
时间:2024-05-28 01:13:00编辑:流行君

idiot 怎么读

idiot 怎么读介绍如下:英/??di?t/。美/??di?t/。n.蠢人;笨蛋;白痴。复数: idiots。记忆技巧:idi〔o〕个人,特殊 + ot …人 → 特殊的个人 → 白痴。I felt a complete idiot. 我觉得自己是个十足的笨蛋。You flaming idiot! 你这个讨厌的笨蛋!Standing there on stage I felt a complete idiot. 我站在舞台上觉得简直是一个大傻瓜。I felt like a complete idiot. 我感到完全像个傻瓜。When I lost my passport, I felt such an idiot. 我丢了护照时觉得自己像个大傻瓜。I felt a right idiot. 我觉得自己就像个十足的白痴。He drove like an idiot, passing in the craziest places. 他像白痴一样净把车往最不可思议的地方开。


home 英[h??m] 美[ho?m]
n. 家; 家庭; 家庭生活; 终点;
adj. 家庭的; 家用的; 本地的; 本部的;
adv. 在家; 在家乡; 深深地; 深入地;
[例句]Last night they stayed at home and watched TV
[其他] 第三人称单数:homes 复数:homes 现在分词:homing 过去式:homed过去分词:homed


idiot,英语单词,主要用作为名词,作名词时译为“白痴,傻瓜,笨蛋”。扩展资料:短语搭配:American Idiot 美国白痴 ; 美国傻瓜 ; 唱片名;Idiot box 电视机 ; 白痴箱 ; 白痴盒子;life idiot 生白族;idiot t 白痴 ; 傻子 ; 傻蛋;idiot tape 毛条穿孔带 ; 无齐行指令的穿孔纸带;Broadway Idiot 绿日遇见百老汇;Idiot Sunday 欢乐年华;klutz idiot 白痴 ; 的笨蛋;director idiot 署长白痴 ; 主任白痴笨蛋,傻瓜;同近义词:[心理]白痴simple , turkey , natural , put , stupid以下内容供参考:百度百科 -idiot


1、stupid 解释为“愚蠢的,呆笨的”,强调没有能力的。如:Despite a lack of formal education,she was far from stupid.虽然没有受过正式教育,但是她一点也不笨。2、fool作名词,意为“傻子”。fool作为动词,意为“愚弄,欺骗”,指利用人缺乏常识,心理脆弱来欺骗人。如:What a fool I was to think that it was true!我真是个傻瓜,竟会认为这是真的。3、idiot:指智能低、动作迟钝、行为不符合正常的人。如:That man's a right idiot!那个男子完全是个白痴!扩展资料idiot是一个可数名词,复数: idiots,n.白痴;傻子,笨蛋( idiot的名词复数 )。idiot记忆技巧:idi〔o〕个人,特殊 + ot …人 → 特殊的个人 → 白痴。idiot的近义词:(1)fool英 [fu:l] 美 [ful] n.愚人,傻瓜;受骗者;有癖好的人;受愚弄的人。vt.愚弄,欺骗;浪费,虚度;闹笑话;游手好闲。(2)slob英 [sl?b] 美 [slɑ:b] n.懒汉,粗俗汉,笨蛋。


