
时间:2024-05-29 07:24:54编辑:流行君


可可英语网站以频道多、资料全、互动性与趣味性强、以及原创内容新颖而著称。网站本着实用性与趣味性兼容的原则,从听、说、读、写、译五方面着手,为英语爱好者打造了一套丰富、全面、可信、有趣、实用的英语知识饕餮大餐。也正因为此,越来越多的英语爱好者成为了可可英语网的忠实用户,长久信任并支持着可可。可可英语网站比较热门的频道包括:可可论坛、可可地盘、可可背单词、可可听写训练、可可下载专区、可可影视英语、可可音乐盒、可可英语考试专区、可可英语聊天室、以及独具特色的可可‘许愿墙’ 等很多频道。同时,可可英语拥有精心打造的‘可可背单词’栏目和VOA,、BBC、 CNN精讲栏目(每期节目都附有文本、高质MP3音频、同步字幕以及对应的讲解,包括中英文对照翻译,长难句讲解以及重点词汇讲解等),和制作精良的可可每日精华下载频道。 根据英语爱好者不同的学习目的,可可听写训练栏目精挑细选设置了多种听写版块,它们是: VOA慢速、VOA常速、 BBC英语、美文、日常口语、听写歌词、美剧、媒体资讯、新概念、 四级、名著、演讲、商务口语、六级。用户可以挑选自己喜欢的版块内容进行听写训练,全面锻炼自己的英语听写能力。可可英语网站不仅包括海量的英文学习文本、音频、视频资料,还包括互动性和趣味性很强的论坛与地盘网站栏目。英语爱好者们可以随时通过可可论坛的的在线功能与网友互动;也可以随时在自己的可可地盘中记录生活中的点点滴滴。 可可论坛每日系列是可可英语论坛最受欢迎的频道之一,里面包括1个互动节目和13个每日英语知识更新栏目,它们是:【互动话题】 每天都有新的互动话题与网友共享,网友可以参与互动话题,写出具有自己特色的答案。【口语讲解】每天一个口语讲解,向人们介绍最常用的生活用语知识。也是可可英语论坛点击率超高的频道。没有晦涩难懂的解释,只有短小精干的语言。【口语讲解】频道一直深受网友欢迎,也是可可论坛里点击率最高的版块之一。【每日翻译】每天五个中文句子,一个英文句子,锻炼英语爱好者的翻译能力,提高英语学习者的翻译水平。【商务口语】精挑细选最实用、常用、实际应用中出现频率最高的商务英语,每日一句,教你玩转商务口语和信函英语。【词汇练习】精选历年四六级考试、托福、雅思等英语考试中的词汇题,每日练习一题,积少成多,用户不知不觉掌握词汇考试技巧。【阅读练习】精选历届英语考试阅读理解试题。【每日一猜】每天一个英文谜语,智力与趣味的完美结合,锻炼英语学习者的英语思维能力。【每日阅读】每天一篇双语文章阅读,了解天下时事以及奇闻异事,同时提高英语爱好者的翻译水平。【每日背诵】英语学习不但在于学习,也在于模仿。每日背诵版块每天准备一篇英语美文,用户在背诵优美文章的同时,感受文学作家们独特的心境。【每日名言】这里既有古老深邃的名言警句,也有时尚现代的名人名言,每日一条名言,做人道理铭记心中,处事法则了然于胸。【每日谚语】每天一句谚语,学习英语的同时,学会简单的‘大’道理。【每日俚语】俚语在日常生活中必不可少,同一个单词在俚语中的解释可能大相径庭。每天一句俚语,学习最实用,最有趣的单词和短句。【每日笑话】简单的词汇总成笑料十足的故事,欢乐气氛下学习英语,锻炼阅读与翻译水平。【每日词汇】单词和词组是构成英语句子的基础,每天一个单词或词组,例句展示词汇应用,打好英语学习基础。学习不同场景下,同一单词的不同释义。另外,可可英语论坛每天将每日系列中13个版块的精华内容结合【VOA/BBC/CNN听写】系列,制作成精美的电子书,供网友们免费下载学习之用。 网友们交流英文影视剧字幕台词的好去处。不管是冗长的美剧、火热的电影、搞笑的爱情喜剧、还是奇幻动作片、战争历史剧、恐怖悬疑剧,甚至是动画片,只要你爱英文字幕,想学经典台词,这里总能找到一帮志同道合的朋友一起探讨。除了上述论坛【英语学习专区】频道之外,可可论坛还包括【英语考试专区】和【小语种专区】。它们包括:【四六级专区】、【BEC商务英语】、【考研英语】、【口译笔译】、【雅思】、【其它英语考试】、【日语、韩语、法语学习专区】等频道。网友在相应的频道里讨论相关的英语考试话题,交流小语种学习经验等。

cocoa butter中文是什么意思

cocoa butter
英[?k??k?? ?b?t?] 美[?koko ?b?t?]
n. 可可油;
[例句]Practical applications can distinguish between chocolate with cocoa butter and chocolate with cocoa butter alternative in the markets.


