我的世界指令代码大全 2022最全指令代码大全汇总
我的世界中指令(Command)是通过输入特定文本字符串而激活的高级功能。通过按下T键唤出聊天窗口然后输入对应指令就可以使用了。常见的指令有召唤指令/summon、给予指令/give、传送指令/tp等。本次为大家带来了2022最全整理的指令代码大全,一共有92条,欢迎查看。 我的世界指令代码大全如下: 常用指令代码 召唤指令/summon 给予指令/give 传送指令/tp 指令代码汇总 /? /help的替代命令,提供命令使用帮助。 /ability 赋予或剥夺玩家的能力。 /advancement 添加、移除或查询玩家的进度。 /alwaysday /daylock的替代命令,锁定或解锁日夜循环。 /attribute 修改或查询玩家和生物的属性。 /ban 将玩家加入封禁列表。 /ban-ip 将IP地址加入封禁列表。 /banlist 显示封禁列表。 /bossbar 修改或查询Boss栏。 /camerashake 启用镜头抖动效果。 /changesetting 更改一个正在运行的服务器的设置。 /clear 从玩家物品栏中删除物品。 /clearspawnpoint 从世界中移除出生点。 /clone 将特定区域的方块复制到另一处。 /connect /wsserver的替代命令,连接至一个WebSocket服务器。 /damage 对指定实体造成伤害。 /data 允许玩家获取、合并或是移除实体或方块的NBT标签。 /datapack 控制加载的数据包。 /daylock /alwaysday的替代命令,锁定或解锁日夜循环。 /debug 开始或结束调试会话。 /dedicatedwsserver 尝试连接一个WebSocket服务器。 /defaultgamemode 更改默认的游戏模式。 /deop 撤销玩家的管理员权限。 /dialogue 打开一个玩家的NPC对话。 /difficulty 设置难度等级。 /effect 添加或移除状态效果。 /enchant 附魔玩家的物品。 /event 用于触发一个实体的事件。 /execute 更改执行环境的情况下执行另一条命令。 /experience /xp的替代命令,给予玩家经验。 /fill 在某个区域填充特定方块。 /fog 用于更改玩家当前的雾设置。 /forceload 强制不断加载区块。 /function 运行一个函数。 /gamemode 更改玩家的游戏模式。 /gamerule 更改或查询游戏规则。 /gametest 用于测试GameTest功能。 /give 给予玩家物品。 /help /?的替代命令,提供命令使用帮助。 /immutableworld 设置世界的不可变状态。 /item 用于修改方块或实体的物品栏。 /jfr 开始或结束JFR分析。 /kick 将玩家踢出服务器。 /kill 清除实体(玩家、生物、掉落物等)。 /list 列出服务器中的玩家。 /locate 显示最近的给定结构、生物群系或兴趣点的坐标。 /loot 将指定的战利品放入物品栏或世界。 /me 显示一条关于自己的信息。 /mobevent 控制或查询允许运行的生物事件。 /msg /tell和/w的替代命令,向另一玩家发送私信。 /music 设置玩家是否能控制当前播放的音乐。 /op 授予玩家管理员权限。 /ops /permission的替代命令,重载并应用权限。 /pardon 从封禁列表中移除玩家封禁项目。 /pardon-ip 从封禁列表中移除IP封禁项目。 /particle 创建粒子。 /perf 记录并保存性能分析数据。 /permission /ops的替代命令,重载并应用权限。 /place 在满足条件的指定位置放置一个已配置地物、拼图或结构。 /playanimation 运行一次特定动作。 /playsound 播放音效。 /publish 向局域网开放单人游戏世界。 /recipe 给予或剥夺合成配方。 /reload 从硬盘中重新加载战利品表、进度和函数。 /remove 移除智能体。 /replaceitem 替换物品栏中的物品。 /ride 控制一个实体的骑行状态。 /save 准备备份,查询其状态或恢复。 /save-all 保存服务器世界状态到硬盘。 /save-off 关闭服务器自动保存。 /save-on 开启服务器自动保存。 /say 向多个玩家发送消息。 /schedule 安排函数在特定的游戏刻后运行。 /scoreboard 管理记分板的目标、玩家和队伍。 /seed 显示世界种子。 /setblock 将方块替换为其他方块。 /setidletimeout 设置无操作玩家被踢出的延时。 /setmaxplayers 设置可加入游戏的玩家数量上限。 /setworldspawn 设置世界出生点。 /spawnpoint 设置一个玩家的出生地点。 /spectate 使一个处于旁观模式的玩家旁观一个实体。 /spreadplayers 将实体传送到随机位置。 /stop 关闭服务器。 /stopsound 停止音效。 /structure 无需结构方块即可保存和加载结构。 /summon 生成一个实体。 /tag 修改实体的标签。 /team 修改队伍。 /teammsg /tm的替代命令,指定要发送给队伍的消息。 /teleport /tp的替代命令,传送实体。 /tell /msg和/w的替代命令,向另一个玩家发送私信。 /tellraw 向玩家显示JSON消息。 /testfor 统计符合给定条件的实体。 /testforblock 检测某方块是否在某位置。 /testforblocks 检测两个区域中的方块是否相同。 /tickingarea 添加、删除或列出常加载区域。 /time 更改或查询游戏中的世界时间。 /title 管理屏幕上的标题。 /titleraw 使用JSON管理屏幕上的标题。 /tm /teammsg的替代命令,指定要发送给队伍的消息。 /toggledownfall 切换天气。 /tp /teleport的替代命令,传送实体。 /trigger 设置一个触发器。 /volumearea 添加、删除或列出功能域。 /w /tell和/msg的替代命令,向另一玩家发送私信。 /wb /worldbuilder的替代命令,给予能编辑受限制方块的能力。 /weather 设置天气。 /whitelist 管理服务器白名单。 /worldborder 管理世界边界。 /worldbuilder /wb的替代命令,给予能编辑受限制方块的能力。 /wsserver /connect的替代命令,连接至WebSocket服务器。 /xp /experience的替代命令[仅Java版],增加或减少一个玩家的经验。
我的世界指令大全2022 MC指令代码大全
我的世界中允许玩家在游戏过程中使用指令,也就是俗称的作弊代码,我的世界中指令代码有非常非常多,本文整理了全部的指令代码指令,最常用的比如传送指令/tp x y z,召唤物品指令/summon 物品命名空间ID,飞行指令/fly,都是很实用的指令,欢迎查阅。 我的世界指令大全如下: 一、常用指令 1./tp 不想跑图?想快速找到朋友?使用这个吧,/tp x y z,就可以快速到达想要去的地方! 2./gamerule 老被怪物干扰?不想变成夜晚?就使用它!你就是神,怪物和时间都听你的意愿! 3./locat 找不到遗迹?就用它!定位指令!配合传送指令/tp使用更佳哦! 4./gamemode 改变游戏模式,后面可以加数值0-2,分别代表生存、创造和冒险。不过新版本之中生存为survival,创造为creative。 5./give 找不到道具?使用这个吧!作弊指令为/give 人 物品命名ID,就比如/give @s diamond可以获得钻石哦! 6./summon 道具有了怎么能没有生物呢?作弊指令为/summon 物品命名ID,和/give区分为give是给物品,summon是召唤生物,就比如/summon ender_dragon可以召唤出游戏最强Boss末影龙! 7./gamerule keepInventory true 和 /gamerule mobGriefing False 辛辛苦苦制作了家全发生了意外家被炸了/人不小心死了?不用担心! 作弊代码/gamerule keepInventory true开启死亡不掉落,再也不害怕! 作弊代码/gamerule mobGriefing False开启防爆,家也不会被炸啦! 二、全作弊指令大全 单机指令(部分多人也适用) /gamemode 0是生存(极限)模式 /gamemode 1是创造模式 /gamemode 2是冒险模式(必须用特定的武器才能消除方块) /gamemode 3是生存(极限)模式 /give 你的名字 137 1 能得到命令方块,在里面输 死亡不掉落:/gamerule keepInventory true 防爆:/gamerule mobGriefing False 重设出生点:/spawnpoint @ a ascend - 把自己提升到上一个平台 bind {命令关键字} - 设置一键命令 clear - 清空控制台 damage - 关闭或者开启伤害 即无敌 descend - 把自己移动到下面一个的平台 destroy [all] - 破坏当前的东西(背包) defuse [all] - 拆弹(拆除已经点燃了的TNT炸药) difficulty- 设置游戏难度 dropstore - 在身边创建一个储物柜 *drops - 开关物品掉落,关闭的话采矿打怪不掉东西。 