1、语气:silly多用于口语,比foolish语气重,指极端的和明显的“愚蠢”;stupid强调“愚笨“具有较强的贬义;foolish侧重“愚蠢”。2、释义:silly有令人觉得“糊涂”的含意,有时也可以指“傻气、 憨;、不懂事”,指行为、言语等时有“无聊的;、无意义的”含意;stupid往往含有“呆滞麻木”的含意,有时也可指事物的“无聊;乏味”;foolish指因为缺乏智慧或判断力而造成的“愚蠢”。3、主体:silly、stupid多指人;foolish多用来指人,也可以指行为。扩展资料1、近义词:(1)fatuous含有愚蠢盲目但自我感觉良好以致达到无法认清自己的地步的意思。(2)absurd指因为不符合常理或人情而令人觉得荒唐可笑。(3)ridiculous指因为不符合常理或人情而引起别人的讥笑或鄙视;。2、例句:(1)The silly ending robs the plot of any credibility.这愚蠢的结尾使得整个情节变得一点都不可信。(2)What a stupid idiot!真是个愚蠢的白痴!(3)foolish:They all jeer at the foolish speaker.他们都嘲笑那个愚蠢的演说者。3、词汇搭配:(1)silly①silly to trust sb 相信…真傻②look silly 看上去很傻(2)stupid①stupid about 对…感觉迟钝的②stupid with drink 酒喝得昏昏沉沉的(3)foolish①foolish attempt 笨拙的尝试②foolish enough 十分愚蠢


1、具体含义不同silly指愚蠢的、不明事理的、没头脑的,一般指像小孩子一样幼稚或者不懂事。stupid往往含有欠考虑的的含意,有时也可指事物的“令人讨厌”。2、使用场合不同silly的语气和程度比stupid要更强,但stupid带有较强烈的贬义。例句:At one point we quarrelled, over something silly我们一度为一件愚蠢的小事吵了起来。I provoked him into doing something really stupid.在我的刺激下他做了件非常愚蠢的事。扩展资料词汇解析:1、silly英文发音:[?s?li]中文释义:adj.愚蠢的;不明事理的;没头脑的;傻的;(尤指像小孩一样)可笑的,荒唐的,冒傻气的;不实用的;闹着玩的例句:My best friend tells me that I am silly to be upset about this我最好的朋友说我要是为这事而沮丧难过就真够傻的。2、stupid英文发音:[?stu?p?d]中文释义:adj.欠考虑的;糊涂的;笨的;傻的;脑子不好使的;(用以加强语气)讨厌的,恼人的例句:Your father wouldn't have asked such a stupid question你父亲不会问这么愚蠢的问题。




idiot意思是白痴。释义:n.(非正式)笨蛋;白痴;智障人变形:复数idiots短语搭配American Idiot美国白痴;美国傻瓜;唱片名Idiot box电视机;白痴箱;白痴盒子life idiot生白族idiot t白痴;傻子;傻蛋双语例句You're going the wrong way, you idiot!你走错路了,你这个蠢货!idiot的意思是白痴。英 ['?di?t]   美 ['?di?t]n. 白痴;傻瓜;笨蛋 I didn't mince matters: I said he was an idiot.我不讳言,我说过他是白痴。I have to admit that sometimes I am a complete idiot.不得不承认,我有时候就是个彻彻底底的大笨蛋。What an idiot you are to believe such a botched lie.你真是个白痴,竟会相信这么拙劣的谎言。