巧克力英文是:chocolate。读音:英[?t??kl?t],美[?t???kl?t]。释义:n.巧克力,巧克力糖;巧克力色。adj.巧克力色的;巧克力口味的。例句:The little kid ate too much chocolate cake.这个小孩子吃了太多的巧克力蛋糕。复数:chocolates。短语:dark chocolate黑巧克力。milk chocolate牛奶巧克力。a bar of chocolate一块巧克力糖。chocolate的用法chocolate作“巧克力”解时,是不可数名词。chocolate作“巧克力糖”解时,指由可可粉加糖及牛奶制成的糖。作物质名词时,是不可数名词;指一块一块的糖时,是可数名词。商店里卖的“一块巧克力糖”是a bar〔slab, block〕of chocolate,再掰成小块则是a piece of chocolate。


巧克力: [ qiǎo kè lì ]
1. chocolate


1. 我们很快就吃完了巧克力蛋糕.
We soon despatched the chocolate cake.

2. 他吃了一整盒巧克力.
He has eaten a whole box of chocolates.

3. 他喜欢吃巧克力糖球.
He likes to eat chocolate drops.

4. 这个商店专门出售巧克力.
This shop specializes in chocolates.

5. 你想要杯巧克力饮料吗?
Would you like a cup of chocolate?

6. 这盒巧克力用箔纸包着.
This box of chocolate was wrapped round with foil.

7. 你要避免吃甜食,例如蛋糕、巧克力、糖和冰淇淋.
You must avoid sweet foods, e.g. cake, chocolate, sugar and ice cream.

8. 有些啤酒和巧克力有苦味.
Some beer and chocolate taste bitter.


cocoa; chocolate 一、中中释义可可 [kě kě] (1) [cocoa](2) 一种常绿乔木( Theobroma cocao ),卵形叶,果实卵形,红色或黄色,其种子经焙炒、粉碎,制成可可粉,可作饮料。原产美洲热带地区,中国广东、海南、台湾等有栽培(3) 可可树种子的粉末制作的饮料二、双语例句1、他睡前喜欢喝一大杯可可。 He likes to have a mug of cocoa before bed. 2、西非是可可豆贸易的中心。 West Africa was the pivot of the cocoa trade.3、可可是这个国家的经济支柱。 Cocoa is the country's economic mainstay. 4、大约70%的可可树林地喷过杀虫剂。 About 70% of the cocoa acreage is treated with insecticide 5、象牙海岸成为世界上可可粉的主要产地。 The Ivory Coast became the world's leading cocoa producer. 6、可可种植园中曾实行强迫劳役制。 A system of forced labour was used on the cocoa plantations. 7、由于越来越难以收回成本,可可产业日渐衰落。 The cocoa industry dwindled because it became increasingly difficult to cover costs 8、可可·香奈儿在半个世纪里一直主宰着时尚界。 Coco Chanel reigned over fashion for half a century. 9、我老婆端着一杯热可可窝在床上。 My wife was tucked up in bed with her cup of cocoa. 10、他们控制了大量的可可粉,因此他们几乎垄断了整个市场。 They are controlling so much cocoa that they are virtually monopolizing the market


