九月第3周热词(Weekly Buzzwords)

时间:2023-10-04 13:15:22编辑:流行君

10⊥“认房不认贷”政策:a houseing policy to recognize households with mortgage recordsbut no local property ownership as first-time homebuyers/楼市提振政策:incentive housing policy⊥11

数据隐私data privacy⊥11
10⊥ultra-spicy tortilla chip:超辣玉米片


“2023中国民营企业500强”榜单 2023


9月1日,继广州、深圳、上海后,北京也正式宣布落实“认房不认贷”。新政执行后,北京、深圳上周销售面积小幅提升,北京上周新房销售10.3万㎡,环比增长16.9%,深圳上周新房销售面积约3.8万㎡,环比增长3.8%。请看相关报道:Ever since major cities in China launched policy incentives in late July to warm up the realty market, housing agent Wu Lei's phone has turned into a 24/7 hotline, with a deluge of inquiries on property purchase being made every day.7月下旬以来,中国多地出台支持房地产新政,刺激房市回暖,房产经纪人吴磊的电话已经变成了一条全天候热线,每天都有铺天盖地的购房咨询。"We are currently working around the clock to greet visitors. Some homebuyers are willing to make even late-night appointments," said Wu, who works in Beijing for real estate agency 5i5j.在北京我爱我家房地产中介公司工作的吴磊表示:“我们目前正在加班加点地接待顾客,有些购房者甚至愿意在深夜预约看房。”Property agents such as Wu have been very busy lately because policy measures, adopted to help the troubled real estate sector recover, are buoying up market sentiments and helping drive up transactions for both new and pre-owned homes, which in turn are contributing to the overall economic recovery, experts said.专家表示,像吴磊这样的房地产经纪人最近非常忙碌,因为楼市刺激政策提振了市场情绪,并有助于推动新房和二手房交易,助力经济复苏。So far, more than 20 cities — including first-tier cities Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou, the capital of Guangdong province, and Shenzhen, also in Guangdong — have adopted the policy to recognize households with mortgage recordsbut no local property ownership as first-time homebuyers, making them eligible for favorable down payments and lower mortgage rates.到目前为止,包括北京、上海、广州、深圳一线城市在内的20多个城市已经采取了“认房不认贷”政策。居民家庭(包括借款人、配偶及未成年子女)申请贷款购买商品住房时,家庭成员在本市名下无成套住房的,不论是否已利用贷款购买过住房,银行业金融机构均按首套住房执行住房信贷政策。Various regions have also introduced a combination of encouraging policies, such as selling-old-for-new schemes, tax subsidies and reduced housing loan interest rates.各地还推出了一系列鼓励政策,如以旧换新购房活动、购房契税补贴和降低存量首套住房贷款利率等。


央行网站消息,为巩固经济回升向好基础,保持流动性合理充裕,中国人民银行决定于2023年9月15日下调金融机构存款准备金率0.25个百分点(不含已执行5%存款准备金率的金融机构)。本次下调后,金融机构加权平均存款准备金率约为7.4%。请看相关报道:The People's Bank of China, the country's central bank, announced on Thursday the second cut tothe reserve requirement ratio this year, signaling that policymakers are decisively ramping up stimulus to reinforce the pickup in economic momentum, experts said.专家表示,中国人民银行(以下简称央行)14日宣布今年第二次下调存款准备金率,这表明政策制定者正在果断加大刺激力度,以加强经济势头的回升。The move also highlights the central bank's top priority of stabilizing the domestic economic situation despite downward pressures on the renminbi amid monetary tightening in the United States, they said, and a further reduction in benchmark interest rates may come this year.专家表示,此举也突显出,尽管在美国货币紧缩的情况下,人民币面临下行压力,但央行的首要任务是稳定国内经济形势,今年可能会进一步下调基准利率。The PBOC said in a statement on Thursday that it will reduce the RRR, which refers to the proportion of money that lenders must keep as reserves, by 0.25 percentage point, effective on Friday, following a cut in March. The change does not apply to those financial institutions that have already adopted a 5 percent RRR.中国人民银行在14日的一份声明中表示,继3月份下调存款准备金率后,决定于2023年9月15日下调金融机构存款准备金率0.25个百分点(不含已执行5%存款准备金率的金融机构)。The cut will bring financial institutions' weighted average RRR to about 7.4 percent, according to the central bank.央行表示,本次下调后,金融机构加权平均存款准备金率约为7.4%。The move came amid signs of a nascent pickup in the country's economic momentum, with inflation and lending figures for August improving from July.此举正值中国经济势头初显回暖之际,8月份的通胀和贷款数据较7月份有所改善。