dupe [all] - 复制东西 duplicate [all] - 复制手上的东西并丢出来 world save - 保存退出游戏 explode [范围] - 设置一个地方爆炸(在自家慎用) extinguish [all] - 熄灭周围所有的火 ext [all] - 一样是熄灭火 falldamage - 开关高空落下伤害 firedamage - 开关火的伤害 fly - 飞行模式 *freeze - 冻结怪物 give [数量] - 给一样物品 goto - 去一个地方 grow [all] - 让立即小麦成长 h [COMMAND] - 命令列表/帮助 heal- 补指定的血 health- 设置生命值 help [COMMAND] - 命令列表/帮助 home 回到出生点 i [数量] - 刷东西 instantmine - 开关即时采矿(采矿无延迟) item [数量] [费用] 给玩家物品, 如果不指定则是最大的数量 itemname - 显示当前手上的物品名称 itemstack [数量] - 给玩家指定数量的物品 kill 自杀 jump - 瞬移到鼠标所指的地方 killnpc [all] - 杀死周围全部NPC 或者叫 杀了附近所有除自己外的活体生物 world exit - 不保存退出游戏 *light - 把光永久性关闭 listwaypoints - 列出所有路径点 macro {参数} - 允许运行宏 maxstack [物品ID|物品名称|全部] [数量] - 最大的把某物品堆起来 *mobdamage - 怪物不会给你伤害 msg - 添加一个消息到控制台 music [音量] - 播放音乐 noclip - 穿墙 p - 显示当前坐标 pos 现在玩家的坐标 reach- 玩家到指定地方 rem- 删除指定路点 removedrops [all] - 删掉地上物品 *rename- 修改命令名称 repair [all] - 修复当前物品耐久 reset - 恢复默认设置 search - 搜索物品名称 set - 在这世界标记一个路径点 setjump [JUMP|reset] - 设置跳跃的高度 落地伤害和移动 1:1 setspawn [] 设置当前位置 X轴 Y轴 Z轴 world- 世界情报 world load- 加载指定的文件 world new [FILENAME] [SEED] - 在指定位置创建新地图 world list - 列出所有存档 /give 给予人 物品id 数量 - 给予某人物品,如果不写数量则给予数量默认为64 /nick ID 名称 -给某人改一个名 ID是加白名单的名字 /backup -运行备份命令 /fireball -发射一个火球(会破坏方块) /heal name -治疗某人 /invsee name -查看某人的包裹 /lingtning name -天谴(不填写名字会雷击鼠标指向的地方) /mute name -禁言某人 /ping 查看延迟 /seen name -查看某人最后退出的时间 (上面四个命令需要对方在线,不需要对方同意) /unlimited id -给予自己无限的某物品 /weather storm/sun time -改变天气,雷雨或晴天 /mmoedit name skname rank -如果安装了MCRPG插件可以用这个命令改变某人的某项技能等级 /pumpkins -在自己身旁形成南瓜林(带叶子的南瓜林) /snow -在自己的身旁成为雪后的样子 /thaw -融雪(和冰) /buther -杀死附近的怪物 /tree 树形 -生成一棵树(树形不填也可以) 树形:big - 大树 ewquoia - 红木 Tall sequoia - 高大的红木 Birch - 衫树 Random - 随机 /up 高度 - 将自己提升到某高度,脚下用一块可能悬空的玻璃支撑 WorldEdit: 手拿木斧,左键一角,右键一角,两角之间的长方体为选择区域: //set id - 将选中的区域变为某物品(如果是不可放置或者没有放置点的物品会成为被扔出的状态) //undo - 还原上一次的WorldEdit行动 //redo - 还原上一次的//undo(这个说明可能有误) //move x - 将区域移动x块。移动时需正对着区域与NEWS。 //move x up - 将区域向上移动x块 //move x down - 将区域向下移动x块 noclip - 穿墙 p - 显示当前坐标 pos 现在玩家的坐标 reach - 玩家到指定地方 rem - 删除指定路点 removedrops [all] - 删掉地上物品 *rename - 修改命令名称 replenish [all] - X repair [all] - 修复当前物品耐久 reset - 恢复默认设置 s - Same as /set search - 搜索物品名称 set - 在这世界标记一个路径点 setjump [JUMP|reset] - 设置跳跃的高度 落地伤害和移动 1:1 setspawn [ ] 设置当前位置 X轴 Y轴 Z轴 setspeed [速度|重置] - 设置移动速度 spawn [QTY] - 产生一个生物 spawnstack {NAME|ID|random} - 产生一个合体的怪物NPC *superheat [all] - Turns items which are furnace-able into their furnaced form t - Same as /tele time [set|get|day|night [minute|hour|day [TIME]]] - 设置指定时间得到物品 timeschedule > - 设定一段时间段,让世界永远保持在这段时间之间 unbind - 解除一个命令 waterdamage - 开关潜水伤害 world - 世界情报 world load - 加载指定的文件 world save - 保存退出游戏 world seed [SEED] - 给你看看你世界里有多少个方块 world new [FILENAME] [SEED] - 在指定位置创建新地图 world exit - 不保存退出游戏
踢足球的英文是:playfootball;playsoccer。在例句中有:甲表演打篮球(playbasketball)、乙表演踢足球(playsoccer)、丙表演打乒乓球(playping-pong)、丁表演打排球(playvolleyball)等等。例句:1、他喜欢踢足球和唱流行歌曲。Helikestoplayfootballandtosingpopularsongs。2、我宁愿踢足球而不想打篮球。I'dratherplayfootballthanplaybasketball。3、一起事故使她再也不能踢足球了。Anaccidentdisabledherfromplayingfootball.一站式出国留学攻略 http://www.offercoming.com
play soccer, play footballsoccer和football的区别:美式英语中,意思有区别,“football”是美式橄榄球;“soccer”是足球。英式英语中,意思没有什么区别。而基本上足球英语单词叫soccer的就是美国,加拿大,澳大利亚这几块大地方(蓝色区域),而football在美国英语中表示美式橄榄球,也叫美式足球常写作American football。1、football,英语单词,主要用作名词、动词,作名词时意为“足球,橄榄球”,作动词时意为“踢足球;打橄榄球”。短语搭配:American football美式足球; 美式橄榄球 ;橄榄球International football国际足球;国际足坛2、soccer,英文单词,名词,作名词时意为“英式足球,足球”。短语搭配:Shaolin Soccer少林足球;少林足球专辑;FIFA Soccer FIFA世界足球; FIFA足球;扩展资料现代足球的前身起源于中国古代山东淄州(今淄博市)的球类游戏“蹴鞠”,后经阿拉伯人由中国传至欧洲,逐渐演变发展为现代足球。现代足球始于英国。1848年,足球运动历史上第一部文字形式的规则《剑桥规则》诞生。1863年10月26日,英格兰成立了世界上第一所足球协会,并统一了足球运动的竞赛规则。1872年,英格兰与苏格兰之间举行了足球史上第一次协会间的正式比赛。1900年,在第二届夏季奥林匹克运动会中,足球被列入正式项目。足球在全球被广泛译为“Football”,只有在美国等极少数国家被译为“Soccer”,而“Football”在美国、加拿大被指为“美式橄榄球”。参考资料来源:百度百科——足球
play with
同…一起玩; 玩弄…; (不太认真地)考虑; 逗;
To understand the role that Message Broker can play in MATIP scenarios, consider the typical interactions that occur when communicating with a MATIP application, shown below in Figure11.