  可可是世界三大饮料植物之一,原产美洲热带,可做饮料和巧克力糖,营养丰富,味醇且香。那么你知道可可用英语怎么说吗?下面来学习一下吧。    可可英语说法1:   cocoa    可可英语说法2:   chocolate   可可的相关短语:   可可树 Theobroma cacao   可可群岛 cc ; coco islands   可可属 Theobroma ; chocolate tree   可可色 Cocos ; cocoa ; choco ;   可可酒 CREAM de cacao ; creme de cacao ; Cocoa Liquor ; Cre de Cacao   那可可 lacoco ; lair conditionersoco ; lhvacoco ; lair conditioning unitoco   可可太妃 cocoa toffee    可可的英语例句:   1. My wife was tucked up in bed with her cup of cocoa.   我老婆端着一杯热可可窝在床上。   2. About 70% of the cocoa acreage is treated with insecticide.   大约70%的可可树林地喷过杀虫剂。   3. The Ivory Coast became the world's leading cocoa producer.   象牙海岸成为世界上可可粉的主要产地。   4. The cocoa industry dwindled because it became increasingly difficult to cover costs.   由于越来越难以收回成本,可可产业日渐衰落。   5. A system of forced labour was used on the cocoa plantations.   可可种植园中曾实行强迫劳役制。   6. Chocolate comes from the cacao tree.   巧克力出自可可树。   7. a mug of cocoa   一大杯热可可饮料   8. West Africa was the pivot of the cocoa trade.   西非是可可豆贸易的中心。   9. They always had a cup of cocoa last thing at night.   他们总是在临睡前喝杯可可饮料.   10. Steam rose from her mug of cocoa.   水汽从她那杯可可饮料里升起.   11. Some coffee and cacao are grown for export.   种植的咖啡豆和可可豆有些是为了出口.   12. The wild cocoa tree is effectively immortal.   野生可可树实际上是不会死的.   13. They are con-trolling so much cocoa that they are virtually monopolizing the market.   他们控制了大量的可可粉,因此他们几乎垄断了整个市场。   14. The Holmbergs were sitting before a roaring fire in the lounge, sipping their cocoa.   霍姆伯格一家坐在客厅里,对着熊熊炉火呷着可可。   15. Most foreign trading companies in West Africa deals in rubber, cocoa and vegetable oil.   西非的大多数外贸公司经营橡胶 、 可可和植物油.


COCO意思有2个,如下:1、COCO指的是法国香奈儿品牌创始人Coco Chanel,中文名是加布里埃·香奈儿。加布里埃·香奈儿,现代主义的见解,男装化的风格,简单设计之中见昂贵,成为20世纪时尚界重要人物之一。她倡导女权,既赋予女性行动的自由,又不失温柔优雅。品牌经典的2.55手袋就起源于香奈儿决心用细链条来解放女性拿包的双手。2、Coco逐渐的变成了奶茶的代名词。在上海Coco奶茶遍地都是,在上海想要和奶茶首先就是Coco都可奶茶。据数据统计但在上号这个城市里Coco奶茶带数量竟然达到了539家店,这也就意味着走到哪里都能看到一个Coco奶茶。coco的历史1910年,Coco在巴黎开设了一家女装帽子店(millinery shop),凭着非凡的针线技巧,缝制出一顶又一顶款式简洁且耐看的帽子。她的两名知己为她介绍了不少名流客人。当时女士们已厌倦了繁琐的花边,所以Chanel简洁的帽子对她们来说眼前一亮。短短一年内,生意节节上升,Coco把她的店搬到气质更时尚的Rue Cambon,那至今仍是Chanel的总部。但是做帽子绝不能满足Coco对时装事业的雄心,所以她准备进军高级订制服(Haute Couture)的领域。


coco的中文释义:n. 椰子树;椰子。读音:英 ['k??k??] 美 ['ko?ko?]    词汇搭配:1、coco plum 椰李2、 coco palm 椰子树双语例句:Cocos are everywhere in Hainan Island.海南岛上到处都是椰子树。COCO的其他意思:1、COCO指的是法国香奈儿品牌创始人Coco Chanel,中文名是加布里埃·香奈儿。加布里埃·香奈儿,现代主义的见解,男装化的风格,简单设计之中见昂贵,成为20世纪时尚界重要人物之一。她倡导女权,既赋予女性行动的自由,又不失温柔优雅。品牌经典的2.55手袋就起源于香奈儿决心用细链条来解放女性拿包的双手。2、Coco逐渐的变成了奶茶的代名词。在上海Coco奶茶遍地都是,在上海想要和奶茶首先就是Coco都可奶茶。据数据统计但在上号这个城市里Coco奶茶带数量竟然达到了539家店,这也就意味着走到哪里都能看到一个Coco奶茶。

急 求 翻译!关于巧克力的英文介绍!谢谢大家了!