据美国一研究机构的最新调查显示,西方主流汽车厂商经常会在未经车主同意或知情的情况下,收集并出售他们的个人信息,甚至或未有法院命令的情况下,会给政府或执法部门提供这些信息。请看相关报道:Most major automakers admit they may sell consumers' personal information, and half say they share it with the government or law enforcement without a court order, according to a new survey released Wednesday by the nonprofit Mozilla Foundation.当地时间6日美国非营利机枃谋智基金会发布的一份最新调查显示,大多数主流汽车制造商承认它们可能会出售消费者的个人信息。此外一半的汽车制造商表示,他们会在没有法院命令的情况下与政府或执法部门分享这些信息。A survey of the world's top 25 car companies, including Tesla, Nissan, Hyundai, General Motors, Mercedes, and Audi, found that not a single company met Mozilla's minimum privacy standards.谋智对世界25家主流汽车公司进行了调查,这些公司包括特斯拉、日产、现代、通用、奔驰、奥迪等等。结果显示,没有一家公司能达到谋智的最低隐私标准。Mozilla has been studying data privacyin more than a dozen product categories since 2017, including fitness trackers, smart speakers and other connected home appliances, with cars scoring the lowest on privacy.谅智自2017年以来一直在研究十几个产品类别的数据隐私情况,其中包括健身追踪器,智能扬声器和其它联网家用电器汽车在隐私方面得分最低。Mozilla said there are microphones in the cars, and people have all sorts of sensitive conversations there.调查称,汽车里有麦克风,人们在车里进行各种敏感的对话。The car also has inward and outward cameras and various digital control consoles.车上还有向内和向外的摄像头、各种数字化的控制台等。Consumers have little or no control over what personal information is collected by their vehicles and to whom it is sold.消费者很少或根本无法控制他们的车辆会收集什么个人信息,以及这些信息会被出售给谁。Given the vulnerability of car manufacturers to hackers, data security in cars is a big concern.考虑到汽车制造商易受黑客玫击的情況,汽车的数据安全问题令人十分担忧。


近日,美国一名14岁少年在吃下超辣玉米片后不幸死亡。这再次引发了人们对追求极端辛辣食品的担忧。据报道,这名少年身体健康,但在吃下Paqui的“一片辣椒挑战”超辛辣玉米片仅几小时后就不幸离世。目前男孩死因尚未明确,薯片厂家已经下架该款产品。极端辛辣食品可能导致动脉痉挛、血流受限等健康风险。已有个案报告超级辛辣辣椒导致脑血管痉挛和心肌梗死。专家警告超辛辣食品的蒺藜硷含量已接近胡椒喷雾的辛辣程度,摄入高剂量可能危及生命。请看相关报道:Harris Wolobah, a healthy 14-year-old from Worcester, Massachusetts, tragically died last Friday, hours after eating a single ultra-spicy tortilla chipseasoned with two of the hottest peppers in the world.9月1日,美国马萨诸塞州伍斯特市一名14岁少年哈里斯·沃洛巴在吃下一块超辣玉米片数小时后身亡。据了解,该玉米片使用了全世界最辣的两种辣椒调味。男孩此前身体健康。The teen's mother, Lois Wolobah, reportedly picked up her son from school that day after getting a call from the nurse that he was sick. She arrived to see him clutching his stomach and took him home. About two hours later, he lost consciousness and was rushed to the hospital, where he died.报道称,哈里斯的母亲罗伊斯在接到护士的电话说儿子生病后,当天从学校接回儿子。她看到哈里斯抓着肚子,就带他回家了。大约两个小时后,哈里斯失去意识,被紧急送往医院,在医院去世。The teen had told his mother that he had eaten a Paqui chip—The 2023 Paqui One Chip Challenge chip, to be exact. Each chip is sold individually, wrapped in a foil pouch and packaged in a coffin-shaped box adorned with a skull, snakes, and a Grim Reaper. The box contains the challenge rules, which dare consumers to eat the whole chip and "wait as long as possible before drinking or eating anything"—and, of course, post reactions on social media.哈里斯告诉母亲,他吃了一片Paqui薯片——确切地说是2023年的Paqui One Chip Challenge玉米片。每片单独销售,包装在一个装有骷髅、蛇和死神图案的棺材形状盒子中。盒子里附有挑战规则,鼓励消费者吃完整片玉米片,并“尽可能长时间不喝水或进食”,当然,还要在社交媒体上发布反应。