要理解Message Broker在MATIP场景中扮演的角色,考虑在与MATIP应用程序通信时发生的典型交互,如图11所示。
But who would that person play with? “
玩的英语是play。英 [ple?],美 [ple?] v. 玩;比赛;(在运动队中)担当;踢;击(球);走(棋子);出牌;演奏;播放n. 游戏;戏剧;比赛;发挥作用;玩笑;间隙;闪烁;闪现例句:The boy rushed his homework through and went out to play.翻译:那男孩急急忙忙把作业做好,出外玩去了。短语:1、play basketball打篮球 2、play cards打牌 3、play chess下棋用法v. (动词)1、play可用作及物动词,也可用作不及物动词。用作及物动词时接表示球或乐器等名词、代词或that从句作宾语。有时还可接双宾语,其间接宾语可转化成介词to或for的宾语,还可接由“(as+) n./adj. ”充当补足语的复合宾语。可用于被动结构。play还可用作系动词,后接形容词或名词作表语。2、play作“玩,玩耍”解时一般用于儿童,而很少用于成年人。当play作“演奏”解时,不用于打击乐器(如锣、鼓等)。
玩的英语是play。英 [ple?],美 [ple?] v. 玩;比赛;(在运动队中)担当;踢;击(球);走(棋子);出牌;演奏;播放n. 游戏;戏剧;比赛;发挥作用;玩笑;间隙;闪烁;闪现例句:The boy rushed his homework through and went out to play.翻译:那男孩急急忙忙把作业做好,出外玩去了。短语:1、play basketball打篮球 2、play cards打牌 3、play chess下棋扩展资料:用法v. (动词)1、play可用作及物动词,也可用作不及物动词。用作及物动词时接表示球或乐器等名词、代词或that从句作宾语。有时还可接双宾语,其间接宾语可转化成介词to或for的宾语,还可接由“(as+) n./adj. ”充当补足语的复合宾语。可用于被动结构。play还可用作系动词,后接形容词或名词作表语。2、play作“玩,玩耍”解时一般用于儿童,而很少用于成年人。当play作“演奏”解时,不用于打击乐器(如锣、鼓等)。
Drinking water can make them energetic.
After that,you'd better let them rest for ten minute before they go to do their homework.
I believe that they will do their homework very well.
What's more,you don't have to take them for exercise every day,twice a week will be enough.
and let them plan their schedule by themselvs.
i think you will get along very well with the children.
1 A real-time strategy game is a strategy game, mainly presents in the form of computer games. The game is carried out in real-time, rather than the turn-based system in those traditional electronic games and board games.
2 The game can be regarded as a real-time strategy game as long as it is progressed in real time.
3 The strategy builds up in a real-time strategy game must be done in real time
新概念第三册pre-unit test2答案,速求!!!!!今天
(Possible completions)
a After an absence of forty years, the man returned to the town where he had been born. Now, as the train drew into the station, he remembered how, as a boy, he had spent many days there watching the trains.The station itself had not changed, but when he walked outside, he got a shock. The old church which used to stand alone was now surrounded by lots of buildings. He noticed with dismay that new blocks of flats had grown up all round the church. After, he went to his old neighbourhood. He was pleased to find that little had changed. Everything was exactly as he remembered it. Even the little shop where he used to buy his sweets. He smiled with pleasure when he saw that the old school was still there, too. When he had spent enough time there, he rapidly made his way to the house where he had been born and brought up. (158 words)
b When the prisoner saw that the soldiers were coming, he climbed up and hid on the roof of the house.From his hiding place behind a large chimney, he saw the soldiers arrive and watched as they surrounded the village. The first thing they did was to take the villager outside the house into the square and question him. It was obvious to the prisoner, from the way that the villager shook his head, that he pretended not to understand what the soldiers were saying. Fortunately, then, the soldiers just left him, and did not beat him,as the prisoner thought they might have done.