如下:Most people like to eat chocolate, especially girls.There are various reasons for liking chocolate. Chocolate represents romance, care, love and happiness! On romantic Valentine's Day, chocolate is an indispensable protagonist.Chocolate originated in Mexico very early, and it was a liquid drink belonging to the court in the early days.The original taste of chocolate is bitter and spicy. In the 16th century or so, the Spanish made chocolate sweet. They mixed cocoa powder and spices into sugarcane juice to make it a sweet drink.Later, a Swiss named Peter put some milk into it with ingenuity, which completed the whole process of making modern chocolate.There are three kinds of chocolate: dark chocolate, white chocolate and milk chocolate.Dark chocolate milk has few ingredients, low sugar content and slightly bitter taste. It is the favorite of people who taste the original chocolate.White chocolate contains no cocoa powder, only cocoa butter and milk, so it is white. Because of its high sugar content, the taste of white chocolate will be very sweet.Chocolate is brown and tastes very good, which is very popular among people. Compared with dark chocolate, milk chocolate tastes lighter and sweeter.Chocolate is not only delicious, but also beneficial to heart health, and can also relieve our emotions. Scientific consumption of chocolate will bring happiness and happiness to our life!Some people say chocolate is sweet, some people say it is bitter, some people say it is happy, some people say it is sharing, and the spiritual feeling brought by chocolate has surpassed the value of being a kind of food.May the passion of chocolate always accompany you to share every happy moment with your lover, relatives and friends.大多数人都喜欢吃巧克力,尤其是女孩子。喜欢巧克力的理由也是多种多样的,巧克力代表了浪漫、关心、爱和快乐!在浪漫的情人节,巧克力更是不能缺少的主角。巧克力的起源很早,始于墨西哥,巧克力早期是液体的,是属于宫廷的饮料。巧克力最初的味道是苦而辣的。大约在16世纪,西班牙人让巧克力甜起来了,他们将可可粉及香料拌在蔗汁中,成了香甜的饮料。后来一位名叫彼得的瑞士人别出心裁在里面有掺入了一些牛奶,这才完成了现代巧克力的制作全过程。巧克力的种类基本分为三种:黑巧克力,白巧克力,牛奶巧克力。黑巧克力牛奶成分少,糖含量很低,味道微苦。是品尝原味巧克力人群的最爱。白巧克力不含可可粉,仅有可可油及牛奶,因此为白色,由于糖类含量较高,因此白巧克力的口感会很甜。牛奶巧克力是棕色的,口感非常好,深受人们喜爱。相对于黑巧克力,牛奶巧克力的味道更清淡,更甜蜜。巧克力不仅好吃还有利于心脏健康,还可以缓解我们的情绪。科学合理的食用巧克力会给我们的生活带来快乐,带来幸福!有人说巧克力是甜的,有人说巧克力是苦的,有人说她是快乐,有人说她是分享,巧克力给人带来的精神感受已经逾越了作为一种食品的价值。愿巧克力的浓情永远伴随着您与爱人、亲人、及朋友分享每一个幸福生活的瞬间。



Cacao, native to Mexico, Central and South America, has been cultivated for at least three millennia in that region. It was used originally in Mesoamerica both as a beverage, and as an ingredient in foods.

Chocolate has been used as a drink for nearly all of its history. The earliest record of using chocolate dates back before the Olmec. In November 2007, archaeologists reported finding evidence of the oldest known cultivation and use of cacao at a site in Puerto Escondido, Honduras, dating from about 1100 to 1400 BC.[7] The residues found and the kind of vessel they were found in indicate that the initial use of cacao was not simply as a beverage, but the white pulp around the cacao beans was likely used as a source of fermentable sugars for an alcoholic drink.[7] The Maya civilization grew cacao trees in their backyard,[8] and used the cacao seeds it produced to make a frothy, bitter drink.[9] Documents in Maya hieroglyphs stated that chocolate was used for ceremonial purposes, in addition to everyday life.[10] The chocolate residue found in an early ancient Maya pot in Río Azul, Guatemala, suggests that Maya were drinking chocolate around 400 AD. In the New World, chocolate was consumed in a bitter, spicy drink called xocoatl, and was often flavored with vanilla, chili pepper, and achiote (known today as annatto).[11] Xocoatl was believed to fight fatigue, a belief that is probably attributable to the theobromine content. Chocolate was also an important luxury good throughout pre-Columbian Mesoamerica, and cacao beans were often used as currency.[12] For example, the Aztecs used a system in which one turkey cost one hundred cacao beans and one fresh avocado was worth three beans.[13] South American and European cultures have used cocoa to treat diarrhea for hundreds of years.[14] All of the areas that were conquered by the Aztecs that grew cacao beans were ordered to pay them as a tax, or as the Aztecs called it, a "tribute".[15]