What an impertinent idiot that man is !那家伙真是个傲慢无礼的笨蛋。He bepeves the world is peopled with idiots .他认为世上多白痴。Was he a clever man or an idiot ?他算是个聪明人呢还是个大笨蛋?The idiots think they've gone into business !这些白痴自以为做起买卖来了!Only an idiot would make such a thoughtless remark .只有草包才会说出这样没有头脑的话来。He is next door to an idiot .他简直是个白明猜数痴。What a great big idiot !纯粹的大傻瓜!You bpnking idiot !你这个大傻瓜!You flaming idiot !你这个大笨蛋!I wondered why it was that he had managed to surround himself with idiots .我弄不清兆镇楚为什么他一直费尽心机地让一些白痴呆在自己身边。Are you going to screw with me ? try it , you idiot你想怎么样?试试看,你个白痴Listen ~ i don ' t pke the idiot you sent to me听好~我不喜欢你设置那个白痴给我。You idiot ! what do you think you ' re doing ? shit白痴!你以为你在干什么?妈的!You need to put it here . don ' t be an idiot for once你得把它放那儿这次别再蠢了I apologize for my rudeness . i am an idiot(我太粗鲁了,我道歉,我是白痴。 )You and your ic have turned those o idiots你和你的漫画书把他俩变成了白痴A : you are an idiot . you stupid , stupid fool你是个白痴。你这个愚蠢到家的笨蛋。Idiot ! i ' m talking about the opponent being late白痴!我在讨论那个对手迟到了!Only this idiot lula , a young , inexperienced con鲁拉,一个年轻没有经验的傻小子Hae - won , the idiot ' s got some weird taste , huh海沅,那个白痴口味很独特,哦?You just *** ed up the whole party , you *** ing idiot你毁了这派对,该死的白痴You ' re just a piece of gum to her , idiot你对他来说只是这样的一个口香糖,笨蛋Come out , you idiot ! i know you ' re in there出来,你这个白痴!我知道你在里面!An idiot ' s in the field . he ' ll blow the charges有个傻瓜闯了进来会引爆炸弹的You ' re such an idiot . - decent save . you did good你真是个大白痴-你的救场还不赖You said it wouidn ' t cave in ! you damned idiot你说不会塌的!你这个死白痴!- idiot . - well , break it in half . e on-傻瓜。 -来,不激首要小气,把它分两半。We get drunken idiots taking leaks at the station总有喝醉酒的白痴在局里小便Curse you for breathing , you slack jawed idiot去死吧,你这个懒惰碎嘴的白痴Curse you for breathing , you slack - jawed idiot去死吧,你这个懒惰碎嘴的白痴




  笨蛋通常指智力、智商不高的人。由于现在人们对词汇的滥用,也可能是对喜欢人的爱称,做事没做好时别人可能说你是笨蛋。那么你知道笨蛋的英语怎么说吗?下面我为大家带来笨蛋的英语说法,希望对你有所帮助!   笨蛋的英语说法1:   idiot   英 [?idi?t] 美 [??di?t]   笨蛋的英语说法2:   ass   英 [?s] 美 [?s]   笨蛋的英语说法3:   fool   英 [fu:l] 美 [ful]   笨蛋的英语说法4:   stupid   英 [?] 美 [?stup?d, ?stju-]   笨蛋英语说法辨析:   idiot, fool这组词都有“笨蛋,傻瓜”的意思,其区别是:   idiot 指智慧低、动作迟钝、行为不符合正常的人。   fool 一般指缺乏智力、无判断力和识别能力、头脑糊涂的人。    笨蛋英语说法例句:   他们是一群笨蛋。   They're a load of morons.   把他说成是英雄、天才、笨蛋,不一而足。   He was variously described as a hero, a genius and a fool.   你这个该死的大笨蛋!   You frigging idiot!   她避免使你觉得自己是个笨蛋 。   She avoids making you feel stupid.   你在测验中得了个这么低的分数,你真是个笨蛋。   Getting such a low mark on your test makes you a real bonehead.   打击手骂投手是个笨蛋   The batter called the pitcher a bum.   我觉得意思是说这个人到了这里,另一个地方就少了一个笨蛋。   This employee is depriving a village somewhere of an idiot.   任何笨蛋都能继续生活在痛苦中。   Any fool can go on living in misery.   那个笨蛋送错了盒子。   That blockhead delivered the wrong box!   这些笨蛋!   The idiots!   那个淘气孩子把班里一个同学描绘成笨蛋。   The naughty boy wrote one of his clas *** ates down as a fool.   你要是出一点差错,他就会抓住机会说你是笨蛋。   If you make a single mistake, he will pounce on you and say you're a fool.   他是这样的一个笨蛋以致于相信了她说的话。   He was such a fool as to believe what she said.   任何笨蛋都能继续生活在痛苦中。   Any fool can go on living in misery.   也许我们是怪人,是笨蛋,但是我们宁愿笨笨的为理想而斗争,而不是光为自己找一些借口。   May be we are foolish, but we would rather be foolish and strive to live ourdream than e up with some alibis.   恐惧时没有大脑的,它就是个笨蛋。   Fear has no brains; it is an idiot.   她兴奋得开始跳起舞来,跳来跳去,跳得让我觉得她的木鞋子会踩穿地板掉下去。 ‘笨蛋!   She got so excited that she began to dance about until I thought her sabotswould go through the floor, “Idiot!   如果连你自己都不知道他们是谁,那么当别人翻看你的好友录时,一定会认为你可能是个笨蛋。   If you don’t know who they are, you could look a fool when others who doperuse your list of connections.   酒吧里有个酒醉的笨蛋吐在我身上,然后给了我20美金作干洗费。   This drunken fool at the bar puked on me and gave me 20 bucks to have itcleaned.