While some of the soldiers then searched the house and the fields around the house, three or four others fetched a ladder and climbed on to the roof. They were on the other side of the house, but the moment the prisoner saw this, he climbed down a drain pipe on his side, and managed to get back into the house through an open window. As he found himself in a bedroom, he hid in a large wardrobe, closed the door and waited. After about half an hour, he heard the sergeant shouting orders down in the square, and the soldiers left. (207 words )
Key structures
a going, seemed, had (no sooner) gone, rang, was, spending, got, dressed, was, got, were, hurried, had been walking, decided, was just opening or had just opened, discovered, was, had set
b have been discovered, used, drew, was made, was walking or had walked, stopped, did, saw, have been found, are being hunted, are shooting, are running, are trying, thinks, are learning or have learned
c will supply, will take, will change or will be changed, are employed, is completed or has been completed,will cost or will have cost, has built/have built or is building/are building, will improve, will produce, will be built, will have
d After the crash, two angry drivers got out of their cars.
‘Do you always sleep when you're driving?’asked the first driver sarcastically.‘You were on the wrong side of the road.’
‘Do you mean to tell me,’shouted the second driver,‘that you didn't notice that this road was being repaired? Of course I was driving on the wrong side of the road when you hit me. The other side is full of holes.’
‘Didn't you see the traffic sign?’
‘Listen,’said the first driver. ‘Have you ever driven a car before? I've been driving a car for twenty years.
There are good driving schools for people like you. There they teach you lots of things ---- how to drive a car, for instance.’
‘Now you're really telling me something,’answered the second man angrily.‘I happen to be a driving instructor.’
e After the crash, two angry drivers got out of their cars. The first driver asked sarcastically whether the other man always slept when he was driving. He was on the wrong side of the road. Shouting angrily, the second driver asked the first one whether he had noticed that the road was being repaired. He was driving on the wrong side of the road when the first man hit him because the other side was full of holes. He asked him if he had seen the traffic sign. The first driver then asked whether he had ever driven a car before. He said that he had been driving a car for twenty years. There were, he added, good driving schools for people like the other driver.There they taught you lots of things ---- how to drive a car, for instance. Grateful for this information, the second man angrily informed the first one that he happened to be a driving instructor.
f 1 If you hadn't been more careful, you might have been knocked down by a car.
2 If she hears anything, she will let you know.
3 If you were in my position, what would you do?
g 1 You mustn't go into town on your own.
You needn't do that if you don't want to.
2 I had to pay the man a dollar, so I did.
I should have paid the man a dollar, but I didn't.
3 I have to be there by 11 o'clock for my appointment.
I should be there early if I want to get a good ticket.
4 You must be here at 8 every morning.
You must eat more vegetables.
5 I could swim very well when I was younger.
After trying to pick the lock for ages, she was finally able to open the door and escape.
6 My brother could solve difficult maths problems even when he was very young.
I finally managed to solve the problem.
h 1 On receiving the prize, he smiled with pleasure.
2 I am not looking forward to getting my exam results.
3 Instead of lying in bed, you should see a doctor.
4 Don't you think this room needs redecorating?
5 You should avoid staying in the sun too long.
i ----, ----, ----, ----, a, a, an, the, a, the, the, the, The,----,----, a, the, The, the, a, the, ----,the, the
j 1 At, in, at or outside, out, (up) to, on , into or inside
2 of, in, on, out of, to, since, after
3 with, and, in,in, into, in, in or inside, for, at, at
4 of
5 of, to
6 to, from
7 about, on
8 from, with
9 to, of
10 with, to
11 at, on
Special difficulties
1 If he happens to mention me, give him my regards.
2 It happens that I met him last year.
3 Not only was she first in the test, but she scored 99%.
4 Never have I seen such a messy house.
5 Seldom do we have to do jobs like this.
6 Suppose he gets the job, what then?
7 I suppose you want to go soon.
8 She is supposed to be an expert.
9 They were supposed to be home by 8.
10 Whatever you do, don't tell her what I've told you.
11 You can come whenever you like.
12 Whenever she sees that film, it makes her cry.
13 I now wish (that) I had listened more carefully.
14 I wish (that) I had stayed at home yesterday.
15 I wish (that) they would come back soon.
16 I was delighted to receive your letter.
17 We are proud of our basketball team.
18 I would sooner wait for the rest.
19 He would rather not go alone.
20 I would rather she listened to her parents.
21 You had better start studying for your exams.
22 I find it difficult to know what to say.
23 No one considers him to be very clev