Until the 16th century, no European had ever heard of the popular drink from the Central and South American peoples.[16] It was not until the Spanish conquest of the Aztecs that chocolate could be imported to Europe. In Spain it quickly became a court favorite. In a century it had spread and become popular throughout the European continent[16] To keep up with the high demand for this new drink, Spanish armies began enslaving Mesoamericans to produce cacao.[17] Even with cacao harvesting becoming a regular business, only royalty and the well-connected could afford to drink this expensive import.[18] Before long, the Spanish began growing cacao beans on plantations, and using an African workforce to help manage them.[19] The situation was different in England. Put simply, anyone with money could buy it.[20] The first chocolate house opened in London in 1657.[20] In 1689, noted physician and collector Hans Sloane developed a milk chocolate drink in Jamaica which was initially used by apothecaries, but later sold to the Cadbury brothers in 1897.[21]

For hundreds of years, the chocolate making process remained unchanged. When the people saw the Industrial Revolution arrive, many changes occurred that brought about the food today in its modern form. A Dutch family's (van Houten) inventions made mass production of shiny, tasty chocolate bars and related products possible. In the 1700s, mechanical mills were created that squeezed out cocoa butter, which in turn helped to create hard, durable chocolate.[22] But, it was not until the arrival of the Industrial Revolution that these mills were put to bigger use. Not long after the revolution cooled down, companies began advertising this new invention to sell many of the chocolate treats we see today.[23] When new machines were produced, people began experiencing and consuming chocolate worldwide.[24]


All of the areas that were conquered by the Aztecs that grew cacao beans were ordered to pay them as a tax, or as the Aztecs called it, a "tribute".[8]

Until the 1500s, no European had ever heard of the popular drink from the Central and South American peoples.[9] Jose de Acosta, a Spanish Jesuit missionary who lived in Peru and then Mexico in the later 16th century, wrote of it:

Loathsome to such as are not acquainted with it, having a scum or froth that is very unpleasant taste. Yet it is a drink very much esteemed among the Indians, where with they feast noble men who pass through their country. The Spaniards, both men and women that are accustomed to the country are very greedy of this Chocolate. They say they make diverse sorts of it, some hot, some cold, and some temperate, and put therein much of that "chili"; yea, they make paste thereof, the which they say is good for the stomach and against the catarrh.[10]


Christopher Columbus brought some cocoa beans to show Ferdinand and Isabella of Spain, but it was Spanish friars who introduced it to Europe more broadly. It wasn't until the Spanish conquest of the Aztecs that chocolate could be imported to Europe, where it quickly became a court favorite. The first recorded the largest ever shipment to Europe for commercial purposes was in a shipment from Veracruz to Sevilla in 1585. It was still served as a beverage, but the Europeans added sugar and milk to counteract the natural bitterness and removed the chilli pepper, replacing it with another Mexican indigenous spice, vanilla. Chocolate is very big in Mayan civilization

Before long, the Spanish began growing cacao beans on plantations, using African workforce to help manage them. Changes to the taste meant that by the 17th century it was a luxury item among the European nobility. By the second half of the seventeenth century, chocolate was introduced into England. The first chocolate house opened in London in 1657.[11] In 1689, noted physician and collector Hans Sloane developed a milk chocolate drink in Jamaica which was initially used by apothecaries, but later sold to the Cadbury brothers.[12]

For hundreds of years, the chocolate making process remained unchanged. When the Industrial Revolution arrived, many changes occurred that brought the hard, sweet candy to life. In the 1700s, mechanical mills were created that squeezed out cocoa butter, which in turn helped to create hard, durable chocolate.[13] But, it was not until the arrival of the Industrial Revolution that these mills were put to bigger use. Not long after the revolution cooled down, companies began advertising this new invention to sell many of the chocolate treats we see today.[14] When new machines were produced, people began experiencing and consuming chocolate worldwide.[15]

At the end of the 18th century, the first form of solid chocolate was invented in Turin by Doret. This chocolate was sold in large quantities from 1826 by Pierre Paul Caffarel. In 1819, F. L. Cailler opened the first Swiss chocolate factory. In 1828, Dutchman Coenraad Johannes van Houten patented a method for extracting the fat from cocoa beans and making powdered cocoa and cocoa butter. Van Houten also developed the so-called Dutch process of treating chocolate with alkali to remove the bitter taste. This made it possible to form the modern chocolate bar. It is believed that the Englishman Joseph Fry made the first chocolate for eating in 1847, followed in 1849 by the Cadbury brothers.

Daniel Peter, a Swiss candle maker, joined his father-in-law's chocolate business. In 1867, he began experimenting with milk as an ingredient. He brought his new product, milk chocolate, to market in 1875. He was assisted in removing the water content from the milk to prevent mildewing by a neighbour, a baby food manufacturer named Henri Nestlé. Rodolphe Lindt invented the process called conching, which involves heating and grinding the chocolate solids very finely to ensure that the liquid is evenly blended.