  笨蛋通常指智力、智商不高的人。由于现在人们对词汇的滥用,也可能是对喜欢人的爱称,做事没做好时别人可能说你是笨蛋。那么你知道笨蛋的英语怎么说吗?下面我为大家带来笨蛋的英语说法,希望对你有所帮助!   笨蛋的英语说法1:   idiot   英 [?idi?t] 美 [??di?t]   笨蛋的英语说法2:   ass   英 [æs] 美 [æs]   笨蛋的英语说法3:   fool   英 [fu:l] 美 [ful]   笨蛋的英语说法4:   stupid   英 [?stju:pid] 美 [?stup?d, ?stju-]   笨蛋英语说法辨析:   idiot, fool这 组词 都有“笨蛋,傻瓜”的意思,其区别是:   idiot 指智能低、动作迟钝、行为不符合正常的人。   fool 一般指缺乏智力、无判断力和识别能力、头脑糊涂的人。    笨蛋英语说法例句:   他们是一群笨蛋。   They're a load of morons.   把他说成是英雄、天才、笨蛋,不一而足。   He was variously described as a hero, a genius and a fool.   你这个该死的大笨蛋!   You frigging idiot!   她避免使你觉得自己是个笨蛋 。   She avoids making you feel stupid.   你在测验中得了个这么低的分数,你真是个笨蛋。   Getting such a low mark on your test makes you a real bonehead.   打击手骂投手是个笨蛋   The batter called the pitcher a bum.   我觉得意思是说这个人到了这里,另一个地方就少了一个笨蛋。   This employee is depriving a village somewhere of an idiot.   任何笨蛋都能继续生活在痛苦中。   Any fool can go on living in misery.   那个笨蛋送错了盒子。   That blockhead delivered the wrong box!   这些笨蛋!   The idiots!   那个淘气孩子把班里一个同学描绘成笨蛋。   The naughty boy wrote one of his classmates down as a fool.   你要是出一点差错,他就会抓住机会说你是笨蛋。   If you make a single mistake, he will pounce on you and say you're a fool.   他是这样的一个笨蛋以致于相信了她说的话。   He was such a fool as to believe what she said.   任何笨蛋都能继续生活在痛苦中。   Any fool can go on living in misery.   也许我们是怪人,是笨蛋,但是我们宁愿笨笨的为理想而斗争,而不是光为自己找一些借口。   May be we are foolish, but we would rather be foolish and strive to live ourdream than come up with some alibis.   恐惧时没有大脑的,它就是个笨蛋。   Fear has no brains; it is an idiot.   她兴奋得开始跳起舞来,跳来跳去,跳得让我觉得她的木鞋子会踩穿地板掉下去。 ‘笨蛋!   She got so excited that she began to dance about until I thought her sabotswould go through the floor, “Idiot!   如果连你自己都不知道他们是谁,那么当别人翻看你的好友录时,一定会认为你可能是个笨蛋。   If you don’t know who they are, you could look a fool when others who doperuse your list of connections.   酒吧里有个酒醉的笨蛋吐在我身上,然后给了我20美金作干洗费。   This drunken fool at the bar puked on me and gave me 20 bucks to have itcleaned.

上一篇:羽 泉
