
时间:2024-06-07 05:22:59编辑:流行君


余有妃梦,叹为妙焉。静爱绵长,身居心间。老有所愈,俱故知焉。 余亦求索,万圣启示。日辉冷烬,说梦痴人。黑血之泊,凋零穿失。有不羡羊,遭蛇噬食。两脚羊树,秋蛇傍之。 无尽苦难,愚者之罚。心性浅薄,唯知索拿。鱼肉苍生,剥皮萱草。银刃刺背,极乐虐杀。 无名小卒,逐鹿争王。盲马薄冰,自取灭亡。 诚者闪烁,化形暗影。殃殒天降,孽生龙葵。母哺骤暖,万恶不古。 如日灼心,如击众鼓。心象杂生,明灭吞主。 虐欲之感,为汝意义。暴欲之念,为汝价值。

I have a dream of concubine, sigh is wonderful. Quiet love is long, the body is in the heart. The old age has improved, so I know. I also ask for a halloween revelation. Tianhui cold ashes, fool for dreams. The black blood is parked, withered and lost. Some do not envy sheep, but encounter snakes to swallow. Two-legged sheep tree, next to the autumn snake. Endless suffering, punishment for stupid people. Psychologically superficial, I just know to take it. The flesh of the fish is common, and the hemerocallis is peeled. The silver blade pierced the back, bliss to abuse and kill. The unknown pawns compete for the king. Blind horses and thin ice will kill themselves. The real flicker is invisible. God brought disasters and died, and wickedly gave birth to solanum. The mother's breastfeeding was warm, and all the evils were immortal. The sun is scorching, if you attack the drums. The mind image is mixed, and the annexation master will be eliminated. A sense of sadism, when you make sense. Sudden thoughts when you are worth.




translate英 [tr?ns'le?t]     美 [tr?ns'le?t]    v. 翻译;解释;转移;调动。Be you plan to translate the novel?你计划翻译这部小说吗?用法1、translate的基本意思是“翻译”,常指把一种语言译成另一种语言。引申可作“转化”“解释”解。2、translate也可作“调动”解,通常指某人调到另一地方。3、translate可用作及物动词,也可用作不及物动词。用作及物动词时,可接名词或代词作宾语,也可接以as短语充当补足语的复合宾语。translate用作不及物动词时,其主动形式可表示被动意义。


翻译用英语翻译为:translate。 translate:v.翻译;译;被翻译;被译成;(使)转变,变为; 第三人称单数: translates现在分词: translating过去式: translated过去分词: translated 扩展资料   He translated not only from the French but also, on occasion, from the Polish.   他不仅做法文翻译,有时也做些波兰语翻译。   The girls waited for Mr Esch to translate.   女孩们等待埃施先生作翻译。   I couldn't read or understand a word of Yiddish, so I asked him to translate.   我根本不懂意第绪语,所以请他来翻译。   Despite his illness, he remained actively engaged in translating documents.   虽然生病了,他还是积极地参与文件的翻译。


translate意思:翻译、说明、解释。例句:I couldn't read or understand a word of Yiddish,so I asked him totranslate.我根本不懂意第绪语,所以请他来翻译。 翻译的相似短语 translate intov.翻译成,转化为 translate to把...译成...,把...转化成... translate from...译自… format translate格式翻译 Translate Display移动显示将屏幕上的图形作水平或垂直的移动,但不包括旋转动作。 translate and edit编译 translate duration翻译期间,翻译时间 translate display翻译显示 translate end翻译结束






Country where I want to go: Vietnam The materials about Vietnam: Geographical environment: Vietnam lies in the east of the middle and southern peninsula
the south sea of China of east bank
adjoins Laos (1555 kilometers 2008-08-07 11:35:43 补充: of border ) and Kampuchea (982 kilometers ) in the west
the north and China's Mainland (Guangdong
Yunnan ) are boarded by (1463 kilometers )
the south and Malaysia face each other across the sea
the national the whole area is 329
600 sq. km.
occupy the 58th 2008-08-07 11:36:22 补充: place in the world (about 9.3 times of Taiwan )
among them the mountain region accounts for 3/4 of the whole area
the area of water areas is abouborder is 3
818 kilometers
the coastline is 2008-08-07 11:37:01 补充: Climate: Vietnam is the tropical monsoon climate
the south is warm perennially
divide the universe season and rainy season separately
the temperature on average is invited above 25 degrees Centigrade; It is cool in hot wislightly from every November to February of next year
air 2008-08-07 11:37:20 补充: similar to Pingdong
Kaohsjung. Annual rainfall is more than 1
500 mm. on average
the humidity
about 80%
the typhoon and floods from July to October occasionally . 2008-08-07 11:37:31 补充: About 82
000 people (2004 )
national population of Vietnam
occupy the 13th place in the world
rate of increase is 1.3%
estimate and up to 100 million people in 2024 in advance. Language: Vietnamese
slightly coherent Chinese
Cantonese is also general beeen Chinese.
参考: Dr.eye
更多答案在 fortuitous.vsp/ harrypotter.vsp/ 1港币 可以换取 3.5台币 ^0^ 好平~ 一元商店
why don't you just go to *** ?


英语英文翻译为:English。 English:n.英语;英文;(作为一门学科的)英语语言文学;英语学科;英格兰人(有时误用以指包括苏格兰、威尔士和北爱尔兰人在内的英国人); adj.英格兰的;英格兰人的;英语的 扩展资料   American English is significantly different from British English.   美国英语与英国英语有很大差异。   Is English an official language in your country?   英语在你们国家是官方语言吗?   Sorry, my English is not very good.   对不起,我的'英语不太好。   The college is not an officially recognized English language school.   那所学院不是官方认可的英语学校。

