie macaroni



1.bow tie




How to tie the butterfiy knot ?
beautiful/ Pretty/ nice:漂亮

hair net 发套tie 领带

bow 蝴蝶结

ribbon 彩带

hair band 头带

例如 a beautiful bow, a nice tie, a pretty hair band, a pretty ribbon 等
bowknot,蝴蝶结, bow tie,蝴蝶结领结


蝴蝶结的英文:bowknot。蝴蝶结(同心结)是一种外形酷似蝴蝶绳结,通常被应用于鞋带、发饰或衣物上。其制作材质、形状大小、打法都不尽相同,但外形美观大方,不仅体现了中国古代的文化信仰及浓郁的宗教色彩,还体现了人们追求真、善、美的良好的愿望。中国结由于年代久远,其历史贯穿于人类史始终,漫长的文化沉淀使得中国结 渗透着中华民族特有的,纯粹的文化精髓,富含丰富的文化底蕴。“绳”与“神”谐音,中国文化在形成阶段,曾经崇拜过绳子。据文字记载:“女娲引绳在泥中,举以为人。”又因绳像蟠曲的蛇龙,中国人是龙的传人,龙神的 形象,在史前时代,是用绳结的变化来体现的。“结”字也是一个表示力量、和谐, 充满情感的字眼,无论是结合、结交、结缘、团结、结果,还是结发夫妻,永结同心,“结”给人都是一种团圆、亲密、温馨的美感“结”与“吉 ”谐 音,“吉” 有着丰富多彩的内容,福、禄、寿、喜、财、安、康无一不属于吉的范畴。“吉” 就是人类永恒的追求主题,“绳结”这种具有生命力的民间技艺也就自然作为中国传统文化的精髓,兴盛长远规划,流传至今。

